Sunday, September 15, 2013

Obama and McCain and Kerry want to support these animals!!!

Obama and McCain and Kerry want to support these animals!!! 


Pictures speak louder than words.
This is from the French and it shows the evil done by
the Syrian faction that the Usurper wants to support.

Kindly advise the Senator to thank the French for making her aware.

Dick Marple, Sui Juris  VFW

The Muslims at work against Christians in Syria! Do we want to support either side of that Syria Civil War??
You wont see this on USA TV as it doesnt involve Blacks or Liberals!
here is the translation

This is an example of what is happening to Christians in Syria.
  See pic below  ....She was raped by 20 men before being tortured
and ended badly heart ripped from her chest down, and the crucifix stuck in her throat.
Is there still a human conscience in our free world and is there fearless media who talk and denounce such savagery?

A circulating!         Let our bravest journalists ...

Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 15:58:57 +0100Subject: Tr : Fwd: TR: Tr : L'horreur à son paroxysme.ATROCE!!!!To:


 attention  Image  Choc !un exemple

des atrocités
que subissent les Chrétiens en SYRIE

par ceux-là mêmes que la France va soutenir comme le propose irresponsablement le gouvernement......? ?????

 Voilà un exemple de ce que subissent les chrétiens en SYRIE.
 Elle a été violée par 20 hommes avant d’être torturée
et achevée cruellement
le coeur arraché de la poitrine et le crucifix enfoncé dans la gorge
 Y a-t-il encore une conscience humaine dans notre monde libre  et y-a-t-il des médias courageux, qui en parlent et qui dénoncent une telle sauvagerie ?
 A faire circuler !!!
Soyons plus courageux que nos journalistes...
"Pray" and let God worry about it"... Martin Luther
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Anonymous said...

Don't allow the Military to go to Syria.. Send Obama, Congress, and the Senate ! Good riddance to them all !

Dan said...

For EVERY American that has some sort of Power to take these 3 Down then do so, or else you will find that you will be charged and prosecuted as a co-conspirator!
In DUE TIME, Obama will make sure you convert to being a Muslim or DIE, as you DO NOT Support their religion!

Anonymous said...

Whether it be against Ambassador Stevens, our American military, Syrians or Christians and humanity worldwide, the demonic atrocities being committed by the muslim extremists are beyond my ability to comprehend. WHY is bozo preparing to anihilate Syria? WHY are innocent people going to be made to suffer unfathomable atrocities as this precious young lady at the hands of those 'elitists' in power and control, for the express purpose of obtaining their goals and objectives - namely control over the entire planet and the culling of the world's population by at least two thirds? What could this precious young lady have done to deserve even a thought of such criminal abusive behavior, much less the actual performance of it? There is no punishment on earth or in hell that can possibly make up for what was done to her, and for what is taking place at the hands of the muslims. WHY aren't these demons being sought out FOR PUNISHMENT AND/OR EXTINCTION - WITHOUT BOMBING ALL THE INNOCENT PEOPLE IN SYRIA? WHY must the entire Syrian population be FORCED to suffer at the hands of not only these demons, but the demons in Washington, DC that are ordering these attacks and supplying weaponry to accomplish them? America, you have not yet experienced such as this, but your days are coming. While you eat, sleep, play games and continue your selfish paths, the criminals who run your nation are planning for these same events to be occurring on your shores beginning very soon. Are you ready to stand up for your faith in Christ? Are you ready to suffer the atrocities that are being committed worldwide at the hands of your criminal Nazi 'government' against innocents in other nations? What you allow them to commit in your name is coming back to you. Americans simply do not have the balls to take down this criminal regime. Few of you are wise enough to know from whence your 'help' cometh - therefore there has not been national repentance for America's sins before the Father. His hand of protection over America was withdrawn years ago, and His judgment on America has been increasing exponentially. What Americans have allowed to be done against others in their name is about to come back on her. May the Lord have mercy.

Anonymous said...

the biggest problem with this post is the reference to a "civil war." There is no civil war taking place in Syria. These "rebels" are foreign mercenaries funded by CIA and Mossad. This is put out to inflame and garner support for an invasion into Syria which will signal the beginning of WWIII. Why are you posting such blatant propaganda? Israel is desperate to get this war started. Put the spotlight where it belongs. NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL!

Dan said...

Obama is putting troops into Egypt to go thru Israel to get to Syria!
Once this happens the world would surround Israel for war!
Now that Israel would support this WWIII then it could be interpreted as Armageddon, but the AntiChrist hasn't shown up yet!
At this point the Jesuits would claim that the views of Christians are full of Hot Air!

Anonymous said...

what kind of evil creatures would perpetrate this attrocity? It only proves that some of our humanity has succomed to diabolic desires to rid the world of Christian principles. May God intervene and send these vile beings to a life without redemption and destroy their souls forever, to be sent to the Scource for destruction!
May our loving Lord bless and reclaim this woman into the Light for all eternity!