Monday, April 18, 2016

He who strikes first, laughs last...

Lee and I have a friendly disagreement that’s surfaced over the last couple years…
Lee’s firmly convinced that China is our biggest national security threat right now.  Their South China Sea antics will spark off a scuffle with Japan, which will quickly throw international relations off balance.  A single Black Swan incident could touch off global conflict.
My bet continues to be on Russia.  And last week, they did something that significantly bolstered my case.
As you probably know by now, two Russian war planes and a helicopter ran multiple simulated attack runs against the USS Donald Cook naval destroyer.
The closest pass was within 30 feet of the bow of the ship.
It was described as a “simulated attack profile” by defense experts.
Too-little-too-late John Kerry chimed in with, "We condemn this kind of behavior. It is reckless.  It is provocative. It is dangerous. And under the rules of engagement that could have been a shoot-down."
At this point, Putin is playing with us…
He’s engaged in the same kind of war games the Soviets played with us all throughout the cold war.  He’s taunting us into a game of chicken that almost certainly ends in global conflict.
Here’s the thing…
Putin is a cold-blooded killer.
Through and through, he’s ready for war.  He’s mentally prepared.  He doesn’t want to avoid it.  
He doesn’t want to run away.  He’s not a scaredy-cat, with puffed up fur, ready to run.  He’s a viper, coiled and ready to strike…  And he’s making lunges to make it clear he means business.
Our US leadership isn’t a viper.  Our leadership is an opossum.  Baring teeth and hissing, like it’s going to fight.  But when it comes time for real conflict with someone like Putin, they’ll just roll over and play dead.
This poses a grave danger to Americans who assume he’s just going to step down.  I don’t know the national or international solution, but I do know this…
The attitude of someone like Putin is one of “He who strikes first, laughs last…”
He’s doing this song and dance now, to provoke us.  He knows we won’t strike first.  He knows he can fly military jets 30 feet off the bow of a US warship, and all we’ll do is scold him like a frustrated schoolmarm stuck in political correctness hell.
This is exactly why we’re so concerned for the scenario we lay out in the presentation on Russia’s Object 2014-28E.
In one strike, Putin could virtually wipe out the American homeland.  Our civilian infrastructure would crumble, and the military’s with it.
A single well-executed strike against our power grid, and we’d be set back 150 years.  As many as 9 in 10 Americans would die as civil society broke down, along with all the systems required to support our population.
The few who survive will be those who understand the risk, and who have prepared just in case our warnings are right.

Yours in Freedom,
Roger King
Rodger King,

1 comment:

slaveman said...

Oh Lord! Putin is the 'evil bad guy',... shit I would thought the 'bad guys' were the ones stirring shit all over the world and trying to provoke Russia, China, and any other sovereign country that has,... say gold,... or oil,...or most importantly those nations that refuse to 'deal' with the 'Feral' Reserve fiat-- play money backed by nothing kind of deal. My bad.(sarc)