23 Benefits of Coconut Oil And Why It’s So Darn Good for You
Originally Posted on Bembu
If you currently don’t use much coconut oil in your cooking, here are a list of benefits that will likely make you want to start. All oils are not created equally, and many of them are not beneficial to the body. But others, like olive oil have been shown to add extra health benefits. Coconut oil is the same way, with plenty of side benefits to taking it that make it a top contender to be the number one oil in your kitchen.

Diseases and Conditions
Prevents Cancer – This is probably the biggest reason to use coconut oil instead of other less healthy oils. Promising experiments with rats show that those given coconut oil were less likely to develop tumors and more able to fight off cancer cells that were intentionally injected into them. While the correlation between rats and humans is debatable, it’s a good idea to play it on the safe side and simply buy coconut oil next time you’re out.
Fights Jock Itch And Athlete’s Foot – This involves some of the topical uses of coconut oil, applying it directly to the affected area. Be sure to apply it several times a day in order to see the best results, and also add it to your diet so that you’re getting a daily intake of it as well. This is one all-natural treatment that gives you an alternative to using prescription medications and over the counter options so that you don’t have to resort to medicine to fix the problem.
Fights Off Candida Yeast Infections – This is one very helpful attribute of coconut oil, and it’s been proven time and time again to work well as an antifungal. The reason this is such a good idea is because it’s natural, so you’re not resorting to medicinal treatments found in stores or prescribed by a doctor. The nice thing is that you can simply drink this down, if you don’t want to use it in your cooking. Just be suto get a daily dose until your condition subsides.
Helps Cure Some STDs – The antimicrobial nature of coconut oil helps with some STDs that are bacteria based. One such example is chlamydia. The use of coconut oil is safe, and without side effects, and is also one treatment method that your doctors probably won’t tell you about. It’s one option to try before resorting to medications, either by prescription or bought over the counter. The same effect could responsible for other colds and diseases, so it’s a good idea to add this as part of a comprehensive treatment.

Good News for Dieters
Decreases Belly Fat – Belly fat is often the biggest offender when it comes to dieting. Most dieters say that they would want this problem area to go away. It just so happens that this is the area that is targeted by coconut oil. The waistline of those that took coconut oil instead of other oils decreased in a comparison test, with all else kept the same. If this is one of the areas you most want to treat you owe it to yourself to start taking in more coconut oil.
Helps In Weight Loss – The boost in metabolism is what does the trick, as this means you’ll be helping to burn calories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is because your metabolism is always working, so if you have a sluggish one you tend to gain weight easily and have trouble losing it. If you speed it up you are able to burn more and more calories without doing anything extra like more exercise.
Controls Blood Sugar Levels – This is one huge reason to add coconut oil to your diet, since blood sugar levels have a direct impact on you ability to lose weight and keep it off. For many, getting ahold of their blood glucose peaks and valleys is enough to do the trick and help stabilize their weight. It also plays a big part in how sluggish or energetic you feel throughout the day. Keeping it stable means that you can stay focused and alert all the time.
Provides Energy by Stimulating the Thyroid – The fatty acids in coconut oil are effective at getting the thyroid going, which in turn keeps your body more energetic. This leads to feelings of increased energy, which leads to you being more active throughout the day, and in turn burns more calories, resulting in weight loss. A productive thyroid also has plenty of other health benefits for the body and your overall well-being. Just more reasons to start using it regularly.
Improves Digestion – A sluggish digestion means that you’re going to have a tougher time losing weight because your body isn’t absorbing the nutrients and minerals from the food you’re eating. It can also lead to putrification of foods in your digestive system, which can make your body more toxic and lead to waste being stored unnecessarily. Improving your digestion is one way coconut oil can help you lose weight, feel lighter, and be healthier all at once.
You may also like our list of 23 Green Tea Benefits.

Overall Health and Wellness
Strengthens the Entire Immune System – This is good news if you’ve noticed that you catch colds and viruses easily. You can bank on this being effective at killing off things like the flu bug, measles, and even bigger concerns like Hepatitis C and HIV. The reason cited is the presence of medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil that kill off viruses and bacteria that lead to a host of problems. A strengthened immune system only yields benefits with no drawbacks.
Detoxifies the Body – If you’re looking for a way to have a cleaner body internally, you should add coconut oil to your detox regimen. It works to cleanse the body from the inside out, and the result is that you get a well-balanced digestive system, and are cleansed of several impurities and toxins that would otherwise fester in your body and contribute to other problems. A nice side benefit is that this sets you up for effortless weight loss.
Dissolve Kidney Stones – If you have a family history of kidney stones and are worried that you’re going to get them too, you should start taking coconut oil every day. This can help break them down so they are easy and painless to pass in your urine. The result is that you have less likelihood of developing problems in your kidney and gallbladder. Helpful if you have problems also have a family history of problems with these organs.
Heals Bruises Faster – A nice side benefit is that you’ll notice that your bruises heal more quickly. This is because the tissue that is underneath your bruise end up getting repaired at a faster rate. You can both rub it onto your bruise or take it as a supplement so that you get the benefit of both the outside use and internal use. This might not be enough of a reason to start using it more, but if you remember to that it works next time you have a bruise you’ll be all set.

Fantastic Side Benefits
Increases Sex Drive – Here’s a fun effect of coconut oil that will probably send you to the store directly if you’ve been lagging behind in this area. It doesn’t happen for everyone that takes it, but a significant number to make it worthwhile and worth a try. Possible reasons are that it contains antioxidants which break down free radicals that can lead to a lowered libido and overall drive. This is one all-natural remedy to try before resorting to other means.
Increases Good Cholesterol – Coconut oil might have gotten a bad rap in the days when anything that raised your cholesterol levels was considered bad. But now that they’ve determined the difference between good and bad cholesterol it shows that this actually works to increase the level of good cholesterol. The cells of your body need healthy levels of good cholesterol and this is one good way to make that happen.
Combats Tooth Decay – It’s interesting that there are all-natural substances that can help to battle off tooth decay. But it only makes sense that some foods lead to tooth decay that others would help turn things around. The way it works is to help stymie the growth of the bacteria responsible for tooth decay. A great way to help keep the teeth healthy in between dental checkups!

Skin, Hair, and Bones
Moisturizes Skin – Here’s a way to get supple and soft skin without having to resort to expensive anti-aging products with sketchy claims. You can use it topically to help with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If your skin is excessively dry, and is showing the signs of aging, you will find benefit greatly from the use of coconut oil. Add it to your nightly routine, moisturizing your entire body, or just your problem areas before you go to bed.
Conditions Hair – Dry and frizzy hair is a problem for many people, and there are so many conditioners on the market that you might feel that nothing can help you if you’ve tried a lot of them. But many report that coconut oil works better, and it’s totally natural and free of all of the sorts of additives and artificial colors, scents, and dyes. It’s supposed to leave your hair feeling well-moisturized and you don’t have to do anything special other than apply it to your hair.
Strengthens Bones – If you’re worried about conditions like osteoporosis than you should probably get more coconut oil into your life. It’s shown promise in rat studies to be able to increase bone volume and increase bone structure. So while a lot of attention gets placed on calcium, you can get more coconut oil so that you can take a more comprehensive approach to stronger, more dense bones throughout your body.
Lubricates Skin For Shaving – One interesting way to use coconut oil is as a shaving cream. It’s been reported that the oil does a fantastic job of getting the skin ready for a shave, and that it has a detoxifying effect other shaving creams lack, you know the ones that you buy in stores that are supposed to be specially formulated for shaving. Since it also moisturizes it’s like you’re getting multiple products in one, and it’s easier to rinse out of the razor as well.

A Wonder Oil
Relieves Stress – Want to chill out with an all-natural product? This is one way to get into a relaxed state. If you’re getting a massage try using coconut oil as the massage lotion. Using it around the head and neck is very soothing, and even the smell can help you relax. Taking it internally can also have a similar effect, so it simply makes sense to have this be on your daily list of foods to take in.
Slows Down Aging – This is perhaps one of the most encouraging reasons to start using more coconut oil. It’s a healthy fat filled with antioxidants, and it helps your cardiovascular system. An improved cardiovascular system coupled with better-looking skin is a sure way to turn back the clock, or at least slow it down so you get more good years. Looking younger is great, but it should also help you feel younger as well.
Kills Germs – Those medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are at it again, this time helping to kill all sorts of germs, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is one of the main properties of coconut oil, and more than half of it is packed with acids that act to neutralize these germs. This is quite useful for a number of reasons, and like Shrek says, it’s better out than in, so it’s better to get these germs out of the body than to have them stay in and do damage.

Coconut Oil FAQ
Does coconut oil get rid of cellulite?
The medium chain fatty acids are said to help break down the cellulite in your body, which is welcome news to those that have been battling this pesky problem. Of course you shouldn’t rely on coconut oil on its own, but used as part of a comprehensive approach you should see some improvement.
Does coconut oil taste like coconut?
Even though it is derived from coconuts, the taste of coconut oil is not the same as the flesh of a coconut, so you don’t have to worry about your foods tasting like coconut, or the oil overpowering the taste of your meal. Many users simply drink it straight or add it to a smoothie without commenting that it tastes like coconut.
Will coconut oil make you fat?
Quite the opposite, coconut oil works to rev up your metabolism, detoxify the body, and raise your good cholesterol levels. The end result should be that you lose weight, and specifically body fat.
Is coconut oil bad for you?
No! All research indicates that coconut oil is quite good for you, containing antioxidants to battle free radicals, helping to lose weight, boosting good cholesterol, and having a calming effect. Compared to oils that don’t offer any of these benefits and clog your arteries, coconut oil is a godsend.
Does coconut oil go bad?
Yes, like any vegetable based oil it does go bad, but the shelf life of coconut oil is quite impressive, often last months on end, and even well over a year before it starts to show any sign of going bad. Since you’ll want to incorporate this into your daily routine, you should never have to worry about it going bad before you use it up.
Will coconut oil strip hair color?
It’s been noted that coconut oil is an effective way to remove hair dye, which is good news for those that are trying to get back to their natural color, because it also conditions the hair so you can remove the color without causing additional damage. For those looking to use it as a conditioner but wanting to keep the hair color they have, it is advised to hold off on using coconut oil.
Does coconut oil stain?
You should try to keep coconut oil away from clothing items because it can stain them, and the stains are not the easiest ones to remove. Baking soda is the recommended way to try and treat coconut oil stains, and you want to get to them as early as possible.
Is coconut oil good for your hair?
Yes, coconut oil provides a conditioning effect to hair that is said to outdo many of the fancy conditioners sold in salons. The best part is it’s all natural, and a whole source so you know there aren’t any fillers or artificial ingredients in it. Talk about quality control. This can be used as a once a week treatment, and you can heat the oil up so that you’re getting a hot oil treatment.
Does coconut oil cause acne?
There are several factors that go into the cause of acne, and using coconut as a moisturizer for your face or other areas that are prone to breakouts is not a good idea. That is topically, as in spreading it onto your skin. Taken orally as a supplement it can actually be beneficial to the overall condition of your skin, and it’s been stated that if you stick with virgin coconut oil you’ll see an improvement in your acne condition.
Will coconut oil help with stretch marks?
While it may not get rid of them once you have them, it can be helpful in preventing them from occurring in the first place. Be sure to use it daily when you’re expecting so that the skin is well-moisturized, and consider using additional products to help with the skin’s elasticity so it can stretch without scarring.
Does coconut oil raise cholesterol?
Yes, but only the good cholesterol that you want to raise. The body needs good cholesterol, or HDL, to function at its best, and coconut oil raises those levels. At the same time it is said to either lower or leave alone the levels of LDL cholesterol, or the bad kind. So while your cholesterol levels might see a net increase, the effect is a positive one.
Is coconut oil good for eczema?
There are mixed reports on whether coconut oil is good for eczema. On paper it seems like it would be perfect, both moisturizing the skin and killing off any microbial infections. But other reports suggest that it exacerbates the condition, and should not be used. You may want to try it on a small area and see if it shows improvement before treating larger areas.
Will coconut oil kill lice?
There is anecdotal evidence that coconut oil is an effective treatment against lice and nits. Although your experience might vary, others have stated that simply conditioning the hair with coconut oil is enough to do the trick. It has many properties to it that would suggest it to be effective, and since it also acts to condition the hair it’s a double bonus.
Is coconut oil antifungal?
Yes, it has shown to be an antifungal option for all sorts of conditions that are fungus based. Those that are trying to clean themselves of excessive candida levels have been advised to take this, as it goes to work on all sorts of harmful organisms residing in the body.
If you currently don’t use much coconut oil in your cooking, here are a list of benefits that will likely make you want to start. All oils are not created equally, and many of them are not beneficial to the body. But others, like olive oil have been shown to add extra health benefits. Coconut oil is the same way, with plenty of side benefits to taking it that make it a top contender to be the number one oil in your kitchen.

Diseases and Conditions
Prevents Cancer – This is probably the biggest reason to use coconut oil instead of other less healthy oils. Promising experiments with rats show that those given coconut oil were less likely to develop tumors and more able to fight off cancer cells that were intentionally injected into them. While the correlation between rats and humans is debatable, it’s a good idea to play it on the safe side and simply buy coconut oil next time you’re out.
Fights Jock Itch And Athlete’s Foot – This involves some of the topical uses of coconut oil, applying it directly to the affected area. Be sure to apply it several times a day in order to see the best results, and also add it to your diet so that you’re getting a daily intake of it as well. This is one all-natural treatment that gives you an alternative to using prescription medications and over the counter options so that you don’t have to resort to medicine to fix the problem.
Fights Off Candida Yeast Infections – This is one very helpful attribute of coconut oil, and it’s been proven time and time again to work well as an antifungal. The reason this is such a good idea is because it’s natural, so you’re not resorting to medicinal treatments found in stores or prescribed by a doctor. The nice thing is that you can simply drink this down, if you don’t want to use it in your cooking. Just be suto get a daily dose until your condition subsides.
Helps Cure Some STDs – The antimicrobial nature of coconut oil helps with some STDs that are bacteria based. One such example is chlamydia. The use of coconut oil is safe, and without side effects, and is also one treatment method that your doctors probably won’t tell you about. It’s one option to try before resorting to medications, either by prescription or bought over the counter. The same effect could responsible for other colds and diseases, so it’s a good idea to add this as part of a comprehensive treatment.

Good News for Dieters
Decreases Belly Fat – Belly fat is often the biggest offender when it comes to dieting. Most dieters say that they would want this problem area to go away. It just so happens that this is the area that is targeted by coconut oil. The waistline of those that took coconut oil instead of other oils decreased in a comparison test, with all else kept the same. If this is one of the areas you most want to treat you owe it to yourself to start taking in more coconut oil.
Helps In Weight Loss – The boost in metabolism is what does the trick, as this means you’ll be helping to burn calories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is because your metabolism is always working, so if you have a sluggish one you tend to gain weight easily and have trouble losing it. If you speed it up you are able to burn more and more calories without doing anything extra like more exercise.
Controls Blood Sugar Levels – This is one huge reason to add coconut oil to your diet, since blood sugar levels have a direct impact on you ability to lose weight and keep it off. For many, getting ahold of their blood glucose peaks and valleys is enough to do the trick and help stabilize their weight. It also plays a big part in how sluggish or energetic you feel throughout the day. Keeping it stable means that you can stay focused and alert all the time.
Provides Energy by Stimulating the Thyroid – The fatty acids in coconut oil are effective at getting the thyroid going, which in turn keeps your body more energetic. This leads to feelings of increased energy, which leads to you being more active throughout the day, and in turn burns more calories, resulting in weight loss. A productive thyroid also has plenty of other health benefits for the body and your overall well-being. Just more reasons to start using it regularly.
Improves Digestion – A sluggish digestion means that you’re going to have a tougher time losing weight because your body isn’t absorbing the nutrients and minerals from the food you’re eating. It can also lead to putrification of foods in your digestive system, which can make your body more toxic and lead to waste being stored unnecessarily. Improving your digestion is one way coconut oil can help you lose weight, feel lighter, and be healthier all at once.
You may also like our list of 23 Green Tea Benefits.

Overall Health and Wellness
Strengthens the Entire Immune System – This is good news if you’ve noticed that you catch colds and viruses easily. You can bank on this being effective at killing off things like the flu bug, measles, and even bigger concerns like Hepatitis C and HIV. The reason cited is the presence of medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil that kill off viruses and bacteria that lead to a host of problems. A strengthened immune system only yields benefits with no drawbacks.
Detoxifies the Body – If you’re looking for a way to have a cleaner body internally, you should add coconut oil to your detox regimen. It works to cleanse the body from the inside out, and the result is that you get a well-balanced digestive system, and are cleansed of several impurities and toxins that would otherwise fester in your body and contribute to other problems. A nice side benefit is that this sets you up for effortless weight loss.
Dissolve Kidney Stones – If you have a family history of kidney stones and are worried that you’re going to get them too, you should start taking coconut oil every day. This can help break them down so they are easy and painless to pass in your urine. The result is that you have less likelihood of developing problems in your kidney and gallbladder. Helpful if you have problems also have a family history of problems with these organs.
Heals Bruises Faster – A nice side benefit is that you’ll notice that your bruises heal more quickly. This is because the tissue that is underneath your bruise end up getting repaired at a faster rate. You can both rub it onto your bruise or take it as a supplement so that you get the benefit of both the outside use and internal use. This might not be enough of a reason to start using it more, but if you remember to that it works next time you have a bruise you’ll be all set.

Fantastic Side Benefits
Increases Sex Drive – Here’s a fun effect of coconut oil that will probably send you to the store directly if you’ve been lagging behind in this area. It doesn’t happen for everyone that takes it, but a significant number to make it worthwhile and worth a try. Possible reasons are that it contains antioxidants which break down free radicals that can lead to a lowered libido and overall drive. This is one all-natural remedy to try before resorting to other means.
Increases Good Cholesterol – Coconut oil might have gotten a bad rap in the days when anything that raised your cholesterol levels was considered bad. But now that they’ve determined the difference between good and bad cholesterol it shows that this actually works to increase the level of good cholesterol. The cells of your body need healthy levels of good cholesterol and this is one good way to make that happen.
Combats Tooth Decay – It’s interesting that there are all-natural substances that can help to battle off tooth decay. But it only makes sense that some foods lead to tooth decay that others would help turn things around. The way it works is to help stymie the growth of the bacteria responsible for tooth decay. A great way to help keep the teeth healthy in between dental checkups!

Skin, Hair, and Bones
Moisturizes Skin – Here’s a way to get supple and soft skin without having to resort to expensive anti-aging products with sketchy claims. You can use it topically to help with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If your skin is excessively dry, and is showing the signs of aging, you will find benefit greatly from the use of coconut oil. Add it to your nightly routine, moisturizing your entire body, or just your problem areas before you go to bed.
Conditions Hair – Dry and frizzy hair is a problem for many people, and there are so many conditioners on the market that you might feel that nothing can help you if you’ve tried a lot of them. But many report that coconut oil works better, and it’s totally natural and free of all of the sorts of additives and artificial colors, scents, and dyes. It’s supposed to leave your hair feeling well-moisturized and you don’t have to do anything special other than apply it to your hair.
Strengthens Bones – If you’re worried about conditions like osteoporosis than you should probably get more coconut oil into your life. It’s shown promise in rat studies to be able to increase bone volume and increase bone structure. So while a lot of attention gets placed on calcium, you can get more coconut oil so that you can take a more comprehensive approach to stronger, more dense bones throughout your body.
Lubricates Skin For Shaving – One interesting way to use coconut oil is as a shaving cream. It’s been reported that the oil does a fantastic job of getting the skin ready for a shave, and that it has a detoxifying effect other shaving creams lack, you know the ones that you buy in stores that are supposed to be specially formulated for shaving. Since it also moisturizes it’s like you’re getting multiple products in one, and it’s easier to rinse out of the razor as well.

A Wonder Oil
Relieves Stress – Want to chill out with an all-natural product? This is one way to get into a relaxed state. If you’re getting a massage try using coconut oil as the massage lotion. Using it around the head and neck is very soothing, and even the smell can help you relax. Taking it internally can also have a similar effect, so it simply makes sense to have this be on your daily list of foods to take in.
Slows Down Aging – This is perhaps one of the most encouraging reasons to start using more coconut oil. It’s a healthy fat filled with antioxidants, and it helps your cardiovascular system. An improved cardiovascular system coupled with better-looking skin is a sure way to turn back the clock, or at least slow it down so you get more good years. Looking younger is great, but it should also help you feel younger as well.
Kills Germs – Those medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are at it again, this time helping to kill all sorts of germs, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is one of the main properties of coconut oil, and more than half of it is packed with acids that act to neutralize these germs. This is quite useful for a number of reasons, and like Shrek says, it’s better out than in, so it’s better to get these germs out of the body than to have them stay in and do damage.

Does coconut oil get rid of cellulite?
The medium chain fatty acids are said to help break down the cellulite in your body, which is welcome news to those that have been battling this pesky problem. Of course you shouldn’t rely on coconut oil on its own, but used as part of a comprehensive approach you should see some improvement.
Does coconut oil taste like coconut?
Even though it is derived from coconuts, the taste of coconut oil is not the same as the flesh of a coconut, so you don’t have to worry about your foods tasting like coconut, or the oil overpowering the taste of your meal. Many users simply drink it straight or add it to a smoothie without commenting that it tastes like coconut.
Will coconut oil make you fat?
Quite the opposite, coconut oil works to rev up your metabolism, detoxify the body, and raise your good cholesterol levels. The end result should be that you lose weight, and specifically body fat.
Is coconut oil bad for you?
No! All research indicates that coconut oil is quite good for you, containing antioxidants to battle free radicals, helping to lose weight, boosting good cholesterol, and having a calming effect. Compared to oils that don’t offer any of these benefits and clog your arteries, coconut oil is a godsend.
Does coconut oil go bad?
Yes, like any vegetable based oil it does go bad, but the shelf life of coconut oil is quite impressive, often last months on end, and even well over a year before it starts to show any sign of going bad. Since you’ll want to incorporate this into your daily routine, you should never have to worry about it going bad before you use it up.
Will coconut oil strip hair color?
It’s been noted that coconut oil is an effective way to remove hair dye, which is good news for those that are trying to get back to their natural color, because it also conditions the hair so you can remove the color without causing additional damage. For those looking to use it as a conditioner but wanting to keep the hair color they have, it is advised to hold off on using coconut oil.
Does coconut oil stain?
You should try to keep coconut oil away from clothing items because it can stain them, and the stains are not the easiest ones to remove. Baking soda is the recommended way to try and treat coconut oil stains, and you want to get to them as early as possible.
Is coconut oil good for your hair?
Yes, coconut oil provides a conditioning effect to hair that is said to outdo many of the fancy conditioners sold in salons. The best part is it’s all natural, and a whole source so you know there aren’t any fillers or artificial ingredients in it. Talk about quality control. This can be used as a once a week treatment, and you can heat the oil up so that you’re getting a hot oil treatment.
Does coconut oil cause acne?
There are several factors that go into the cause of acne, and using coconut as a moisturizer for your face or other areas that are prone to breakouts is not a good idea. That is topically, as in spreading it onto your skin. Taken orally as a supplement it can actually be beneficial to the overall condition of your skin, and it’s been stated that if you stick with virgin coconut oil you’ll see an improvement in your acne condition.
Will coconut oil help with stretch marks?
While it may not get rid of them once you have them, it can be helpful in preventing them from occurring in the first place. Be sure to use it daily when you’re expecting so that the skin is well-moisturized, and consider using additional products to help with the skin’s elasticity so it can stretch without scarring.
Does coconut oil raise cholesterol?
Yes, but only the good cholesterol that you want to raise. The body needs good cholesterol, or HDL, to function at its best, and coconut oil raises those levels. At the same time it is said to either lower or leave alone the levels of LDL cholesterol, or the bad kind. So while your cholesterol levels might see a net increase, the effect is a positive one.
Is coconut oil good for eczema?
There are mixed reports on whether coconut oil is good for eczema. On paper it seems like it would be perfect, both moisturizing the skin and killing off any microbial infections. But other reports suggest that it exacerbates the condition, and should not be used. You may want to try it on a small area and see if it shows improvement before treating larger areas.
Will coconut oil kill lice?
There is anecdotal evidence that coconut oil is an effective treatment against lice and nits. Although your experience might vary, others have stated that simply conditioning the hair with coconut oil is enough to do the trick. It has many properties to it that would suggest it to be effective, and since it also acts to condition the hair it’s a double bonus.
Is coconut oil antifungal?
Yes, it has shown to be an antifungal option for all sorts of conditions that are fungus based. Those that are trying to clean themselves of excessive candida levels have been advised to take this, as it goes to work on all sorts of harmful organisms residing in the body.
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