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Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - January 4, 2012
![]() Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - January 4, 2012 Ever since you set out upon your path to Ascension, you have been given every help and encouragement to take up the challenge to decide your own destiny. The fact is you have achieved far more than was initially expected, and you are to be congratulated upon setting up victory over the dark Ones. We have of course walked the path with you, and because you requested our help we have been able to respond to it. Thus far you were expected to take the major responsibility for achieving success but now we are becoming more involved, as we have our part to play to ensure all is completed as decreed. Our closeness to you and actions taken on your behalf can no longer be denied, and the time has arrived for our existence to be made known. As you are aware we have our own mission to complete, and the sooner we can come together with you the quicker everything will get underway. Our allies have been courageous and often risked their lives to achieve their purposes. It will soon pay off as the point has been reached when it will result in a glorious victory, that will take away the remaining bastions of power that the last cabal has relied upon. The final indignity for them will be to lose their financial power which is already being curtailed. It has always been promised that the wealth of the world would be re-distributed, and so it shall be. Given an even playing field where all countries are solvent and have discharged their debts, that will eventually be written off, you will see the people being brought together and able to have the essential necessities of life. There must be a change to what you have now, where certain countries and people have a disproportionate amount of wealth. Also, the natural wealth of the land, must be returned to its rightful owners. With it will come a greater feeling of Oneness, and sharing will become the way forward. The whole attitude and approach to money and how it is used will have to change, and current systems will be radically altered to ensure all dealings are based on fairness and open dealings. As you can imagine once we really get started, the planning is such that you will be reeling at the speed of change. It is possible because the plans have been laid down for a long time, but also consistently reappraised to ensure they meet your needs. Our allies and the Light workers in general are now self assured in their tasks, and becoming bolder where they come across opposition. There is no time for dilly-dallying around and they now know what has to be done. Many different actions are coming together, and you can expect to see a clear indication of the outcome. Much is currently focused upon financial dealings, and we have made it quite clear that there is no going back to the bad old ways. Be assured within a few months you shall know that to be so. So be patient and read between the lines when the media picks up on major happenings. For a while there will still be a tendency to hide the true facts, but even that is due to change when we can assure honest journalists that it is safe to report the facts. You have been kept in the dark over so many issues for many, many years but the truth will come out. You have always been sovereign Beings and due the care and respect that you are entitled to. Instead you have been kept down, and accepted positions that have made you subservient to those who lorded it over you. No one person is any better than another, inasmuch that you are all acting out experiences that you have chosen to speed up your evolution. When you can start to see others as yourself, the quicker will the Human Race become as One and never again feel separated from each other. After all, despite what some may feel now, there is only the one God of your Universe. In time that truth will be accepted and religious differences will have no reason to be perpetuated. In fact organized religion will fade away and each soul will worship from the temple within. In reality you should not need anyone else to teach you the truth, but in your present situation you have been confused and need guidance. Fortunately, your intuitive side has developed during the last 10 years, and you are finding it can be trusted to point you in the right direction. However, it does require a totally open mind without a rigid belief system. We know that some souls feel comfortable with what they know now and prefer to be led rather than lead, and they will be left to make their own decision as to when it is time to question their beliefs. Remember that with hundreds of lives behind you, you have a wealth of experience to call upon and it lies within your subconsciousness. Things such as habits, likes and dislikes all arise from previous lives, and you can see that today if only in peoples choice of clothes and their eating preferences. In other words you are partly molded into what you are now, by memories of recent lives that are close to the surface. The real you awaits your Ascension and then you will find that you naturally take to life in the higher dimensions. After all, that is where you came from, and duality is but an experiment that was never meant to hold you indefinitely. We would say that you have excelled yourselves by overcoming all of the challenges, and totally deserve to take this opportunity to put it behind you. However, you will always benefit from what you have learnt even if past lives fade into the background. It is therefore obvious that you are coming out of the illusion of life as experienced, and already living your new vision of yourself as one who is of the Light. As you do so you will disengage from duality, and walk your path as one who has already ascended. It can be done because you have acquired the discipline and strength to push aside the lower vibrations that no longer have any pull upon you. Your presence upon Earth along with others like you gives a boost to those around you, who are calmed and relaxed by your charm and peaceful mien. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and happy for you as gone are the days of total darkness that have accompanied the many wars and aggression that have blighted the past. We will prevent any attempt to start another war, although there may be some minor skirmishes. Peace is taking over, and will bring a new feeling to everything. We leave you with our love and blessings. Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey. |
Yes, don't hold so "rigidly" to your beliefs. It interferes with the plans of these "alien" persons who are making war against God.
Jesus Christ has done more positive good for us than these persons can even imagine. Why should we leave Him for them?
It is neither 'love', nor 'blessings', nor 'peace' to seek to lure the Creator's children away from Him into destruction with lies.
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
--1 Thessalonians 5:3
To the guy quoting the bible verse, which I should mention is written by men(not any god or God). The God you worship is a false God, he has committed genocide and murder to get this way(I didn't make this up it's written in the bible) - that's hardly something to worship. If John don't post this then freedom of speech doesn't apply to this blog. There are a lot of false God in many of the world religions today, and the people worship them blindly without asking question...Time to wake up, people!
I will not worship any entities who use murder/genocide - for they are false Gods!
Read David Icke's new book "HUMAN RACE GET OFF YOUR KNEES--THE LION SLEEPS NO MORE"! Infinite Love is the only Truth--everything else is an illusion! Come out from your tombs of willful ignorance! The Lord our God, The Lord is One! Come out of the self-imposed limitations of mind, into the total liberation of Consciousness! There is far more to REALITY than this visible dimension! ASCENSION through transformation, or INCARCERATION of soul and spirit through REBELLION. Take personal responsibility for your individual choices, and embrace the effects of those choices, and learn from them! This is the year of Divine Judgment. Don't be weighed in the balances and found wanting! Continually re-evaluate what you believe, and why you believe it, by USING the gift of Godly intelligence, and thinking for yourself. Educate yourself before opening your mouth, while your narrow mind remains closed. God will always have the final word whether you like it or not.
Coming from love and life experience while ever evolving in my personal journey of awareness
To Anonymous 5:21:
The God of the Bible has never murdered nor committed genocide. Has He killed? Yes. Not all killing is murder. There is a difference.
God is responsible for ultimate fairness and justice. When good and evil both exist and oppose each other, and free moral agents make their choices, there comes a time when a loving, just God must act to end evil which has become unfixable.
If He didn't, then we would truly have a false god, one who didn't love, one who wouldn't uphold what was right and good and just. We would end up with universal, eternal, chaos and misery and extinction.
The God of the Bible is better than that.
It is WRONG to kill people because of their sexual orientation and yet the God of the bible did do just that. So the God of the bible is a false God.
killing is taking someones life, he has done that and done that on a large scale(genocide).
So I say to you again wake up and stop worshiping false God(s)!
There is a difference between killing a murder and the God of the bible has done both directly and indirectly(ordering other people to do his dirty work) - it is written in my of the books of the bible. You can rationalize all you want but the proof is in the book.
The God of the bible is a sinner and a coward, because he is not the Creator of All that is, just a poser with sheep following him blindly.
Time to wake up:
To all who follow the "aliens" please turn back to God before its to late.....................
Wide is the way that leads to destruction and many eill find it...narrow is the path to righteous and few will find it.
God is in control....always has been always will be.
Our assumptions about everything are lies and distortions of truth by a few elites over the centuries. The Aliens are us. We chose to come here and experience life in 3d from the higher levels and the various worlds of our origin. We are eternal souls experiencing life in a body That is the Creator's plan. Many will be shocked to learn the true nature of God and our human history and the manipulation and control of humanity via religion, education, government and social norms. God is indeed in control but the not the way we have been conditioned to think. As the Christ consciousness expands our understanding and moves humanity towards ascension, the real truth will take hold as the false 3d illusion we have created fades and the new age of reality manifests. God the Creator has decreed this to be so.
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