Peter Schiff: Thanks to the FedWe Have a Monetary Roach Motelby Voice of Reason |
In the video below, Peter Schiff explains what anyone NOT listening to the mainstream media already knows: The Fed is stuck in a monetary Roach Motel from which it may never escape. Thanks to liberals fools, bribing people for votes in a never ending Ponzi scheme has actually been given a name as if to legitimize it somehow: They call it Keynesian Economics.
In the video, Peter explains what he has so many times before. He explains how Janet Yellen’s position is not supposed to be a politicized one, however like all things Obama related, Janet Yellen politicized her position with her fierce loyalty to Barack Obama and his ongoing lie about a fictional recovery. In fact, Yellen was willing to risk the country's well-being rather than betray Obama, by saying the economy was ready for a rate increase back in December (perhaps a wise idea when you consider the body count associated with the Obama White House).
In the following video from the post titled, Janet Yellen Strayed From Her Own Plan and Went Nuts, Peter shredded Yellen for her blind partisan loyalty. At the 4:30 mark, Peter explains how in Yellen’s own words, she said the Fed was only going to raise rates when the data warranted a rate hike, but with all the pressure coming from fools like Obama talking about how anyone denying a recovery was just “peddling fiction,” Yellen was backed into a corner.
The liberal talking heads on television kept saying we should raise rates because Emperor Obama kept saying we were in a “recovery,” and a REAL recovery would justify raising rates. The only problem was we weren’t anywhere close to a recovery and Yellen knew it. For all her talk about only raising rates when the data supported a hike, Yellen raised rates based on numbers that were SUBSTANTIALLY WORSE than they were back in September, when EVERYONE agreed raising rates was the WORST IDEA EVER! In fact, the big news the actual day of the hike, was that manufacturing was down as it was expected to be, but it was down more than 3x what was expected, and obviously the first number was still lower than it was in September, further demonstrating that the rate hike was a typical slight of hand gesture from someone who considers herself “part of the Obama administration.”
Yellen was backed into a corner, and she was screwed no matter what she chose, but let’s be clear, she put herself in that position. To use her words again, Yellen said the rate hike was intended to “show confidence” in the economy. H-E-L-L-O! Someone might want to tell the Fed chair, that a strong economy doesn’t need a token .25% rate hike to show confidence. A strong economy creates its own confidence. Duh!
Keep in mind at all times who we’re talking about here. Back in 2008, when the world was on fire, halfway through 2008, Janet Yellen still wasn’t even forecasting a recession yet… THAT’S how far off she was. She was chosen by Obama to be a “yes man,” or in this case, a “yes woman.”
Obama knows that if what happened to George W. Bush happens to him, and he can’t prevent the bubble(s) from BURSTING before he leaves office, Hillary will never get elected. So, the idea is to keep saying the economy is strong, but you can be sure they won’t make the same mistake of raising rates again, no matter what they are bluffing to do. Obama and Hillary CANNOT afford it.
Janet Yellen has one job: DO NOT let the next bubble pop while Obama is still in office. If a Democrat is in office when the whole house of cards comes crashing down, hello full-fledged Socialism/Communism. Even though the American standard of living continues going down, debt keeps going up, but the Fed will keep towing the nonsensical party line about a “recovery” because of all the uninformed voters who will believe it.
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