Thursday, August 1, 2013

Why is the US Trying to Destroy the Dollar?

Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 2:13 PM

Subject: Why is the US Trying to Destroy the Dollar?

There has been a lot of discussion in our circles about the insanity
on display in Washington when it comes to spending and our monetary

Although they've "talked the talk" of balancing the budget and limiting
the debt for 40 years they've never "walked the walk". Sure, the Clinton
Administration appeared to make some inroads...but it was all smoke and
mirrors. In the Clinton years they changed all the rules about what to report
in order to make it look like things were getting better but it was all a con.
They just changed all the reporting calling Social Security payments
"revenue" to offset even more spending and changing the components of the
CPI to mask the real inflation rate.

The reality is that since March 31, 1982 the plan of the United States of America
has been to destroy the US Dollar and return to a true Constitutional Gold Standard.
This was the day that the Gold Commission Report was released with the following
statement in the conclusion...
Why the US is Trying to Destroy the Dollar?

It's been a long drawn out process to return the United States to a sound monetary
system, and the End Game continues but it will not last forever. The underlying
fundamentals that caused the crash that hit in 2008 were not fixed - just hidden and
are resurrecting very rapidly around the world.

Are you ready for it?

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Tomorrow's Friday Road Trip deals with things going on today that won't hit
the mainstream media for decades.

Think about took the NY Times over 10 years to report on the banksters
rigging the commodity markets through warehouse fraud even though GATA
had told them all about it in the late 1990's! 

Stay ahead of the curve and get your FREE Road to Roota coin by signing up for a Private Road membership!

1 comment:

Jay W said...

I have always had my suspicions about this mouth piece , he should be smart enough to know there is NO US Dollar , of course he knows, but he also knows that you the sheeple have No Clue there is not a US Dollar , hasn't been one since 1913 at the minimum , what there is in place, a fraud if you will is called a Federal Reserve Note , do your home work, and since 1913 the Federal Reserve Note has lost 95% or its value , He knows this , and he is pretty CONfident that you the sheeple don't , conclusion this man is either a Liar / CONman or else not very smart, you figure that out for yourselves.............