Monday, August 26, 2013

Video Update From Neil Keenan

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video Update From Neil Keenan
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Aug-2013 12:22:26


by Michael Henry Dunn
(Jakarta video production by Johannes “Jo” Hutabarat)
Ø How safe is your Western Union money? Banking cabal blocks Keenan’s wire transfers – no surprise there…
Ø Keenan allies detained at airports for days – but others slip through
Ø Jakarta Supreme Court backdates document in an attempt to illegally keep Martha Wibawa in prison
Ø Federal Reserve has a great idea – let’s reset the system…and cancel the Fed’s massive debts to the world! Don’t think so, boys – Keenan says, “think again.”
Ø Neil Keenan sends two messages: Cabal – you’re done. Americans – time to clean up our country.
Ø Two hard-hitting video messages from Keenan – worth your time.
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Anonymous said...

the u.s.a. is the melting pot of every race on earth, it will be hard to be attacked by most because there are relatives and countrymen who came to u.s. to be in the promised land where the working class status of many came here to find a future for their family and freinds. even if the promised land slogan was a twisted lie, it still remains the melting pot of the earth, more than any other place on earth, the elite better not forget that, for it means the whole world is watching the elite, THIS TIME.

Anonymous said...

Let the Chinese HANG Lord Rothschild

They're RESPONSIBLE ALSO for giving him the BALL

the last 100 Years. Hang the whole damn bankster

community! We didn't ever get shit!

our "Damages" for being SLAVED!!! NOW!

we're the country with the FOOD & Ingenuity

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone follow this alcoholic asswipe is beyond me.