Those of you who follow my blog understand that the financial
house of cards is about
to fall.
While I have not
been publishing many specific stories about the markets, here are three very
recent headlines from
a free email service that I have found over the years to be reliable and
* International Investors Dump $40.8 Billion in Treasuries, the
Most Ever
* A U.S. Housing Crash Is Already Starting to Unfold
* Interest-Rate Market Going Berserk!
* A U.S. Housing Crash Is Already Starting to Unfold
* Interest-Rate Market Going Berserk!
Also, let me add here that a number of
alternative news services have written articles that suggest
the Cabal is desperately trying to find some
way to bring down—take out—the internet just prior to
As a result, most
people wouldn’t have access to their money in the banking system. And
what, do
you suppose, the Cabal
would see as an opportunity in all of that? So much for a banking
Here also is the story about the
“Federal Reserve” rejecting the U.S. Treasury’s new hundred dollar bill.
And, what about this
article from last year’s Business Insider?
Then, there this curious article from “The Atlantic Wire” that
“The bills’ release in October can still be salvaged if the Fort
Worth, Texas branch of production makes
up for the problems at the Washington, D.C. mint.”
Fort Worth, Texas–Texas–home of the Bush Family.
Are we supposed to
believe the Washington, D.C. mint is that screwed up–that their quality
control has suddenly
abandoned a hundred-plus years of excellence?
Can you see it all
all coming together – and very quickly?
Do you think the cabal will go out easily?
Do you think they will
take advantage of their the ability to create chaos by destroying some
portion of the
electronic grid?
I do!
As a result of the ensuing chaos, do you have any doubt the
cabal will make one final attempt
to gain control of the
planet – as their butts are being kicked out the door?
Would they perhaps try one last time to institute martial law?
Would they blame the
failure of the grid on another country – and so in the hysteria thus created
by our lack of
electricity would they attempt to take the United States of America into WWIII
against some other
I don’t doubt that
their desperation would lead them to try any or all of this – and more.
Our greatest defense against such an attempt
could well be to help this post go viral.
If you agree, please
share these thoughts with others.
Thanks and hugs,
Use your masterful powers
of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

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