January 19, 2012
"SCHULZ" v. "SOROS": AN IN-DEPTH REPORT Why We Must Organize The Fight Is On
Editor's Note: This Update has two parts. Today we address why it is imperative for each of us to awaken our families, friends and neighbors, in sufficient numbers, to their duty, as responsible Americans, to ORGANIZE for the purpose of holding ALL elected officials accountable to ALL provisions of our state and federal constitutions, and to do so NOW. Tomorrow we will reveal a practical pathway for us to ORGANIZE, using a new organizing tool.
SUMMARY: Why We Must Organize In defense of the Rule of Law in New York State, from the State Constitution on down, we established the Tri-County Taxpayers Association in 1979, and the All-County Taxpayers Association in 1992. For twenty years these organizations blazed a trail of government accountability by using the Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances, the Right that is guaranteed by every State Constitution and by the last ten words of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but a Right that had been so injured as to be confined and stored away since 1836, when it was "gagged" by Congress. For more about TCTA and ACTA and their success in New York State, see http://www.givemeliberty.org/constitutionlobby/full-story.htm In 1997, to give our State and Federal Constitutions a stronger voice in federal affairs of state, we established We The People, a national organization. Within seven years, WTP had etched into the awareness of citizens in every state the concept of government accountability to the rest of the Constitution through First Amendment Petitions for Redress. See the "Archives" at www.WeThePeopleFoundation.org On June 15, 2011, to give our State and Federal Constitutions a stronger voice, we began advocating for the establishment of a non-political "Constitution Lobby" in every state. We recognized that non-violent civic action by a mass movement is necessary to prevail in attempts to hold government accountable to our Constitutions. Within six months, Constitution Lobbies were incorporated in New York, Connecticut, Kansas and Nebraska: WeThePeopleofNY.org, WeThePeopleofCT.org, WeThePeopleofKS.org,WeThePeopleofNE.org. On October 8, 2011, to give our State and Federal Constitutions a voice within the widespread Occupy movement of young people, we established a Constitution Working Group within Occupy Wall Street. Within three months a website was established at www.OccupyTheConstitution.org where there is now posted a Statement of Beliefs and seven First Amendment Petitions for Redress, each addressing a major issue in our Country, which when signed by 3% of the population of the United States (9 million), will be served on named official(s) in our state and federal governments. While all of these efforts since 1979 have been dedicated to defending our Federal and State Constitutionsas they currently exist, including their embedded provisions for amending them, there is now a counter-movement that has been quietly seeded in America advocating for a new Constitution and a new Bill of Rights.
This "Replace The Constitution" movement has been instigated, strategized and funded by liberal, progressive forces, including George Soros. It seeks to disembowel our Founding documents and their essential, underlying Principles.
It has sprouted ever far-reaching tentacles throughout the institutions of our society, inventing and molding "intellectual" mindsets and political paradigms from corporate/media newsrooms to Hollywood scriptwriters, from the hallowed halls of Yale University to the ubiquitous urchins at Occupy Wall Street.
The Replace The Constitution movement appears determined to command the future of this Nation and her People, enabled by the American public's pathetic grasp of history, economics and the essential Principles of Law and Liberty protected by our Founding documents, coupled with the public's inability to discern the connection between the root causes and effects underlying the current national and international crisis.
As we begin to examine the emerging roadmap this dangerous new movement is drawing for the future of America (and the planet) we see the fingerprints of an all-powerful, universally present George Soros.
The balance of this article discusses our recent confrontation with the shadowed forces of this Replace The Constitution movement as we attempted to provide basic education to the assembled masses at Occupy Wall Street regarding the nature of Liberty and the vast powers of our Fundamental Rights, including the Right to Petition and the Right to Secure Redress protected by our Constitutions.
We are trying to do something very constructive. To our surprise, however, we find we are being blocked for fairly unsubstantial reasons, based on arbitrary personal opinions as opposed to reasoned argument based on facts. Despite our desire to move forward, we have been actively obstructed by disruptors within Occupy Wall Street's General Assembly ("GA"), who have persistently injected numerous interruptions and distractions to thwart our progress - all the while failing to confront the substance of our Right to Petition based solution and failing to explain how obedience to the Constitution would work counter to the principles of economic justice the "99%" so boisterously seek.
We believe the Replace The Constitution movement will do what it can to prevent the "99%" from learning that they currently possess the power to manifest the social Justice, economic opportunity, global peace and personal Liberty they demand simply by embracing our existing Constitutions.
The Clash and Developing Contest
On December 17, 2011, at Liberty Square in New York City, our efforts to defend the Letter and Spirit of the current Constitution came face-to-face and clashed with the movement to Replace The Constitution and Bill of Rights. Take heed. Pay special attention. The fight is on and much is at stake.
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The CC2009 Solidarity Pin
This exquisite multi-color enameled pin is intended to provoke solidarity among all Freedom organizations in support of the historic Continental Congress 2009 initiative. About 1.5" high.Visit our online Store |  |
The Historic WTP "V"
White House Protest Poster
A small legion of WTP masked "V" protesters marched on the White House in 2007...high quality print, ready to frame.
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The We The People Foundation
Freedom Pin
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