Trump erupts as Cruz sweeps Colorado without votes ????
'Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!' Donald Trump
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump erupted on “Fox & Friends” Monday morning after a weekend that saw Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas sweep all of Colorado’s 34 delegates without any votes being cast by citizens in a traditional primary process.
“I’ve gotten millions … of more votes than [Sen. Ted] Cruz, and I’ve gotten hundreds of delegates more, and we keep fighting, fighting, fighting, and then you have a Colorado where they just get all of these delegates, and it’s not [even] a system,” Trump said, during the Fox News broadcast. “There was no voting. I didn’t go out there to make a speech or anything. There’s no voting.”
His comments came after Cruz 'won' the remaining 13 delegates at the weekend’s convention, bringing his total for the state to 34, an outcome he described as unfair and just shy of illegal.
“They offer them trips — they offer them all sorts of things, and you’re allowed to do that,” Trump said of the method by which some woo delegates. “I mean, you’re allowed to offer trips, and you can buy all these votes. What kind of a system is this? Now, I’m an outsider, and I came into the system and I’m winning the votes by millions of votes. But the system is rigged. It’s crooked.”
Watch video of Trump’s appearance on “Fox and Friends” here:
The televised remarks followed a weekend of tweets expressing similarly critical views.
“How is it possible that the people of the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Primary? Great anger – totally unfair!” wrote Trump, in one Twitter post.
He followed it up with a second tweet: “The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!”
It was last August when officials with the Republican Party in Colorado decided they would not let voters take part in the early nomination process.
The Denver Post reported Aug. 25: “The GOP executive committee has voted to cancel the traditional presidential preference poll after the national party changed its rules to require a state’s delegates to support the candidate that wins the caucus vote.”
“It takes Colorado completely off the map” in the primary season, Ryan Call, a former state GOP chairman, told the paper.
In late February, just before Super Tuesday, the Post published a scathing editorial, saying the party blundered on the 2016 presidential caucus:
“GOP leaders have never provided a satisfactory reason for forgoing a presidential preference poll, although party chairman Steve House suggested on radio at one point that too many Republicans would otherwise flock to their local caucus.
“Imagine that: party officials fearing that an interesting race might propel thousands of additional citizens to participate. But of course that might dilute the influence of 'elites' and insiders. You can see why that could upset the faint-hearted.”
One self-avowed Trump supporter took to YouTube on Sunday to express his displeasure with the process and burned his Republican registration on camera.
Watch the video:
“Republican Party, take note. I think you’re gonna see a whole lot more of these,” he said as he ignited his registration. “I’ve been a Republican all my life, but I will never be a Republican again.” And to the GOP, the man said, “You’ve had it. You’re done. You’re toast. Because I quit the party. I’m voting for Trump, and to hell with the Republican Party.”
The popular Drudge Report news site splashed a headline in red Sunday evening that stated, “Cruz celebrates voterless victory.”
The delegate selection process in Colorado is complicated.
The Cortez Journal reported: “Cruz had 17 bound delegates ahead of the Republican state convention. Another four delegates are unpledged but publicly expressed support for the candidate, who hopes to curb momentum seen by front-runner Donald Trump.
“Cruz declared victory in Colorado, pointing out that he won all 21 delegates from the state’s seven congressional assemblies. Another 13 delegates were awarded at the state convention on Saturday. An additional three delegates in Colorado’s 37-member national delegation are unpledged party leaders.”
Cruz himself noted on Saturday: “This has been a remarkable year. I will say this, it hasn’t been boring.”
“I’ve gotten millions … of more votes than [Sen. Ted] Cruz, and I’ve gotten hundreds of delegates more, and we keep fighting, fighting, fighting, and then you have a Colorado where they just get all of these delegates, and it’s not [even] a system,” Trump said, during the Fox News broadcast. “There was no voting. I didn’t go out there to make a speech or anything. There’s no voting.”
His comments came after Cruz 'won' the remaining 13 delegates at the weekend’s convention, bringing his total for the state to 34, an outcome he described as unfair and just shy of illegal.
“They offer them trips — they offer them all sorts of things, and you’re allowed to do that,” Trump said of the method by which some woo delegates. “I mean, you’re allowed to offer trips, and you can buy all these votes. What kind of a system is this? Now, I’m an outsider, and I came into the system and I’m winning the votes by millions of votes. But the system is rigged. It’s crooked.”
Watch video of Trump’s appearance on “Fox and Friends” here:
Donald Trump, Fox & Friends: Slams 'crooked system' after Cruz wins Colorado
The televised remarks followed a weekend of tweets expressing similarly critical views.
“How is it possible that the people of the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Primary? Great anger – totally unfair!” wrote Trump, in one Twitter post.
He followed it up with a second tweet: “The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!”
It was last August when officials with the Republican Party in Colorado decided they would not let voters take part in the early nomination process.
The Denver Post reported Aug. 25: “The GOP executive committee has voted to cancel the traditional presidential preference poll after the national party changed its rules to require a state’s delegates to support the candidate that wins the caucus vote.”
“It takes Colorado completely off the map” in the primary season, Ryan Call, a former state GOP chairman, told the paper.
In late February, just before Super Tuesday, the Post published a scathing editorial, saying the party blundered on the 2016 presidential caucus:
“GOP leaders have never provided a satisfactory reason for forgoing a presidential preference poll, although party chairman Steve House suggested on radio at one point that too many Republicans would otherwise flock to their local caucus.
“Imagine that: party officials fearing that an interesting race might propel thousands of additional citizens to participate. But of course that might dilute the influence of 'elites' and insiders. You can see why that could upset the faint-hearted.”
One self-avowed Trump supporter took to YouTube on Sunday to express his displeasure with the process and burned his Republican registration on camera.
Watch the video:
Trump Supporter Burning His
Republican Party Registration
“Republican Party, take note. I think you’re gonna see a whole lot more of these,” he said as he ignited his registration. “I’ve been a Republican all my life, but I will never be a Republican again.” And to the GOP, the man said, “You’ve had it. You’re done. You’re toast. Because I quit the party. I’m voting for Trump, and to hell with the Republican Party.”
The popular Drudge Report news site splashed a headline in red Sunday evening that stated, “Cruz celebrates voterless victory.”
AMERICA: Do you 'get it' now? You don't have a vote - THE ELECTIONS ARE RIGGED AMERICA!!!!!
The delegate selection process in Colorado is complicated.
The Cortez Journal reported: “Cruz had 17 bound delegates ahead of the Republican state convention. Another four delegates are unpledged but publicly expressed support for the candidate, who hopes to curb momentum seen by front-runner Donald Trump.
“Cruz declared victory in Colorado, pointing out that he won all 21 delegates from the state’s seven congressional assemblies. Another 13 delegates were awarded at the state convention on Saturday. An additional three delegates in Colorado’s 37-member national delegation are unpledged party leaders.”
Cruz himself noted on Saturday: “This has been a remarkable year. I will say this, it hasn’t been boring.”
They screwed over Ron Paul the same way in 2012. Paul is too mild-mannered to have made a stink about it and he was effectively marginalized but hopefully Trump won't let the bastards get away with it this time.
Found out the TRUTH about the whole American fraudulent 'voting' system AND FRAUDULENT 'GOVERNMENT', and cancelled my own Republican registration. Had served on the GOP County Executive Committee a few years ago and saw with my own eyes how that system REALLY works, including personally witnessing people's electronic votes changing in front of their eyes before they even exited their voting booths. People, we have been scammed for years. TIME TO RUN THESE FRAUDS OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND RESTORE OUR REPUBLIC GOVERNMENT!!! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?
How in your face can they get? Having an election (selection) without even voting. What a concept! It's all just a dog and pony show anyway though. They are all just trying to elect (select) a new President for the corporation which is going away anyway when or original Republic form of governance is restored. Then none of what is going on right now will even matter.
The so called voting system has been a fraud since day one. Too bad it has taken several generations for the sheeple to start waking up to this rogue bogus voting system. It will all just remain business as usual. The political parties are also a big fraud. Just 2 wings flapping the same bird that has been successfully defrauding and deceiving the sheeple for generations. Maybe this is what it will take to actually wake the sheeple up, but doubtful. Keep up the good work.
I don't care if it's the "Asskickers" Party, I'm voting for Trump! NO more electronic voting machines!!! That needs to be stopped BEFORE the election! Ted Cruz is a cheater and a thief, because if by merit, he could not even get votes as he has no merit. The people have to come up with something that will work to get rid of the Ted Cruz' of the world, and the UN and the TPP and the multi-national corporations, and the U.S. Corrupteration!!!! THE PEOPLE CAN DO IT AND THAT IS WHY THEY ARE AFRAID OF US!!! TIME TO GET YOUR STEEL BALLS ON MEN AND WOMEN!!!!
Everyone has a right to demand a paper ballot but they will not tell you.
All in all, YES, its totally "rigged"! Always has been pretty much too. It's all about the blood lines, being kept in the whole scheme of the VOTING SYSTEM/PROGRAM/SCAM! All it does is to fool the people out here, for one to give money, second to cause segregation, pin us Americans against one another. Like blacks and whites. One hates the other. Its all I have seen for years, the words, the tone, the labels, the looks, the hate, then loss of friends even. Enough!! Time to wise up America. Besides, the ELECTION, the POLITITIONS, the PARTIES are long gone! It's basicly ONE PARTY, or ONE GROUP, or a HAND FULL , or INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS who run us all, run the elections, owns the whole scam of it all. Guess what, we fall for it!!I'm done with the whole process, the whole talk of it, the segregation it causes, the hate instilled from it, the donations to it to say the least!! All year long, year after year, I'm tired of being set up. Even Mr Trump, he has done business with MOST of anyone who has BIG MONEY! Domestic and Foreign .So, I say can't be fooled again! With us out here, NOT CARING for another Election, what would they do??? Seriously, what?? They are gonna Elect who they want anyway. Even run the COUNTRY how they want. People today, are spineless, they count on this!! And it shows. Taking care , not worrying, not giving money, not loosing friends, endless conversations to NO WHERE, fighting, anger, IT ALL STOPS HERE! Time to get onboard, relax, sleep well, save money, be more social, NAD HAPPIER!!!
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