Excerpted from further
Many believe hemp
is synonymous with marijuana. Each substance is derived from the
same plant, cannabis sativa,
which is illegal in the U.S. under Federal law - but they are not the
Marijuana is a drug because it contains significant amounts of the mind-altering chemical THC.
Hemp - bred specifically for its industrial and commercial uses - won’t get you high, but it does contain cannabinoids that help alleviate the symptoms of oxidative diseases, especially those that impact the brain, when ingested.
Marijuana is a drug because it contains significant amounts of the mind-altering chemical THC.
Hemp - bred specifically for its industrial and commercial uses - won’t get you high, but it does contain cannabinoids that help alleviate the symptoms of oxidative diseases, especially those that impact the brain, when ingested.
From: legal_reality
Subj: Fw: Hemp, competition, and public policy
Subj: Fw: Hemp, competition, and public policy
27 September A.D. 2014
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From: Sovereign Living <info@sovliving.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 10:35 AM
Subject: GROW A “SUPERBRAIN” in as Little as 3 Days!
From: Sovereign Living <info@sovliving.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 10:35 AM
Subject: GROW A “SUPERBRAIN” in as Little as 3 Days!
The Wonder Plant the Government is Denying You
By John Ross Crooks
Dear Reader,
There is a plant that has been the center point of a scandal dating back to the 1930s.
That’s when Big Government, Big Business and the news media colluded to ban one of America’s most precious industrial commodities. That’s too bad because this plant is a resource that reduces our environmental footprint, provides non-toxic substitutes for basic materials and fibers, and boosts our health without risky side effects.
I'm talking about hemp.
And you don't have ready access to hemp products because meddling bureaucrats stand in the way.
In fact, you are suffering from hemp’s substitutes, which involve intensive use of toxic substances including petroleum, plastics and pesticides. Those industries and others have significant influence in Washington, where public officials perpetuate a farcical war on our freedom to use hemp.
And while there is movement to see that freedom restored, I don’t expect the power players to loosen their collective grip too quickly.
So I wanted to see how we could take advantage of hemp's benefits now.
Last week, I learned of one such avenue when I attended an exclusive natural products expo reserved for industry professionals. I came across an innovative company that isolates the health and nutritional benefits found in hemp seed oil, and I want to share what I found …
There is a plant that has been the center point of a scandal dating back to the 1930s.
That’s when Big Government, Big Business and the news media colluded to ban one of America’s most precious industrial commodities. That’s too bad because this plant is a resource that reduces our environmental footprint, provides non-toxic substitutes for basic materials and fibers, and boosts our health without risky side effects.
I'm talking about hemp.
And you don't have ready access to hemp products because meddling bureaucrats stand in the way.
In fact, you are suffering from hemp’s substitutes, which involve intensive use of toxic substances including petroleum, plastics and pesticides. Those industries and others have significant influence in Washington, where public officials perpetuate a farcical war on our freedom to use hemp.
And while there is movement to see that freedom restored, I don’t expect the power players to loosen their collective grip too quickly.
So I wanted to see how we could take advantage of hemp's benefits now.
Last week, I learned of one such avenue when I attended an exclusive natural products expo reserved for industry professionals. I came across an innovative company that isolates the health and nutritional benefits found in hemp seed oil, and I want to share what I found …
Recently I came across a product that I found
truly amazing, and I wanted to bring it to your attention right away.
It’s an absolutely astounding sound technology which can actually put you into states of improved health… promote more restful sleep…help resolve long-standing emotional problems…and safely stimulate the brain to produce many vital neurochemicals that can keep your body young, alive and fully functioning!
What the research was saying was absolutely true! As I use the soundtracks on a regular basis, I am developing a new sense of balance and “flow” in my life. When I learned how it worked, it made total sense.
It’s an absolutely astounding sound technology which can actually put you into states of improved health… promote more restful sleep…help resolve long-standing emotional problems…and safely stimulate the brain to produce many vital neurochemicals that can keep your body young, alive and fully functioning!
What the research was saying was absolutely true! As I use the soundtracks on a regular basis, I am developing a new sense of balance and “flow” in my life. When I learned how it worked, it made total sense.
Tens of Thousands of Uses for Hemp
Many believe hemp is
synonymous with marijuana. Each substance is derived from the same plant, cannabis sativa, which is
illegal in the U.S. under Federal law - but they are not the same.
Marijuana is a drug because it contains significant amounts of the mind-altering chemical THC.
Hemp - bred specifically for its industrial and commercial uses - won’t get you high, but it does contain cannabinoids that help alleviate the symptoms of oxidative diseases, especially those that impact the brain, when ingested.
Industrial use of cannabis goes back thousands of years. China used it for clothing, shoes and paper. Medieval Germany and Italy used it in foods. For ages, it was used to make ropes and sails for ships.
Henry Ford sought to fuel his automobiles with hemp fuel. In fact, he made a car frame in which hemp fiber was a key ingredient in 70% of the mixture, and these frames were said to withstand impact and resist denting better than steel. I bet the significantly lighter weight would have done wonders for fuel economy, too.
Interestingly, it was illegal NOT to grow hemp in the United States during the 1700s. It was used in 80% of all fabrics and textiles, and in Virginia you could actually be arrested for refusing to grow it.
In the early 1900s, a machine was invented that made harvesting hemp seeds and fibers more efficient. It was subsequently estimated hemp would be used in all paper production by the 1940s. Popular Mechanics even predicted it would be the first-ever billion-dollar cash crop.
But little did they realize hemp would be suffocated by new legislation.
The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 sought to lower the usage of marijuana by placing a burdensome sales tax upon cannabis, effectually criminalizing the plant. The drug had become demonized due to reports that it caused dangers such as car accidents, violence, insanity and immorality. Oddly enough, the tax was applied to hemp as well, despite the fact that it doesn’t contain any psychotropic properties.
Actually, it’s not that odd when you think about it …
Marijuana is a drug because it contains significant amounts of the mind-altering chemical THC.
Hemp - bred specifically for its industrial and commercial uses - won’t get you high, but it does contain cannabinoids that help alleviate the symptoms of oxidative diseases, especially those that impact the brain, when ingested.
Industrial use of cannabis goes back thousands of years. China used it for clothing, shoes and paper. Medieval Germany and Italy used it in foods. For ages, it was used to make ropes and sails for ships.
Henry Ford sought to fuel his automobiles with hemp fuel. In fact, he made a car frame in which hemp fiber was a key ingredient in 70% of the mixture, and these frames were said to withstand impact and resist denting better than steel. I bet the significantly lighter weight would have done wonders for fuel economy, too.
Interestingly, it was illegal NOT to grow hemp in the United States during the 1700s. It was used in 80% of all fabrics and textiles, and in Virginia you could actually be arrested for refusing to grow it.
In the early 1900s, a machine was invented that made harvesting hemp seeds and fibers more efficient. It was subsequently estimated hemp would be used in all paper production by the 1940s. Popular Mechanics even predicted it would be the first-ever billion-dollar cash crop.
But little did they realize hemp would be suffocated by new legislation.
The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 sought to lower the usage of marijuana by placing a burdensome sales tax upon cannabis, effectually criminalizing the plant. The drug had become demonized due to reports that it caused dangers such as car accidents, violence, insanity and immorality. Oddly enough, the tax was applied to hemp as well, despite the fact that it doesn’t contain any psychotropic properties.
Actually, it’s not that odd when you think about it …
Use the Government to Eliminate Competition
Let me draw you a
picture of this tangled web of entwined interests and back-door deals.
The first Director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, Harry Anslinger, was in office from 1930 to 1962. He had family ties to U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, the richest man in America at the time. And Mellon had investment ties with DuPont, an American chemical giant.
The death of U.S. hemp can be traced all the way back to DuPont.
In 1935, the company invented nylon, a fiber to which hemp was a leading competitor. Two years later, amid a nationwide media barrage led by Anslinger, marijuana - and hemp - was attacked.
Coincidence? I think not.
Quickly after hemp's fall, nylon took center stage through the mass production of plastics, lauded for their versatility and affordability. According to the Plastics Industry Trade Association (interestingly founded the same year as the illegalization of marijuana), the $373 billion plastics business is the third-largest manufacturing industry in the U.S.
But while the plastics industry might be raking in the dough, it has a dark side.
About 3.9 million metric tons of Bisphenol A (BPA), for example, goes into plastics each year. BPA, a known hormone disruptor, has been linked to cancer and brain diseases.
Other high-concern chemicals include neurotoxins used to make PVC, which increase the risk of cancer. Styrene, a carcinogen, is used in hard plastic consumer items, foam insulations, and carpets. Phthalates, such as those found in your toxic shaving cream, are used to make plastics soft.
Hemp can’t possibly replace all plastics, but it can substitute some. And processing it doesn’t require or emit any of those toxic chemicals.
Hemp is also a renewable resource that can be grown easily in various climates and conditions. It doesn’t require pesticides because bugs are not drawn to it. It doesn’t require herbicide because it grows closely together and weeds have no room to proliferate. This means no genetic engineering opportunities for hemp seeds either.
Put together all the qualities of hemp and you’ve got an exceptionally versatile natural product that can be produced abundantly, affordably and responsibly. Watch out, Big Business.
The first Director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, Harry Anslinger, was in office from 1930 to 1962. He had family ties to U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, the richest man in America at the time. And Mellon had investment ties with DuPont, an American chemical giant.
The death of U.S. hemp can be traced all the way back to DuPont.
In 1935, the company invented nylon, a fiber to which hemp was a leading competitor. Two years later, amid a nationwide media barrage led by Anslinger, marijuana - and hemp - was attacked.
Coincidence? I think not.
Quickly after hemp's fall, nylon took center stage through the mass production of plastics, lauded for their versatility and affordability. According to the Plastics Industry Trade Association (interestingly founded the same year as the illegalization of marijuana), the $373 billion plastics business is the third-largest manufacturing industry in the U.S.
But while the plastics industry might be raking in the dough, it has a dark side.
About 3.9 million metric tons of Bisphenol A (BPA), for example, goes into plastics each year. BPA, a known hormone disruptor, has been linked to cancer and brain diseases.
Other high-concern chemicals include neurotoxins used to make PVC, which increase the risk of cancer. Styrene, a carcinogen, is used in hard plastic consumer items, foam insulations, and carpets. Phthalates, such as those found in your toxic shaving cream, are used to make plastics soft.
Hemp can’t possibly replace all plastics, but it can substitute some. And processing it doesn’t require or emit any of those toxic chemicals.
Hemp is also a renewable resource that can be grown easily in various climates and conditions. It doesn’t require pesticides because bugs are not drawn to it. It doesn’t require herbicide because it grows closely together and weeds have no room to proliferate. This means no genetic engineering opportunities for hemp seeds either.
Put together all the qualities of hemp and you’ve got an exceptionally versatile natural product that can be produced abundantly, affordably and responsibly. Watch out, Big Business.
Is the Revival of Hemp Inevitable?
Recently, States have
permitted hemp to be grown for research purposes only. While states are ready
to harness the potential, the Federal government is not.
But we don’t need a research phase to tell us the reasons to bring hemp back to the U.S. economy. Why not get out of the way and let the free market decide if hemp makes sense?
Hemp clothing, home goods, consumer products and basic materials would mean you forego toxic exposure to chemically derived plastics.
But the personal benefits go beyond that - even boosting your health - with one nutritionally rich substance.
Meet hemp seed oil.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is an antioxidant found in the oil that protects the brain and alleviates symptoms of many diseases associated with oxidation, including Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and cataracts.
The oil also contains a heart-healthy balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that benefit bone health and metabolism while fending off chronic inflammation that is responsible for so much of what goes wrong in our bodies.
Hemp seed oil also helps regulate digestion, which helps prevent erratic spikes in blood sugar, and it has amino acids that improve mental function and cell maintenance.
So while I was in Baltimore last week attending the Natural Products Expo East, a convention of more than 1,270 natural product exhibitors, HempMedsPX piqued my interest.
They offer health products made with CBD, including hemp seed oil, hemp chewing gum, a vegan hemp oil tincture, personal care products and food products built around the beneficial fatty acids found in hemp seed oil.
Despite the fact that all hemp products must be imported into the U.S., I’ve learned there are several solutions already available to you and me.
If you’re experiencing ailments, look into how hemp seed remedies, food or supplements might help you. (Be sure to consult your physician first!)
I have to admit, prior to the research I did for this article I didn’t really understand that hemp was so incredibly useful and versatile. It really is an impressive commodity that deserves to be unleashed in the American economy.
But we don’t need a research phase to tell us the reasons to bring hemp back to the U.S. economy. Why not get out of the way and let the free market decide if hemp makes sense?
Hemp clothing, home goods, consumer products and basic materials would mean you forego toxic exposure to chemically derived plastics.
But the personal benefits go beyond that - even boosting your health - with one nutritionally rich substance.
Meet hemp seed oil.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is an antioxidant found in the oil that protects the brain and alleviates symptoms of many diseases associated with oxidation, including Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and cataracts.
The oil also contains a heart-healthy balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that benefit bone health and metabolism while fending off chronic inflammation that is responsible for so much of what goes wrong in our bodies.
Hemp seed oil also helps regulate digestion, which helps prevent erratic spikes in blood sugar, and it has amino acids that improve mental function and cell maintenance.
So while I was in Baltimore last week attending the Natural Products Expo East, a convention of more than 1,270 natural product exhibitors, HempMedsPX piqued my interest.
They offer health products made with CBD, including hemp seed oil, hemp chewing gum, a vegan hemp oil tincture, personal care products and food products built around the beneficial fatty acids found in hemp seed oil.
Despite the fact that all hemp products must be imported into the U.S., I’ve learned there are several solutions already available to you and me.
If you’re experiencing ailments, look into how hemp seed remedies, food or supplements might help you. (Be sure to consult your physician first!)
I have to admit, prior to the research I did for this article I didn’t really understand that hemp was so incredibly useful and versatile. It really is an impressive commodity that deserves to be unleashed in the American economy.
To quality living,

JR Crooks
Editor, Sovereign Living
Editor, Sovereign Living
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