Corporate honchos to help wage 'propaganda war' for American mind
Leo Hohmann
Apr 10 2016
Bob Iger, Rupert Murdock, Michael Bloomberg and Bill Marriott are just a few of the corporate execs working to help cities become sanctuaries for migrants – legal and illegal – while offering money to propagate a rosy view of immigrants’ impact on the economy.
The corporate honchos led by Bloomberg and Disney’s Iger have teamed up with the nation’s mayors in an organization called the Partnership for a New American Economy. PNAE announced March 29 it has picked 20 cities from among dozens of competing applications for a grant program based on their “welcoming” attitude toward immigrants, refugees and other “New Americans.”
The 20 cities awarded the “Gateways for Growth Award” are:
• Akron and Summit County, Ohio
• Anchorage, Alaska
• Birmingham, Alabama
• Brownsville, Texas
• Columbus, Ohio
• Detroit
• Fargo, North Dakota
• Houston
• Indianapolis
• Kansas City, Kansas/Missouri
• Lancaster, Pennsylvania
• Los Angeles
• Macomb County, Michigan
• Nashville, Tennessee
• New Orleans
• Phoenix and the state of Arizona
• Pittsburgh
• San Jose, California
• Salt Lake County, Utah
• Upstate New York region (Syracuse/Buffalo)
At least half are already considered “sanctuary cities” and the others will be moving in that direction based on their willingness to compete for a grant that requires greater “inclusiveness” and cultural diversity.
To be eligible for the grants a nonprofit had to partner with either a local government or Chamber of Commerce. The grants are to be used primarily for “educating” the public on the merits of expanded immigration.
PNAE works with the George Soros-funded groups National Immigration Forum and Welcoming America to educate Americans about the wonders of mass immigration. They say it creates economic growth and vitality and the more immigrants and refugees that flow into a city, state or county the more prosperity they can expect to enjoy.
“These communities are leaders in the broader and growing trend to be more inclusive, countering the narrative often heard in the mainstream news,” says David Lubell, who started Welcoming America in Nashville several years ago with seed money from Soros. “Inclusive economic growth strategies that take into account both U.S. and foreign-born communities make cities more vibrant, attractive places for all residents to live, work, and thrive.”
Lubell’s organization is hosting a national strategy session April 19-21 in Atlanta in which it will share techniques on how to “build welcoming community campaigns.”
“The Welcoming movement continues to grow, and hundreds of national and international leaders will gather in Atlanta to exchange ideas and forge relationships,” according to Lubell’s website. “In an election year, heated political rhetoric brings new challenges, but together, we’ll explore how to overcome the divisiveness and make the most of this welcoming moment.”
Lubell is also a consultant in the Obama administration’s “Building Welcoming Communities Campaign.”
Full-on propaganda assault expected
Critics of Lubell, the PNAE and their funders warn Americans in the 20 chosen cities to expect a massive propaganda campaign which will likely include some of their own elected officials.
Part of the strategy of Lubell and the White House is to co-opt local mayors and city councils and brainwash them with doctored studies and flawed data that suggests refugees and illegal immigrants will bring economic prosperity when in fact they are a drain on the local taxpayers, say critics.
Study after study both private and public has shown that refugees, especially those from the Middle East, are heavy welfare users. And the burden on school systems is also well-documented.
A government report issued in June 2015 by the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement shows the unemployment rates of refugees in 2014 well above those found in the general population. The jobless rates for refugees range from 38 percent in Minnesota to 53 percent in Michigan, 54 percent in Texas, 62 percent in Florida, 68 percent in Ohio and 69 percent in California, according to the report. (See employment rates in map below)
The 20 cities awarded the “Gateways for Growth Award” are:
• Akron and Summit County, Ohio
• Anchorage, Alaska
• Birmingham, Alabama
• Brownsville, Texas
• Columbus, Ohio
• Detroit
• Fargo, North Dakota
• Houston
• Indianapolis
• Kansas City, Kansas/Missouri
• Lancaster, Pennsylvania
• Los Angeles
• Macomb County, Michigan
• Nashville, Tennessee
• New Orleans
• Phoenix and the state of Arizona
• Pittsburgh
• San Jose, California
• Salt Lake County, Utah
• Upstate New York region (Syracuse/Buffalo)
At least half are already considered “sanctuary cities” and the others will be moving in that direction based on their willingness to compete for a grant that requires greater “inclusiveness” and cultural diversity.
To be eligible for the grants a nonprofit had to partner with either a local government or Chamber of Commerce. The grants are to be used primarily for “educating” the public on the merits of expanded immigration.
PNAE works with the George Soros-funded groups National Immigration Forum and Welcoming America to educate Americans about the wonders of mass immigration. They say it creates economic growth and vitality and the more immigrants and refugees that flow into a city, state or county the more prosperity they can expect to enjoy.
“These communities are leaders in the broader and growing trend to be more inclusive, countering the narrative often heard in the mainstream news,” says David Lubell, who started Welcoming America in Nashville several years ago with seed money from Soros. “Inclusive economic growth strategies that take into account both U.S. and foreign-born communities make cities more vibrant, attractive places for all residents to live, work, and thrive.”
“The Welcoming movement continues to grow, and hundreds of national and international leaders will gather in Atlanta to exchange ideas and forge relationships,” according to Lubell’s website. “In an election year, heated political rhetoric brings new challenges, but together, we’ll explore how to overcome the divisiveness and make the most of this welcoming moment.”
Lubell is also a consultant in the Obama administration’s “Building Welcoming Communities Campaign.”
Full-on propaganda assault expected
Critics of Lubell, the PNAE and their funders warn Americans in the 20 chosen cities to expect a massive propaganda campaign which will likely include some of their own elected officials.
Part of the strategy of Lubell and the White House is to co-opt local mayors and city councils and brainwash them with doctored studies and flawed data that suggests refugees and illegal immigrants will bring economic prosperity when in fact they are a drain on the local taxpayers, say critics.
Study after study both private and public has shown that refugees, especially those from the Middle East, are heavy welfare users. And the burden on school systems is also well-documented.
A government report issued in June 2015 by the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement shows the unemployment rates of refugees in 2014 well above those found in the general population. The jobless rates for refugees range from 38 percent in Minnesota to 53 percent in Michigan, 54 percent in Texas, 62 percent in Florida, 68 percent in Ohio and 69 percent in California, according to the report. (See employment rates in map below)
And many of those who have jobs do not make enough to sustain their families so they must turn to food stamps and other programs to fill in the financial gaps created by their low-wage jobs.
So with PNAE’s money and Welcoming America’s public relations expertise, the 20 cities will be working hard to foster a different view of the recent immigrants who have flooded across the border from Central America, or been shipped here compliments of the Obama administration from a United Nations refugee camp in the Middle East.
“They want to manipulate the minds of the community and get Americans to believe mass immigration is going to be good for them, that they’re all going to benefit from the influx of more and more migrants,” said Ann Corcoran, author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog. “It’s a mind game to soften up the receiving communities.”
The mayors and CEOs have different reasons for championing migrants, neither of which have much to do with humanitarian zeal.
The mayors know that by attracting new immigrants, legal and illegal, they will boost their political clout in the state legislatures and in Congress. That’s because the prevailing method of setting congressional districts – a process called apportionment – is based on a head-count of a city’s total population, rather than counting only American citizens or registered voters. This method was challenged by the state of Texas but was upheld last week by a unanimous decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Mayors are also looking for ways to replace Americans who are not reproducing as fast as they once were. “This is one method by which you can expand the economy and fill economic bubbles by pumping in foreign migrants on top of the rapidly dying and shrinking people of America,” said William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration or ALIPAC. “It fixes many businesses and industries on paper while contributing to the factors that are behind the implosion of America’s current native population. Americans are currently dying more than we are reproducing.”
Following the European model
This is the same dilemma European countries have been grappling with for a much longer period, since World War II. To replace their dying native populations and prop up their pay-as-you-go retirement systems, political leaders imported young immigrants from Turkey, Morroco, Pakistan, Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan.
A recent demographic study shows that American white men and women ages 45 to 54 years old have been dying at “alarming rates” between 1999 and 2013, the Washington Post reported.
“Drugs and alcohol, and suicide … are clearly the proximate cause,” said Angus Deaton, the 2015 Nobel laureate in economics, who co-authored the paper with his wife, Anne Case. Both are economics professors at Princeton University.
Mark Steyn referred to this phenomenon in his book “America Alone” and postulated that it is leading to the death of Europe. The continent has entered a period of “civilizational exhaustion,” Steyn said, where the native population loses the will to reproduce and defend its borders.
Now the Obama administration, with the help of Soros and his army of well-funded non-governmental organizations, is working to “spread the wealth” of immigration from traditional gateway cities like New York, L.A., Chicago and Miami to smaller cities and counties like Nashville, Tennessee; Brownsville, Texas; Fargo, North Dakota; and Macomb County, Michigan.
Global elites have been accused of fomenting the decline of Western Civilization by promoting abortion and sterile same-sex relationships, then replacing the missing bodies with people from the Third World in a massive population shift.
“This is a takeover, a socialist overthrow of the United States,” Gheen said. “And these stronghold cities will give them political dominion over all conservatives and what remains of the countryside, and once this plan reaches a certain level there is no turning back and every socialist dream they ever had will take place, including locking up conservatives that say things they don’t like.”
The CEOs involved in PNAE are happy to work with the mayors to flood cities with immigrants. But they may have different reasons for buying into the same multicultural vision.
Big corporations are in constant search of cheap foreign labor and they’re willing to go to great lengths to ensure access to the most affordable “human capital." This is where the United Nations comes in with its plan for global wealth redistribution masked as “inclusiveness” and “sustainability.”
The current massive population shift is seen by the U.N. as a way to redistribute the wealth from the industrialized nations to the developing world.
In U.N. documents, as well as those coming out of the IMF, World Trade Organization and World Bank, the globalist elites often talk about the need to encourage the “free flow of labor” or “labor mobility” across borders. The U.N. delved into this issue for the first time in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, signed by some 190 heads of state last fall in New York City.
Mass migration part of plan for ‘sustainability’
The U.N.’s “2030 Agenda,” which buttresses the now outdated “Agenda 21,” sets forth 17 goals to be reached worldwide by 2030 with the overarching mission of eliminating poverty through a massive program of wealth redistribution. The process is described by the U.N. as nothing short of a “global transformation” of world systems to bring them into balance, as defined by the U.N. globalists.
Goal 10 is to “Reduce inequality within and among countries.” Goal 10.7 states: “Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.” (This suggests that the mass migration into Europe and the U.S. is not an accidental “crisis.”)
10.a lays out the preferential treatment to be given to Third World nations: “Implement the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, in accordance with World Trade Organization agreements.”
The redistribution of wealth is further called for in the following targeted goals:
The document describes a “universal call to action” to “transform our world” with “inclusive economic growth” that “leaves no one behind.” It speaks of a transformation that will sweep away the old capitalist order and replace it with a new managed economy, which some see as pure socialism but others see as technocracy. Whatever one calls it, the U.N. authors promise us it will be different than anything we’ve ever seen or experienced.
“Transform is our watchword. At this moment in time we are called to lead and act with courage. We are called to embrace change. Change in our societies. Change in the management of our economies. Change in our relationship with our one and only planet,” the document states.
Using data to transform the world
The U.N.’s 2030 document also calls for a “data revolution” for sustainable development by which unelected technocrats will use data to manage and engineer the flow of labor and other means of production to assure growth is occurring in an “inclusive” manner.
“Mechanisms to review the implementation of goals will be needed, and the availability of and access to data would need to be improved, including the disaggregation of information by gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location, and other characteristics relevant to national contexts,” the document states in Goal 46 on page 13.
The U.N. document “demands policy coherence” by all nations in compliance with the “global common good.”
To assure that the level of change takes place, the document makes it clear that special focus will be placed on cultivating young minds.
The local governments will be held to account through new data-collection programs and face lawsuits or even the rewriting of their zoning laws if they do not comply with the new housing quotas.
This transformation will take place at the national, regional and global levels, the U.N. document states:
Patrick Wood, an expert in technocracy and global governance, said it’s highly significant that the U.N. included the migration issue in its 2030 Agenda.
Wood recently authored an article, “Sustainable development, migration and the multicultural destruction of the nation state” in which he laid much of the blame for Europe’s migrant invasion at the feet of Irish billionaire Peter Sutherland, the E.U. and the U.N. Sutherland is the European equivalent of George Soros in many ways. A wealthy banker/investor, he believes in open borders and is not afraid to invest in others who will work toward that same goal.
“The 2030 Agenda has for the first time included migration directly. I think that’s significant and something that few have picked up on,” Wood said.
Sutherland, the former chairman of BP who was also an executive with Goldman Sachs, said a multicultural society is the “pathway to sustainable development.”
Lakshmi Puri, the deputy director of the U.N. working group on women, affirmed that in a speech last week in which she said the 2030 Agenda “will be crucial for the economic empowerment of all migrants.”
“She was speaking to a convention about migration and she definitely ties the 2030 Agenda into migration and also into the sustainable development movement,” said Wood, an economist who authored the book
“Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation.”
Wood said Puri was channeling the dictates of Sutherland, a globalist who has been one of the architects of multiculturalism in Europe.
“The other thing I picked up on was her comment about the need to ‘leave no one behind.’ That’s a central theme of the 2030 Agenda but they never used it in the context of migration until now,” Wood told WND.
Puri said, “It’s our collective responsibility to deliver on the pledge of the 2030 agenda to leave no one behind.”
It’s also worth pointing out that George W. Bush used this same language when he championed the “No Child Left Behind” legislation. Was it a coincidence? Perhaps so, but he also spoke of Islam as the “religion of peace” that is not to be feared as he imported thousands of Muslim refugees from Iraq and Somalia.
“These people are determined to get 100 percent of the citizenry on board with everything they’re proposing — we see in education, we see it in immigration, and we see it in the move to go cashless,” Wood said. “And yet you cannot point to a single multicultural society in the world that has been successful,” he added. “Look at Sweden. Look at France, Belgium. They’re all a train wreck.”
So with PNAE’s money and Welcoming America’s public relations expertise, the 20 cities will be working hard to foster a different view of the recent immigrants who have flooded across the border from Central America, or been shipped here compliments of the Obama administration from a United Nations refugee camp in the Middle East.
“They want to manipulate the minds of the community and get Americans to believe mass immigration is going to be good for them, that they’re all going to benefit from the influx of more and more migrants,” said Ann Corcoran, author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog. “It’s a mind game to soften up the receiving communities.”
The mayors and CEOs have different reasons for championing migrants, neither of which have much to do with humanitarian zeal.
The mayors know that by attracting new immigrants, legal and illegal, they will boost their political clout in the state legislatures and in Congress. That’s because the prevailing method of setting congressional districts – a process called apportionment – is based on a head-count of a city’s total population, rather than counting only American citizens or registered voters. This method was challenged by the state of Texas but was upheld last week by a unanimous decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Mayors are also looking for ways to replace Americans who are not reproducing as fast as they once were. “This is one method by which you can expand the economy and fill economic bubbles by pumping in foreign migrants on top of the rapidly dying and shrinking people of America,” said William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration or ALIPAC. “It fixes many businesses and industries on paper while contributing to the factors that are behind the implosion of America’s current native population. Americans are currently dying more than we are reproducing.”
Following the European model
This is the same dilemma European countries have been grappling with for a much longer period, since World War II. To replace their dying native populations and prop up their pay-as-you-go retirement systems, political leaders imported young immigrants from Turkey, Morroco, Pakistan, Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan.
A recent demographic study shows that American white men and women ages 45 to 54 years old have been dying at “alarming rates” between 1999 and 2013, the Washington Post reported.
“Drugs and alcohol, and suicide … are clearly the proximate cause,” said Angus Deaton, the 2015 Nobel laureate in economics, who co-authored the paper with his wife, Anne Case. Both are economics professors at Princeton University.
Mark Steyn referred to this phenomenon in his book “America Alone” and postulated that it is leading to the death of Europe. The continent has entered a period of “civilizational exhaustion,” Steyn said, where the native population loses the will to reproduce and defend its borders.
Now the Obama administration, with the help of Soros and his army of well-funded non-governmental organizations, is working to “spread the wealth” of immigration from traditional gateway cities like New York, L.A., Chicago and Miami to smaller cities and counties like Nashville, Tennessee; Brownsville, Texas; Fargo, North Dakota; and Macomb County, Michigan.
Global elites have been accused of fomenting the decline of Western Civilization by promoting abortion and sterile same-sex relationships, then replacing the missing bodies with people from the Third World in a massive population shift.
“This is a takeover, a socialist overthrow of the United States,” Gheen said. “And these stronghold cities will give them political dominion over all conservatives and what remains of the countryside, and once this plan reaches a certain level there is no turning back and every socialist dream they ever had will take place, including locking up conservatives that say things they don’t like.”
The CEOs involved in PNAE are happy to work with the mayors to flood cities with immigrants. But they may have different reasons for buying into the same multicultural vision.
Big corporations are in constant search of cheap foreign labor and they’re willing to go to great lengths to ensure access to the most affordable “human capital." This is where the United Nations comes in with its plan for global wealth redistribution masked as “inclusiveness” and “sustainability.”
The current massive population shift is seen by the U.N. as a way to redistribute the wealth from the industrialized nations to the developing world.
In U.N. documents, as well as those coming out of the IMF, World Trade Organization and World Bank, the globalist elites often talk about the need to encourage the “free flow of labor” or “labor mobility” across borders. The U.N. delved into this issue for the first time in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, signed by some 190 heads of state last fall in New York City.
Mass migration part of plan for ‘sustainability’
The U.N.’s “2030 Agenda,” which buttresses the now outdated “Agenda 21,” sets forth 17 goals to be reached worldwide by 2030 with the overarching mission of eliminating poverty through a massive program of wealth redistribution. The process is described by the U.N. as nothing short of a “global transformation” of world systems to bring them into balance, as defined by the U.N. globalists.
Goal 10 is to “Reduce inequality within and among countries.” Goal 10.7 states: “Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.” (This suggests that the mass migration into Europe and the U.S. is not an accidental “crisis.”)
10.a lays out the preferential treatment to be given to Third World nations: “Implement the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, in accordance with World Trade Organization agreements.”
The redistribution of wealth is further called for in the following targeted goals:
- 10.b “Encourage official development assistance and financial flows, including foreign direct investment, to States where the need is greatest, in particular least developed countries, African countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, in accordance with their national plans and programs.”
- 10.c “By 2030, reduce to less than 3 percent the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 percent.”
The document describes a “universal call to action” to “transform our world” with “inclusive economic growth” that “leaves no one behind.” It speaks of a transformation that will sweep away the old capitalist order and replace it with a new managed economy, which some see as pure socialism but others see as technocracy. Whatever one calls it, the U.N. authors promise us it will be different than anything we’ve ever seen or experienced.
“Transform is our watchword. At this moment in time we are called to lead and act with courage. We are called to embrace change. Change in our societies. Change in the management of our economies. Change in our relationship with our one and only planet,” the document states.
Using data to transform the world
The U.N.’s 2030 document also calls for a “data revolution” for sustainable development by which unelected technocrats will use data to manage and engineer the flow of labor and other means of production to assure growth is occurring in an “inclusive” manner.
“Mechanisms to review the implementation of goals will be needed, and the availability of and access to data would need to be improved, including the disaggregation of information by gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location, and other characteristics relevant to national contexts,” the document states in Goal 46 on page 13.
The U.N. document “demands policy coherence” by all nations in compliance with the “global common good.”
To assure that the level of change takes place, the document makes it clear that special focus will be placed on cultivating young minds.
“Young people will be the torch bearers of the next sustainable development agenda through 2030. We must ensure that this transition, while protecting the planet, leaves no one behind. We have a shared responsibility to embark on a path to inclusive and shared prosperity in a peaceful and resilient world where human rights and the rule of law are upheld.”The U.N.’s call for a “data revolution” to bring about a radical transformation can be seen in several policy initiatives put forth by the Obama administration, from open borders to free Obamaphones (a great source of data collection), to Common Core and its obsession with mining data on student attitudes and beliefs, to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing plan in which cities and counties receiving block grants will be required to build low-rent housing in the middle of affluent suburbs.
The local governments will be held to account through new data-collection programs and face lawsuits or even the rewriting of their zoning laws if they do not comply with the new housing quotas.
This transformation will take place at the national, regional and global levels, the U.N. document states:
“They have called for a data revolution to make information and data more available, more accessible, and more broadly disaggregated, as well as for measurable goals and targets, and a participatory mechanism to review implementation at the national, regional, and global levels.”The role of expanded migration can be seen in PNAE’s lobbying Congress for an increased cap on H-1B visas, which allow foreign “guest workers” to come and stay up to six years. Companies like Disney have used the H-1B visa to replace hundreds of American tech workers with cheaper versions from India, China, Pakistan and elsewhere. Again, this represents a redistribution of wealth from middle class America to the Third World.
Patrick Wood, an expert in technocracy and global governance, said it’s highly significant that the U.N. included the migration issue in its 2030 Agenda.
Wood recently authored an article, “Sustainable development, migration and the multicultural destruction of the nation state” in which he laid much of the blame for Europe’s migrant invasion at the feet of Irish billionaire Peter Sutherland, the E.U. and the U.N. Sutherland is the European equivalent of George Soros in many ways. A wealthy banker/investor, he believes in open borders and is not afraid to invest in others who will work toward that same goal.
“The 2030 Agenda has for the first time included migration directly. I think that’s significant and something that few have picked up on,” Wood said.
Sutherland, the former chairman of BP who was also an executive with Goldman Sachs, said a multicultural society is the “pathway to sustainable development.”
Lakshmi Puri, the deputy director of the U.N. working group on women, affirmed that in a speech last week in which she said the 2030 Agenda “will be crucial for the economic empowerment of all migrants.”
“She was speaking to a convention about migration and she definitely ties the 2030 Agenda into migration and also into the sustainable development movement,” said Wood, an economist who authored the book
“Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation.”
Wood said Puri was channeling the dictates of Sutherland, a globalist who has been one of the architects of multiculturalism in Europe.
“The other thing I picked up on was her comment about the need to ‘leave no one behind.’ That’s a central theme of the 2030 Agenda but they never used it in the context of migration until now,” Wood told WND.
Puri said, “It’s our collective responsibility to deliver on the pledge of the 2030 agenda to leave no one behind.”
It’s also worth pointing out that George W. Bush used this same language when he championed the “No Child Left Behind” legislation. Was it a coincidence? Perhaps so, but he also spoke of Islam as the “religion of peace” that is not to be feared as he imported thousands of Muslim refugees from Iraq and Somalia.
“These people are determined to get 100 percent of the citizenry on board with everything they’re proposing — we see in education, we see it in immigration, and we see it in the move to go cashless,” Wood said. “And yet you cannot point to a single multicultural society in the world that has been successful,” he added. “Look at Sweden. Look at France, Belgium. They’re all a train wreck.”
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