Hi John, I have been reading and hearing
a lot about the Republic being restored, made official and other such
statements. I keep wondering which
Republic and who made it official?
There have been many attempts over the
years working to restore our true Republic form of government. Of the latest efforts, I only know of one that
has lawfully established the Original Jurisdiction by publishing public notices
in multiple newspapers and publishing=filing internationally. They have not been contacted by the military
about the defacto government coming down and the de jure government being
properly seated=placed. So who is in
this “Republic” that is being made official? A cabal-military-industrial-complex
backed façade perhaps? Is lawfull
process being ignored again?
I have also heard that Jack Lew obtained
funding for the Republic. Again which
Republic? The lawfully established Original Jurisdiction Republic has not been
contacted by Jack Lew about any funding.
But wait, why would Jack Lew need to get funding when the farm claims
lawsuit settlement and other historical lawsuit settlements like the
Regan-Mitterand-Wanta Protocols take care of this? Perhaps “their Republic” is
cabal based and do not want to obey all the stipulations and terms of the farm
claims settlement, which by the way is the basis of NESARA and not the Bill
Clinton cabal based hijacked version. So, folks, if NESARA is announced but the
farm claims are still not "paid in full" with full disclosure of the
"full conditions of the lawsuit" are we not in trouble?
Be careful on what is presented,
announced, and WHO is announcing it. This entire scenario I have been hearing
about for the last few weeks have the appearance of the “Good” Military and the
other “Good Guys” (who have been in the shadows and we are not sure who they
are or affiliated with) are putting in their own version of the Republic - so
they are still in control - and to hell with the people and any appearance of
The observations and thoughts from a
real live flesh and blood individual who has been inundated by lies for too
Maybe it's time for We The People to take action and remove Obama, as if he is still in office the Cabal is in control and Martial Law will become more strict!
When the Republic comes around it will be no different than when Tim Turner tried it!
How is it that Jack Lew has the US Treasury in charge but Millions of people are still paying the income tax to the IRS?
exactly... whenever you hear the same power names you are hearing more of the same...
Let's review body counts and incredible swindles during these "ghouls" reign for the last 5 decades if not centuries...
How gullible are we? How short is our memories? Does anyone bother to ever read historical accounts that are considered "fringe"? Because there is a reason whistleblowers and stomped on witnesses, kicked out of the system for questioning the system are on the fringe using the net to try and get their testimony into public consciousness...
and I agree with this commenters questions? Which Republic? Sounds like the mercenaries who are lining up for their New World Order Bonuses finally realized the best suit to wear was the blazer emblazoned with the crest of The Republic, since it has gained enough momentum to sound like the cavalry has arrived in a nick of time...
When has anyone of these people like Jack Lew discussed the birth certificate, Admiralty Law and the Corpse of the Corporation?
The Real...New Republic does discuss it and therefore they are the real Republic and the leaders of a sleeping giant who are still groggy and in need of a strong coffee...
THe Tim Turner RAP, quickly dissolved within a year, once those that wanted to see a true and Dejure Republic re-established. There is only one Republic that is involved in the re-seating of the Republic not under Admirality Judicial Law (The Buck Act) and that is lawfully researching and noticing the proper channels. Those of us that are the soldiers armed with pen in hand, are the ones that are driven to change back to the Organic, and Original foundations that founded our country without the violence, and without the corruption of egotistical, self-made dictators. Be Careful, and research the FOUR Branches of Government. Clue: Dejure Grand Jury has presidence over the other three branches of Government.
Agree! Same game, different face!
Same shit , Shiny new wrapper. God's Original Jurisdiction is the only one. Take my Rights and i take your life.
I see people who hav0e not at all studied in to the inner workings of all that is to come, instead you choose to follow the old way, the old way of thinking and believing, it's time to remove yourselves from this paradoxical foundation and move on, study a bit.
Yes it is true their has been for a very long time a very powerful evil force behind our so called world leaders for way to long, however, your going to need to start to look in to things on a much deeper levle to start to truly understand whats gong on here, for far to many of you, it's becomes much more easier for you to think that it can never get better and that the old control structure will simply change their face and trick you into the same ole, same ole, however, once you commit yourself to looking at everything a bit deeper for yourselves, I assure you that you will see and have a much better handle as to whats really going on.
It's important for each of you to get to your own understanding, otherwise for instance if I tell you, it's just another smuck telling you what to think and believe, you do not need that, you seek the truth and yet far to little many of yo are willing to do the work to find it, as I said its much more easy to just simply follow the old and go with it, right everything off as a scam and nothing could ever happen for the betterment of humanity than it is to actually find out whats going on. everyone has a piece of the truth but no one has all the truth so your discernment is key to navigate this ride called life. do your own due diligence as you have been told countless times.
I don't mean to be a hard ass, but then again, maybe the baby sitting days and holding hands are over. be self responsible, there is adequate information today so you have no ore excuses to take the lazy way out of understanding
What a joke. When are people going to wake up and "get it" that you never had a government? The organic constitution and so called republic people are claiming they want to "restore" was just as much foreign to you as is the current government is. When the so called King released his claim on the people and all people became free from being deemed his subjects. every man, woman and child became their own free independent King and a government unto themselves individually.
In other words no such thing as government existed. Then within a few short years a select group of men who most call the founders, those men chose together for THEMSELVES and create THEMSELVES their own foreign corporation they called United States. Those men had NO AUTHORITY by the people to create that government for all the free people. What those men created was never brought before the free people to obtain their approval. Those men created for THEMSELVES AND ONLY THEMSELVES that foreign corp government for THEIR PERSONAL prosperity that government. Those men who are the actual signers of that original CON-stitution are the "We the People" that preamble begins with. As in, WE these select group of men who will sign this document create this foreign entity for our own personal prosperity...
YOU as private people were never a party to it! Their own court even told you that in 1856.
When a number of the board members (CONgress) walked out never to return, THEIR foreign corporate CON-stitutional government completely dissolved itself. That is when its President/CEO Lincoln had no choice but to turn their defunct government over to its Military placing everything left into the hands of its Military.
Under its Military control in 1871 the Military created themselves a new foreign corporation that still operates today. The United States, Inc., is a Military corporation. So do not depend on any help from the military with assisting in your plans to overthrow its corporation. It ain't ever gonna happen!
Why do you thing think the Military receives the largest portion of all its revenues? Because the Military is the owner of United States, Inc., and the owners of every corporation always takes the largest percentage of its corporate income!
Why do you think every single government building and court room ALL display Military Flags? They are ALL under the Military corporation called United States.
There was some woman I think from Iowa who was running for Senator and who ended up dropping out of that race after learning this government was never a legit government of the people. She joined with one of these groups claiming to be the republic wanting to restore the organic government they BELIEVE was by the people, but actually no such government ever existed in this country.
Right around that time is when there was the big exposure with the government buying up all those weapons and ammunition. This woman said how big this movement was getting and was set up in every State. Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what they are planning. They are preparing to round up all these people for rebellion and insurrection for attempting to overthrow their military corporation, United States, they call their government.
The TRUTH is there is no need to meddle with that military government and no need to establish some new one. Learn to PROPERLY use the tools you were given to operate that Name you USE properly and the military corp government will no longer be a problem for you. Everything has already been in place. YOU are the one who has to USE it properly! Because of your MISUSE of it you are being treated as a belligerent which is the only reason you keep losing more and more rights.
I agree why all this between the lines hinging and fringing...No mention of NESARA but everything is hinged on it and announcements. Some off Earth and Inner Earth Good Guys but they cannot be reached or communicated with openly...
I read or heard that Americans had the government they wanted.
I know that as truth. When 'everyone' was a US Citizen, they had a government that treated them like the citizens they were. Giving up liberty for protection, finding their own brothers and sisters suspicious and everyone is guilty; because if they have nothing to hide they'd allow illegal search and seizures.
Then some people woke up, stopped being US Citizens, and our own brothers and sisters want to call them 'illegals' as if they don't belong here because they renounced their citizenship and left the corporation.
Well those people stepped into the Republic that had no governing body.
It would make sense that the Republic exists for those who are not members of the corporation, as enough have stepped out of the corporations de facto that they have kept track and have actually allowed articles and news media to discuss the people who have dropped out.
Then those that stay in, and get mad at people for not being 'in', sit around and say nothing has changed.
The ones doing the changing see the changes. The ones waiting to see the changes don't know what to look for nor know what they are looking at.
I love us all, so I'm only making generalities, but I have always felt the people would go to war with the wrong side because they don't know and can't see the true battle is within and at the soul level.
Yes, the perceived bad guy could have a puppetmaster who was removed, and now is a good guy and you can't tell because he looks the same, walks the same, and talks the same, except when he talked before it was lies passing as truth, and now he speaks the truth that people perceive is a lie.
Discernment is more than a word.
Live in Truth, speak the truth, and you'll know the truth when it crosses your path in words, media, text, video, or other means.
I didn't ask for that. I don't know their crimes specifically. I didn't witness their acts of wrongdoing. I will not call for a blanket kidnapping and indefinite detention of people I don't know.
I speak for me.
Dear John,
In trying to figure out what side of the fence you are on is impossible, I understand that your just offering whats out their in our current cyber-land of Intel and mass confusion, however, I am not sure, for me I am very positive things are going to change for the better and you post a lot of that type of stuff, then the next time I come on here, I see post like this one above and I understand the diversity in your posting but at the same time I am not certain that is it helping us or hurting us more.
I also know or at least feel that no one person has all the answers and that you want to cover all fround for a multitude of viewers and maybe I am wrong IDK.
The problem is, we the overall viewer of this page are getting a mixed signal, post like this one nsert a lot of doubt and fear that this is just another scam of the dark ones and I do not and will not subscribe to that idea, not saying its gong to be all peaches and cream, but are we trying to send a positive or a negative message here, I do not know your stance on anything at this time, maybe it would be helpful to pick one side or another and stick with it, because I have to be honest here, its inserting a lot of doubt and uncertainty, is that what we want, is it the purpose of this form to confuse even future than an already overwhelming mass confusion, what is the original of this blog spot, where do you come from and what is driving you to do it in the first place, I would like to know these things but I can only speak for myself.
Agreed. Please, John-from an avid visitor- do pick a side. Blessings. Kay
It's fine for you to say you have discerned the truth.
We who have been searching and following current events in both the mainstream and alternative media have had to struggle through disinfo from shills and trolls and corporate bullshit.
If you know whats truly going on then state it clearly and back it up!
Since the US first went into bankruptcy the congress no longer represents the people but represents the creditors to the bankruptcy as trustees. You elect bankruptsy trustees not representatives of the people.
The pope declared the US bankruptcy over as of July 1, 2013 and all debts paid.
If he can declare this then he owned everything.
He has also declared effective September 1, 2013 all immunity of administrators from top to bottom of the Holy See are no longer immune from prosecution.
So if all Corporations fall under the Holy See I think we can lawfully throw out the Cabal.
Let's do it.
Exactly! Suddenly everything we have been waiting on has twisted into some possible Cabal trick. Who on earth can believe you guys anymore when we are led on with "Yes, yes, yes!" and then suddenly it looks like, "Aw,, forget it, it looks like we are just being fooled again."? How can I trust ANY of you if everytime you spend weeks telling us it is coming, and you don't seem to mention the possibility that we are all being fooled until THE TAIL END of your weeks of hype.
Which is it!!! I have no dollars or dinars and feel I am being deceived even by those who seem to be on my side!
GOD DAMMIT ALREADY!!!... WHICH IS IT, ALREADY??? Am I still a slave -- broke unless I succumb to the Cabals slave world, or am I a sovereign human with abundance and freedom?
Which is it, Ben,,, Casper,,, Poof,,, Joker,,, Oilman... and all the rest of you.... WHICH IS IT, ALREADY!!!?
EVERYONE, PLEASE NOTE: The US has been under martial law since the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln put it in place. When he was assassinated, it was never rescinded. It remains in effect.
This is fear pron at it's finest, John, it seems to many of us that you yourself are unsure of whats going on with the BIG picture, this IMHO is nothing more than fear, we are at the end game where we all knew that it would be ugliest and yet this crap get posted all over the place.
In my view, this is doing nothing but working towards the dark side, when ever anyone post this stuff it becomes clear that the poster either does not totally understand or they are working for the dark agenda, I believe you simply do not see the bigger picture and I have no reason to beleive your are working for the dark side of the moon.
This time we are in is very critical, the timeline is such that the dark side has lost, there is no question in my mind, to insert a fear based and negative story now can only slow the progress that has been made thus far, so you can do as you wish, just know and be very aware of what this type of information is doing,
Be at peace.
From what I can determine, John has picked a side...the side of truth, whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong. Read the letter again...it was a heads up that the cabal appears to be trying an end play around the people again. Pick a side...is this grade school or what!!! BJ
Its not mixed signals, it is realtime information and from the data points being gathered, there appears to be a good chance that the cabal is trying to hijack the process so they control both sides, just like they do in any war conflict. If you can't comprehend that, then please go back to sleep and keep you head in the sand. John is just trying to make people aware and bring the bad guys plans into the light to defuse them.
"Ask and keep on asking and you shall receive, seek and keep on seeking and you shall find, knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened unto you." "You have not because you ask not, and when you ask you ask amiss." Arrest on warrant for high crimes is not "kidnapping." Many others are Asking. We The People are Many. Does your moral compass point North or is it broken?
Love to all during these troubled times.
But the one thing that the entrepreneur values over all others is freedom–the freedom to experiment, invent and produce. The one thing that the entrepreneur dreads is government intervention. Government taxation and regulation are the means by which social planners punish and restrict the man or woman of ideas.
Mr Ed won't you please consider publishing the complete passionate article. We just want to be. Many of us came into this world hoping to be the fullest expression of our Creator. Thank you.
There's been a plan to restore our Republic for decades and a behind the scenes investigation with whistle-blowers right and left, anonymously, of course, to continue collecting intel and evidence. A blanket arrest is not seeing that justice is done according to our Constitution, but would also engulf the "good guys" who have been working from the inside. No matter how enraging the situation or information, we must all maintain calm and stay grounded. IMHO, there is a (daily) attempt to incite a civil or revolutionary war, which would be exactly what they want, the end of America. Corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was foreclosed on 12/25/2013 in the ITCCJ (International Courts under the UCC codes). It is all quite legal, binding, irreversable and a blessing beyond. :-) He's in control - give thanks and praise!
Why don't we post this story instead of all the doubt stories. things are a changing, we can ignore it, pretend that it does not exist and move on or we can paint both sides
John, please post this story
You are asking mere humans, complete with fallibility, limitations and the same challenges as most human beings. You have just damned the entity who is the One you probably should be consulting, as God has the power of abundance and He hears you. Stay calm and please don't shoot the messengers! Peace!
BELIEVE - "The meek shall inherit the Earth". In His time, though we are all in good company! Peace
I have pondered for a while, "The meek shall inherit the Earth", But what exactly is the one called "Meek"? If it is someone that stays on the neutral ground, does not stand for Divine Justice, does not get involved for the Rightous, etc, then I guess they would inherit the Earth, As I understand in the end The Earth as we know it goes away, and from the heavens the new Jerusalem shall desend. Revelation 21.
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