by alienspacecentereast on January 17, 2012
The mystery about the strange and scary rumbling sounds and noises, the big “roar”, that seem to come from above and everywhere, has spread to around the globe in the first month of 2012. Some of the loud noise actually sounds like a big trumpet, a foghorn or a “roar“. Other describe the noise as industrial, mechanical, like an ongoing engine or a jet-engine. The noises appear to be omni-directional and seem to have no single traced source of origin or horizontal source. It gives the impression, that the sounds are coming from directly overhead or directly underneath the earth. Well, it seems that something or someone has the ability, to create these unworldly sound effects and let it be heard over cities around the globe, and that´s just so weird and awesome at the same time, please listen below:
March 9, 2011 Tallahassee, Florida, USA:
May 21, 2011 Jersey City, New Jersey, USA: /
August 16, 2011 Taipei, Taiwan:
August 20, 2011 Odessa, Ukraine:
August 21, 2011 Kiev, Ukraine:
August 22, 2011 Colorado, USA:
August 23, 2011 Moscow, Russia: (date unclear)
September 1, 2011 Curitiba, Brasil:
September 1, 2011 Nivaa, Denmark: (date unclear)
September 16, 2011 Denmark:
September 25, 2011 Alexandria, Minnesota, USA:
October 19, 2011 Colorado, USA:
October 28, 2011 Florida, USA:
November 3, 2011 South France:
December 3, 2011 Bucharest, Romaina: (date unclear)
January 9, 2012 Costa Rica:
January 10, 2012 Aalborg, Denmark:
January 11, 2012 Montreal, Canada: (date unclear)
January 11, 2012 Budapest, Hungary: (suspicious)
January 12, 2012 Conklin, Alberta, Canada:
January 12, 2012 Chile:
January 13, 2012 Dawson Creek, Canada: (date unclear)
January 13, 2012 SupĂa, Caldas, Colombia: (date unclear)
January 14, 2012 Mexico: unclear)
January 14, 2012 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: (date unclear)
January 15, 2012 Chicago, Illinois: (date unclear)
January 15, 2012 Manitoba, Canada: (date unclear)
January 17, 2012 Melbourne, Australia:
January 17, 2012 Nottingham, England:
January 17, 2012 Spain:
Full playlist with all videos: Strange Noise Phenomenon (30 videos of january 19, 2012)
HAARP, Blue Beam or just nature?
Strange Noise Phenomenon Activity Diagram based on the video list (updated January 19, 2012)One may wonder what these strange sounds, noises and roars are? Is this noise phenomenon caused by mother earth herself, or is this noise phenomenon caused by something out in space? Nobody seem to know why we have these strange noises. The first thing that came to my mind was The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and the Blue Beam Project. Could they possibly use the technologies developed in these projects, to create the noise and roar-sounds we hear in these videos? I know there is an atmospheric layer that is magnetic, the Ionosphere, and it should be possible to affect it with their 1 billion watt HAARP antennas in Alaska, pumping a focused beam of microwaves up in the ionosphere, and possibly move this layer forth and back, and use it as a membrane to create the scary noise. I am no expert into HAARP technology, but I do know how a loudspeaker works. It has a magnet suspended inside a coil and the membrane is attached to that magnet. The magnet receives electrical impulses via the coil and forces the membrane forth and back, and it creates a sound. So, if they could control a part of the ionosphere over a city, and keep it in suspension like the magnet suspended inside a coil, they should be able to send electrical impulses to it, move the ionosphere layer and create an unworldly sound or noise, also experienced as a roar? If this noise phenomenon is created by a government or a military, HAARP could potentially be a candidate. (graph)
Planetary Magnetic Noise made audible…
I get the feeling that electromagnetic activity in large scale is helping to produce the mysterious sound, which for me is perceived as electric, pulsating and cyclical. NASA have some orbiters out there with magnetometers, listening to radio signals from the planets. These electromagnetic signals, some will call it magnetic noise, has been converted into audio. Some of these recordings comes quite close to the mysterious sounds in the videos above…
The sounds of planet Jupiter
The sounds of planet Saturn
The sounds of planet Uranus
The sounds of planet Neptune
The question is, if magnetic noise or radio waves from the planets, the sun or far away stars, somehow can be converted into real soundwaves in an interaction with the earth? Soundwaves can not travel through space because space is a vacuum with extremely low atomic density, and sound is carried through relatively dense materials. The only way noise from the universe can travel through space, is if the space has a decent density.
There was a flash, and then the noise died off…
Flash that appears just before noise dies offA very interesting video, is the one from Alexandria, Minnesota, USA September 25, 2011, where you can hear a deep rumbling near a small lake. After a while you see a strong bright flash in front of the clouds, and the sound dies off totally? This is interesting, because that could indicate, that there is some kind of electrical activity going on that is involved with the noise phenomenon, which could indicate HAARP, see it here
The Foghorn Player
The video from Kiev, Ukraine August 21, 2011, was also uploaded with 3x speed, and the sound you get here, is much more earthly, but still very odd. It sounds like a trumpet-player trying to blow some air through some kind of largescale horn, as if someone practicing to learn play on a foghorn, listen to it here
Electric Guitar with Spring Reverb?
Be aware that I can not guarantee that all videos are genuine. I have chosen them because I think personally they are interesting. However, there is a video in my list above which I think sounds suspicious, and it is from Budapest, Hungary January 11, 2012. Note the sound here, which for me definitely sounds like a stroke on an electric guitar-string with a decent amount of spring-reverb, listen here
War of the Worlds (2005)
The “martian machine sound” effects in the movie War of the Worlds, contains sounds that comes near the sound in some of the videos listed above, but it´s far from a perfect match. The sounds in the movie are more artificial and clearly manmade in a studio. Compared to the large scale noise in the videos, you will understand it´s not the same.
Noise/Sound phenomenon anno 2011/2012 related to other strange events?
Alien Face Binary Message (Image but not least, one can not help but to wonder, if the strange sound that has been increasing here in 2012, could be linked to other mysterious phenomenas around the world? There are these amazing crop circles, which since the mid-90s, has surprised the world with mathematical and spiritual messages to humanity, even actual messages sent to us in binary codes. Take for example the Chilbolton ‘Arecibo message’, which was printed in the field as a crop circle and discovered the morning on August 14, 2001. It was apparently a response to the original “SETI Message” drafted by Carl Sagan and transmitted into space November 16th 1974. The ‘Alien message’ did not come alone, because the same night, another crop circle was layed down and surprisingly in the same field right next to the “message”, illustrating a face in 3D. If this could not convince the most critical crop circle skeptics about the legitimacy of this mysterious phenomenon, so could the next crop circle the year after maybe give them the last little push in the right direction.

Photo Credit
On August 15, 2002, an amazing crop circle nearly the size of two football fields (see picture to the left) appeared over night with a face in 3D with a “disc” of binary codes attached. The disc contained a message to mankind, sent from an unknown source, probably extraterrestrial, and it is a quite good message to get, read below…
“Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.
Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged Word).
There is GOOD out there.
That picture must have an image credit to
Noted and corrected. Thanks for the input.
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