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The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies - January 12, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 12-Jan-2012 02:56:30

The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies - January 12, 2012
Greetings from the Federation:
What must come to pass is presently being discussed at the highest levels of your world governments, behind closed doors and through emissaries to the various other governments around the world. As time draws closer to the inevitable, your leaders are aware that they cannot stop the tide of Disclosure sweeping over your planet. They know that they will either be swept away by this tide or they must decide to take the reins and make Disclosure their own. Their ability to waffle on this topic amazes even us as we see them fight among themselves for a common ground. Once reached, someone inevitably backs off and the process starts all over again. We wait in the background for what must be done, if not done so by your own people.
News will reach you shortly about a “new” scientific development in the field of what you have termed zero point energy systems. It will be touted as theoretical, but in reality it is a functioning model of a real energy device created a long time ago and only now being released. There will be interesting developments in your legal field over patent protections. The “news" of this breakthrough will be carefully monitored by those in power to determine what type of impact such a disclosure makes upon the people as a whole.
The Queen of England has ceded control over a faction of the Illuminati to a group over which our allies have “consulting” privileges. This means, in the longer term, that this faction will be more amenable to the changes necessary to effect Disclosure and the release of the cabal’s hold over the people. This was a negotiated “peace” that came about after many, many months of positioning on all sides. We are confident that this is another roadblock successfully removed towards the inevitable.
You will have noticed a slight decrease in the sightings of late although those sighting that have made it to your news have been of a more spectacular nature. This is about to change. We are now in another stage of the Disclosure process wherein the revealing of our craft to you will become more pronounced.
A major meeting of all factions of the Federation has recently been held. This was a very big event, not only in numbers but also in importance. It was the final preparation meeting of all involved to go over every detail of the coming events, including the political, social, religious, emotional, mental, and physical ramifications of Disclosure. This meeting was held aboard one of our great spacers, a living machine so large as to dwarf your understanding of construction. Although the physical space was not really necessary to this process as we have telepathically discussed much of these issues, from time to time, we convene physically to resolve issues better dealt with in that fashion. Among those represented were earth humans, who voiced their opinions about coming events and whose opinions were held in the highest regard.
Although you have been beset with many setbacks over the years, we are excited by the prospects of the coming months and what this has in store for all of us. Bring yourselves to feel once again your excitement for the times in which you have chosen to live and the manner in which you have awoken to the truth. Your thoughts will create waves which will act as beacons for the truth and this truth will return to you powerfully.
Be at peace.
Channeler: Wanderer of the Skies
These "galactics" don't seem to understand that WE HAVE NO "LEADERS". We have criminals occupying all offices of all governments, PERIOD!
They were NOT "duly elected" by the populace. They got into "leadership" positions through VOTE FRAUD and other nefarious means. THEY DO NOT REPRESENT "the people".
YOU BET! "There will be interesting developments in your legal field over patent protections. The “news" of this breakthrough will be carefully monitored by those in power."
Of COURSE "those in power" will be "monitoring" anything related to ZERO POINT energy, as they always have. If the U.S. Patent Office is involved, you can be SURE it WON'T BE RELEASED.
What gets me is, why do the other nations not THWART the US stronghold on all these inventions? Those so-called "powerful leaders" should be imprisoned for what they've done to humanity.
WHAT EXACTLY are the galactics doing? Sitting around watching the Bushes, Clintons, Obama, and Committee of 300 TALK? WE DON'T "WANT" THEIR INPUT. THEY SHOULD BE REMOVED. THEY REPRESENT ONLY THEMSELVES, NOT 7 BILLION PEOPLE.
Soon-n-n-n-n. A few "setbacks" here and there, as usual.
the patents belong to ETs don't you think?
Thousands of ZERO-POINT and non-oil energy patents (owned by Americans) are sitting idle in the U.S. Patent Office, HIDDEN from the public under a "NATIONAL SECURITY" label -- same old EXCUSE they use for every OTHER matter they want to hide.
Tesla technology was STOLEN from him by the U.S. government.
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