Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Global Currency

A New Global Currency

Conscious Media Network, January 1, 2012
Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring arising in 2012.
The statement will be delivered via a video-taped interview with a layperson (James Martinez) on behalf of the consortium that has been working behind the scenes, on the problem of the unsustainable global economy for the past 8 years. The party who drafted this statement has stated, in response to conspiracy concerns, that “The usual suspects are not the suspects” and that the Global Elite also understand that the unsecured, digital money system has failed us all, including themselves.
This announcement is to serve as the introduction of a New Global Economic Structure that will begin surfacing in 2012. Those involved in this plan are calling it the “greatest humanitarian effort” in modern history. It will be for each of us to determine over time if this is a truthful statement.
CMN is serving as a neutral party for this broadcast and what it claims, as the economic consortium does not wish to break this news through mainstream media at this time. Please give this your serious attention, as it may be heralding a new way of conducting commerce on the planet that will effect us all well into our future. It will be through our understanding and acceptance that this will happen.
A portion of this plan does include a dissolution of debt in a carefully considered and planned way. The plan itself is paradigm shattering, and only hinted at in this video-taped statement.
There will be more to come throughout the year.
Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring arising in 2012.
The statement will be delivered via a video-taped interview with a layperson on behalf of the consortium that has been working behind the scenes, on the problem of the unsustainable global economy for the past 8 years. The party who drafted this statement has stated, in response to conspiracy concerns, that “The usual suspects are not the suspects” and that the Global Elite also understand that the unsecured, digital money system has failed us all, including themselves.
This announcement is to serve as the introduction of a New Global Economic Structure that will begin surfacing in 2012. Those involved in this plan are calling it the “greatest humanitarian effort” in modern history. It will be for each of us to determine over time if this is a truthful statement.
CMN is serving as a neutral party for this broadcast and what it claims, as the economic consortium does not wish to break this news through mainstream media at this time. Please give this your serious attention, as it may be heralding a new way of conducting commerce on the planet that will effect us all well into our future. It will be through our understanding and acceptance that this will happen.
A portion of this plan does include a dissolution of debt in a carefully considered and planned way. The plan itself is paradigm shattering, and only hinted at in this video-taped statement.
There will be more to come throughout the year.


Anonymous said...

A New Global Economic Restructuring.…302views. /more at: //
PubliƩe le /published 1 jan. 2012, par/by bblcsedona. James Martinez reads a statement from representatives of a new global currency, that is being announced and slowly integrated into our consciousness, as a way to end the tyranny of the current banking systems.//10:10 to 18:10//
Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations, to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring arising in 2012. The statement will be delivered via a video-taped interview with a layperson, on behalf of the consortium that has been working behind the scenes, on the problem of the unsustainable global economy, for the past 8 years. The party who drafted this statement has stated, in response to conspiracy concerns, that "The usual suspects are not the suspects" and that the Global Elite also understand that the unsecured, digital money system, has failed us all, including themselves.This announ-cement is to serve as the introduction of a New Global Economic Structure that will begin surfacing in 2012. Those involved in this plan, are calling it the "greatest humanitarian effort" in modern history. It will be for each of us to determine over time, if this is a truthful statement.
CMN is serving as a neutral party for this broadcast and its claims, as the economic consortium does not wish to break this news, through mainstream media at this time. Please give this your serious attention, as it may be heralding a new way of conducting commerce on the planet, that will effect us all well into our future. A portion of this plan does include a dissolution of debt, in a carefully considered and planned way. The plan itself is paradigm shattering, and only hinted at in the video-taped statement.
Please distribute this far and wide. ...for more....
from: ......24:18min......................
Dr. Judy Wood - Where Did the Towers Go? *****
James Martinez on the Burden of Debt | Conscious Media Network.Please log in if you are already a subscriber, or join us now, to view this post.
1 Sep 2008 – Interview with James Martinez on the Burden of Debt.// Related Posts:A New Global Economy, James Martinez on Cold Fusion, Debtocracy,
The College Conspiracy, The Creature from Jekyll Island,The Money Fix,The American Dream, Hijacking Humanity,James Martinez (Transcript),Peter Taylor on Alchemy, from: **********
Cold Fusion Now! Clean Energy from the Hydrogen in Water. - Cold Fusion Radio w/ James Martinez. James Martinez Ca$h Flow Cold Fusion Radio Audio Latest. David J. French Patent Lawyer Second Counsel.... /// .James Martinez on Coast to Coast AM – Tonite! « Cold Fusion Now - 22 Apr 2011 – Live on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp Cold Fusion Now's own James Martinez. Listen live .......

Anonymous said...

David Wilcock Important Update: 1-1-12…”Story on Conscious Media Network…is a Hoax” /by kauilapele / Posted By: watcher51445 Date: Monday, 2-Jan-2012 03:02:49// Thanks to Erika for alerting me to this update from David.In the first post of this year (Seed of Hope for Humanity… “A New Global Economy”), that promising message, was one whose information I could not validate. According to David Wilcock, in an addendum to his latest blog post, he states that what was referred to in that article (namely, "someone claiming to represent an alliance of 130 countries that will be launching a new financial system") was a hoax. Here is what David wrote (as always, one's own Higher Discernment surely will be helpful here). /////
D.W. : UPDATE SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2012 -- ALMOST THERE.We are putting the finishing touches on Part III. This is a VERY significant and comprehensive article, for reasons I am not at liberty to disclose, but should be apparent within a reasonable amount of time.So yes... I am fine and have been working straight through the holidays, though at a more relaxed speed, than during other times of the year. The moderators informed me we are getting inundated with comments from people, linking to a story on Conscious Media Network, about someone claiming to represent an alliance of 130 countries, that will be launching a new financial system. THIS IS A HOAX. I am now in direct contact with the top people organizing the 122-nation alliance, we have been speaking of, as a consequence of getting deeply involved in investigating and writing about the lawsuit -- and they told me this story is not true. It is possible that we are just dealing with someone looking for publicity. It is also possible that this is intended, to distract people from the real issue, and do it in a way that can be discredited, so people do not believe the real story. Anyway, my goal is to have the new article up ASAP. Stay tuned!
FURTHER UPDATE, SAME NIGHT: The above comments have attracted attention, as we are still being inundated with people linking to this interview, as if it were true. Since I am in direct contact with the organizers of the Monaco Accords -- the 122-nation alliance -- let me say this: The "old guard" were not even INVITED to these meetings -- and if any of them showed up, they were turned away. Fulford documented all of this at the time.
The number of nations that was chosen -- namely 130 -- is too close to the Monaco Accords figure, to be accidental.That being said, Kerry Cassidy vouched for the legitimacy of the man giving the information. That would imply that whomever told him this,/in the video/ is lying to him.
It is also interesting, and may be significant, that less than 24 hours before this story broke on the Internet, one of the chief organizers of the "real" Monaco Accords was hit by a car and narrowly escaped with his life. He is very lucky to have had fairly minor injuries, and will be fine. Nonetheless he is in a lot of pain, and is mostly staying in bed.To me, all of this is only further proof that the negative elite are on their last legs, and are making desperate moves to stave off their inevitable defeat.
kauilapele | January 1, 2012 at 20:44
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