Geo-engineering Produces Toxic Skies
Everywhere Chemtrails Are Sprayed
Everywhere Chemtrails Are Sprayed
Epic Proportions
For those who have never heard of CHEMTRAILS, please click on the
link below for a quick primer.
For those who are aware that they have been
exposed to this planetary scourge, now is the time to understand the profound
correlations between your day-to-day health status and the incidence/intensity
of regular chemtrailing of the
skies overhead. There are now many excellent internet-based resources
which may answer many questions and concerns about chemtrails, their fallout, as well as the broader
geo-engineering agenda listed at the bottom of this essay.
The numerous anecdotal and clinical
observations which follow are the product of various healthcare professionals
and practitioners, homeowners and homemakers, businessmen and businesswomen,
farmers and meteorologists, etc. Because chemtrails affect
every resident on the planet, many have catalogued or journaled the most common
adverse health effects, which they inevitably produce. As a result, the
world now has a growing body of anecdotal evidence which clearly illustrates
their profound and deleterious effects on human life.
the skies are toxic, the air we breathe is toxic.
What is more important
than clean air in maintaining wellness?
What follows is a fairly exhaustive list of
symptoms associated with chemtrailspraying. Each symptom has been identified by various individuals who have
clocked their occurrence with the onset of chemtrails being laid down over
their homes or businesses.
This list has been organized in a descending order,
with the most commonly experienced symptoms at the top.

• Brain fog
• Fatigue
• Low energy
• Compromised immunity
• Disorientation
• Difficulty paying attention and concentrating
• Sinusitis
• Skin discomfort/irritation
• Joint pain
• Muscle pain
• Asthmatic (Breathing difficulties)
• Dizziness
• Insomnia
• Disturbed sleep
• Memory loss
• Eye problems (blurred or fuzzy vision)
• Nausea
• Liver problems
• Gallballder dysfunction
• Tinnitus (distant ringing in ears or high pitched sound after spraying)
• Neck pain
• Scratchy throat
• Allergy symptoms
• Hay fever out of season
• Flu-like symptoms
• Susceptibility to colds
• General weakness
• Anxiety
• Lightheaded or faint
• Depression
• Coughing
• Sneezing
• Shortness of breath
• Vertigo
• Anger/Rage/Frustration issues
• MORGELLONS disease
Each of these symptoms is a normal occurrence
in areas around the world where chemtrails have
become a fact of life. Therefore, the first question one should ask themselves
is the extent to which the “Chemtrail Coverup” is
taking place right above them. The following essay may assist in that
give new meaning to government coverups, don’t they?
Syndrome is finally
recognized in the alternative health realm
The previous list of common symptoms has been
reported for years by many within the anti-Chemtrail
community who have recognized patterns between chemtrail spraying and symptom manifestation. One
point has been made with great emphasis in this regard:
The more chemtrails that appear
overhead, the worse these symptoms are. Likewise, the longer the chemtrails
persist, the longer these same symptoms are experienced.
When any number of chemtrail symptoms are experienced by an individual, it
is now appropriate to explore the possibility that they are experiencing Chemtrail syndrome. There
is not at this time a specific threshold or certain standard by which the syndrome
is said to occur. The various chemtrail
formulations are too numerous and often unknown to create a definitive set of
chemical contaminations which must be present to constitute the syndrome.
Therefore, until we have the full cooperation of the US Federal
Government, we are forced into a speculative posture, based on a great volume
of anecdotal evidence.
very last medical condition on the preceding list — Morgellons disease — is
not a symptom; rather, it is a full blown disease process that usually takes
years to manifest in its most serious form. In fact, there are
websites dedicated exclusively to the research and treatment of Morgellons disease. Some of them very
specifically demonstrate how chemtrails appear
to provide some of the primary chemical co-factors in the causation and
subsequent development of this extremely unusual and inscrutable
multi-infection syndrome.
Here is another list known as “The Big 4”
which one website has featured for those who are at high risk for the following
medical conditions:
The Single
Greatest Co-factor Is The Condition Of The BIOTERRAIN(Per
Since virtually every inhabitant of Planet
Earth is now exposed to chemtrail toxins
and pollutants to some degree, it is important to point out that those with the
cleanest bioterrain suffer the least from the aforementioned symptoms.
Exactly what is bioterrain?
Without getting into a scientific explanation
of bioterrain, suffice to say that the cleaner one’s body is, the less likely
pathogenic micro-organisms will make a home in the GI tract or elsewhere.
By clean we mean the blood, the lymph, the tissues and organs, etc.
In other words, the fewer chemicals, toxins, pollutants, contaminants,
poisons, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, heavy
metals, food additives, food colorings, excipients, etc. that concentrate in
our various organs and tissues, the less likely the bad bugs will take up
However, the problem that has emerged is that
the typical living environment is now permeated with more chemical, radioactive
and electro- pollution than ever. The ever-increasing toxic burdens are
now overwhelming the detoxification pathways of those folks who don’t maintain
a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it has become necessary for those with
compromised immune systems, degraded GI tracts, congested livers/gallbladders,
and other weakened organ systems to take deliberate remedial initiatives.
These compensatory measures can range from performing regular gallbladder
flushes and liver cleanses to kidney purges and colon cleanses.
Chemtrails Contribute Significantly To The Chemical Stewpot Of Planet
Herein lies the real danger associated with
the constant onslaught of chemtrail toxins
and chemicals which fall to the Earth by way of rain and air movement.
Depending on the regularity of chemtrailing in any given
area, the various chemical cocktails which are dropped on the populations below
will need to be detoxified. The human body is designed to process and rid
itself of these chemicals, but only if the primary detox organs are functioning
The liver and GI tract, lymphatic system and
skin are the most important in sustaining an efficient and thorough daily
detoxification process. Should any of these function at a substandard
level, imbalance will appear somewhere in the body. If allowed to fester
over years, serious diseases like Morgellons or Hypertoxicity syndrome can develop. Which
is why it is so essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and wellness routine
whenever possible.
Below is a list of some of the known chemicals
found in a chemtrails. A Chemtrail Cocktail is one
that contains the basic ingredients such as barium chloride, aluminum oxide,
synthetic polymers, bio-nano particles, and ethylene dibromide. An
independent analysis of chemtrail
fallout has conclusively identified many of these toxic chemicals:
Aluminum Oxide Particles
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF)
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles(Containing Live Biological Matter)
Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins
~ List provided by
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF)
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles(Containing Live Biological Matter)
Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins
~ List provided by
Of course, the most logical question about
this unsavory list of noxious ingredients is: “Why are there so many known
toxins included in the mix?”
More specifically, the preponderance of barium
salt (barium chloride) and alumina (aluminum oxide), which are said to exist in
the greatest concentration in chemtrails, is
particularly alarming. Why? Because barium is well known to
decrease and/or impair immune function. Aluminum oxide has its own set of
problems, especially when inhaled in certain concentrations over prolonged
periods of time. Aluminum, in any form, is not very easy for the body to
detoxify, especially when it finds a home in the lungs.
*Here’s an excellent video about chemtrail toxicities that
appeared on a local news station in Louisiana. Rarely is such a candid
news segment broadcast on the Mainstream Media.
Chemtrails represent the quintessential pharmaceutical approach by the
geo-engineers, as they feebly attempt to address the global warming
Many of us in the alternative health and
wholistic wellness movement intuitively know that it is always better to avoid
pharmaceutical medications whenever possible. The very common and well
known adverse side effects associated with medical drugs contribute to the
breakdown of the bioterrain. Likewise,
the massive dosing of the skies around the world with chemtrail chemicals
also has its attendant side effects on every person who is exposed to them.
Likewise, these same chemicals slowly degrade the living environments
wherever chemtrails are
What the chemtrail “pharmaceutical
approach” really represents is the utter failure of many of the existing
scientific paradigms and technological applications in use around the world
today. That modern science feels compelled to lay down blankets of toxic
chemicals around the globe 24/7 is a glaring testimony to its ignorance (Chemtrails are toxic.), arrogance (Chemtrails can’t fix the problem.) and powerlessness
(Let’s do anything we can, even it makes the problem much worse.).
What’s the point? The point is to
dramatize just how much the geo-engineers are out of their league … as well as
out of control. The situation is quite similar to the physicians of the
world who for decades over-prescribed antibiotics, only to create pervasive
antibiotic resistance, which has given rise to the deadly MRSAs which are found
virtually everywhere now. Overuse and over-exposure to antibiotics, which
are contra-indicated for a viral infections, have now placed the health of many
at great risk.
By way of analogy, the different
geo-engineering techniques are having the same negative impacts on the
environment. Because of the relentless spraying of the
skies throughout the world, the planetary environment will, too, hit a
major breakpoint. This form of gross
over-compensation in the form of weather modification chemtrailing will
not –can not — end well, so misguided and unsound are the scientific
principles undergirding the whole enterprise. Truly, there is
“A Global Pandemic Of Epic
Proportions” in the making.
After all, just how long can the skies across
the entire planet be subjected to such invasive procedures and chemical
assaults. Eventually there will be a HUGE
blowback. The toxic side effects to all life in the biosphere, the
collateral damage to the planetary environment, and many other unintended
consequences will simply overwhelm Mother Earth. Certainly, the radical
and profound shifts in the climate patterns of the world stand as testimony to
these eventualities. So do the many violent and unpredictable weather
events which seems to jump off anywhere and everywhere these days.
When the weather goes berserk, human health
will always suffer. You know the old adage that it’s not the cold or the
heat, the rain or the drought that causes the proliferation of illness
throughout the community. It is usually the dramatic and precipitous
changes in temperature, in precipitation, in pressure which really challenge
the human body. The various internal monitors that keep the body
functioning smoothly are thrown off by such meteorological surprises.
Hence, we always see a spike in illness during the change of seasons.
And, during a periods of frequent temperature fluctuations, nonstop
precipitation, sporadic high winds, and other unseasonal weather events.
Chemtrailing the
skies of the world has greatly contributed to this global weather dynamic by
exacerbating already wacky weather occurring regionally. This, in turn,
wreaks havoc on the human immune system making the body much more susceptible
to the many infectious diseases that continue to proliferate during this new
millennium. Likewise, the chemtrail
fallout which incessantly falls on people and animals, homes and business,
organic gardens and farm fields, lakes and rivers, forests and grasslands,
etc., inevitably contributes to the total body burden that each individual must
This toxic load, as it is also known, must be
properly metabolized so as not to accumulate in the adipose tissue, glands,
circulatory system, brain, kidneys and other major organs. The quicker
and more efficiently chemical toxins are sloughed off by the body’s
detoxification pathways, the less likely they will cause damage.
Therefore, it is very easily understood that chemtrails have placed a tremendous burden on the
planet, especially on the many national populations that are routinely sprayed
with the these atmospheric engineering chemicals.
and Remedies, Detox Therapies and Holistic Modalities
There is a whole host of different ways to
address the toxic overload, which will often occur under continuously chemtrail-laden skies. Rather than outline the
many different remedies and therapies, we have listed the most important links
from Each of these coaching sessions
concerns itself with an essential element(s) in the healing routine which ought
to be considered when detoxing or tonifying the body. All of them revolve
around the philosophy of rejuvenating the human body so that it can more
efficiently detox and tonify, heal and rebalance itself.
Kombucha Tea: A Panacea For Many Ills (most
powerful liver detoxifier on the market)
Beet Borscht: An Extremely Effective Liver
Cleanser (the best liver food there is)
Self Massage: A Powerful Detox and Healing
Therapy (especially the organs and tissues which are
What’s The Best Way To Cleanse The Lymphatic
System? (cleansing the lymph is a necessity)
#1 Cause of Disease Transmission: Lack of
Proper Hygiene (should not be wearing chemtrails-coated shoes in the home; washing hands and
face regularly is now an imperative)
Hyper-Toxicity Syndrome: The Human Body Has
Become Polluted (an essential coaching session for everyone
living on Planet Earth)
Chronic Acidosis: A Precursor To Cancer (contains
the measures necessary to shift away from acidosis and toward a clean
Morgellons: Plague of the 21st Century (Much
more to understand here; not only for Morgellons
Multi-Infection Syndromes: Scourge Of The New
Millennium (lots of advice for identifying and addressing the
various syndromes, especially Chemtrail
We now
live in a Chemtrail-covered world to which few have properly adapted.
The foregoing health articles take up a
variety of very serious health challenges and medical problems which did not
exist a hundred years ago. Because of the awesome changes brought about by this
“Age of Applied Science and Advanced Technology”, many have not recognized the
very real need to wisely adapt, in order to preclude or resolve health
problems. The new and unavoidable
necessities regarding sustained wellness, brought about by sky chemtrailing
alone, are both numerous and varied.
For this reason it is highly recommended that
every individual perform an audit of their living space and determine the ways
that chemtrail
chemicals can be reduced in their living space. First identify the
various vectors of chemical dissemination; then address each one that can be
reasonably controlled. Especially for those who are immuno-suppressed,
suffering from multi-infection syndromes and/or afflicted with chronic
degenerative disease, this tack ought to be taken. You and your family
will be much happier and healthier for doing so.
Something so simple as not wearing your shoes
and sneakers inside the home can cut way down on chemtrail residue exposure. Particularly after
periods of relentless low pressure systems or precipitation is this
recommendation important. The skies are routinely quite heavily sprayed
during these periods so much of the chemtrail
cocktails falls to the Earth in a rather potent and unaltered form. Pets
ought to be sequestered during these chemtrail
assaults for their own sake, and so as not to contaminate the living quarters.
Chemtrail Rage — Much More Serious Than Road Rage
There is one other major mental health issue
which has emerged in the wake of indiscriminate, systematic, and wide-area chemtrailing of our skies. Chemtrail rage, as it is known, has
been known to make the most peaceful resident red with anger. Truly, nothing makes the blood boil more quickly than seeing a
beautiful blue sky turned gray with chemtrail-created cloud cover.
What we recommend to those who are prone to
such uncontrollable emotional outbursts is that they set up a surface to air
missile battery (Just kidding! (-;). Actually, what we really recommend
is that you consider doing your part in the global effort to ensure chemtrail-free skies everywhere. Here’s a great
example of an advocacy group that is doing its part to raise awareness and
remedy the chemtrail situation.
Especially those who suffer with upper
respiratory illness and diseases, will chemtrails pose
an unwanted assault to their already compromised health. Individuals who
have Lung cancer, Emphysema, Tuberculosis, Crest syndrome, COPD (Chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease), Asthma, Chronic bronchitis, Allergic rhinitis,
Hay fever, Seasonal allergies, Acute and/or Chronic sinusitis, and other
conditions of the respiratory system will inevitably serve as the “canaries in
the coal mine”. When the skies have been chemtrailed at
night while we sleep, as they often are, these folks will know before they even
get out of bed in the morning.
What else can we do at this moment of time to
constructively address the ongoing chemical assault taking place above us?
The things we can control is where we ought to start. Fortifying
our constitutional health, living a squeaky clean lifestyle, engaging in the
relevant self-care therapies whenever appropriate, and maintaining a good
mental/emotional state will only help. Making connections between our ill
health and chemtrail
activity will also help us in avoiding those situations which are avoidable
(i.e. Don’t run a marathon on a foggy morning after a night of obvious chemtrailing — low pressure systems are known for
exacerbating all the symptoms associated with Chemtrail
No, it’s not a very pleasant message.
Nevertheless, it is one we all need to understand going forward. Chemtrail syndrome is a “New Age malady”
which will have to be dealt with, by some more than others. Those of us
who are now in the know can inform our family and friends, if and when
Especially in the process of disease
management will this knowledge come in very handy for the heath professionals
among us. When the correlations between chemtrailing and the various
symptoms become so obvious that they cannot be denied, the medical
establishment will be forced to acknowledge their existence. As well as
their negative impacts on human health. That will be a step in the right
direction for everyone.
May you enjoy great health,
The Health Coach
The Health Coach
© 2013 The Health Coach
Permission is granted to post this health blog as long as it is
linked back to the following url:
Chemtrail Rage,... yeah, I've had that for years. Still unable to 'convince' some. Sad ain't it? How the enemy,(cabal), has lowered the I.Q. of so many for so long, through their various 'programs' such as flouride, education(a certain oxymoron), big pharma,etc. Chemtrail Rage is all the 'rage' this year,... didn't you know? I've come close to tears while watching a perfect, beautiful blue sky 'suddenly' attacked by chemtrails, and turn that wonderful blue into a mix of crappy gray/dirty white. Mr. Dunford,... seems to me that you should get off your ass and address the oath you took when you enlisted,... did 'they' buy you off too?!?
Slaveman: Our thoughts exactly - and our daily experiences here in the Dallas-Ft Worth metroplex. We have attempted on several occasions to get word to Dunford via intermediaries of the dangers of the chemtrails and that they need to be discontinued immediately. Apparently all appeals on behalf of the people of our nation are met with deaf ears. It is our understanding that the chemtrail program is yet another genocide program of the Bilderbergers via the UN. Reports are that the nano-particles in the chemtrails are so tiny they can easily enter the skin and thus into the blood and the organs can be used to kill us via HAARP and the cell towers. Surely there are 'methods' Americans can implement to create high anxiety for those who make the toxic formulas and those who fly the planes but it also appears that there are no volunteers to begin the process. So, while those who are aware of what is going on and those who are not - are slowly dying soon to be agonizing deaths - all goes on as per usual. How sad. OO & PE
It is looking more and more that Dunford and his pentagon buddy's are committed on killing us and their families.... they are as worthless as tits on ice cubes....we the American people have to rise-up off our collective asses and go after the ahos....including the military (what a joke they are)....If we don't take these plane out soon (like yesterday) they will flip a switch and toast us right where you are at the moment. They will use the HAARPs ALL 18-20 to cause the nanoparticles WE ALL NOW HAVE to operate like an inernal microwave...The only thing they are waiting for is the nanoparticle saturation to reach a certain level in your blood and you can kiss your ass good bye... this is why they have activated 18-20 new haarp machines.....these dumb ass leaders seem to think for some reason they are safe, but they will just become c a n n o n f o d d e r !!!!!!total idiots.... don't think the space men are doing a thing...
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