Yet ANOTHER example and personal testimony of criminal actions of the U.S.A. 'government' and the U.S.A. military/NWO/NATO
Letter from Afghanistan

By Ian Greenhalgh on April 17, 2016
We received this
letter from a reader in Afghanistan and found it truly touching; a
heart-breaking story that lays bare the cruelty and indifference to
suffering of the war machine. Our hearts go out, not just to Mr.
Stanekzai but to all Afghans, a people who have not known peace since
1979 and have seen their nation utterly ravaged.
Afghan Translators or Traitors
Dear Mr Duff,
My name is Abdel Halim Stanekzai. I am contacting you from Afghanistan. I am an elder of 74 years of age. I was educated in California, USA when I was in my late 20s. I have been following your website for many years. However, as I am older and much weaker, I don’t have a lot of patience and strength to follow it often. However, I feel obligated to write this write up before I am too weak to write anything.
I hope you would be gracious to publish this article in its entirety. I would appreciate it. This article is important to me since my family members have perished in US bombing in Shah-e-kot while translators with their treacherous and deceitful behavior enjoyed blood money and in some cases boast about their disservice to their homeland.
With the US pull out from Afghanistan, the United States started a massive pull out project that included over 20,000 Afghans translators that translated for the US forces. These translators were relocated to the US along with their families to ensure their safety. The exodus of these people created a euphoria among those that served US’s interest. The US government provided these newcomers with housing, expense and even job placement as friends reported to me from California and Texas.
Unfortunately, people have been oblivious or chose to be oblivious to the conduct of these translators, or do not wish to ask what these translators have been accessories to, after all the US forces committed heinous crimes. I for one am not quick to judge them. After all, I live in Afghanistan and do realize that the prospects for opportunity is zero, especially that the warlords and US contractors wasted, pocketed and misused billions.
The young people, especially when those with weaker moral fiber, were eager to look for quick fixes for their future. The translation job provided that quick positive financial rise for their future. Better yet, the prospect of relocating to the US was the ultimate prize these translators sought eagerly.
Even though I could appreciate the rationale behind their decision to serve as translators, some have committed heinous crimes along with US Special Forces while others have witnessed and remained silent. It is necessary to remember that the decades old war has eliminated any atmosphere of proper moral upbringing among the young people; therefore, the moral gauge needed for this type of decision has been nonexistent for them.
The US forces committed heinous mass murders, individual assassination and used murder of civilian as sports in some instances. These translators were present and witnessed all these criminal behaviors and remained silent simply to find a way out of the country. It is noteworthy that a unit of US forces from Washington State was under investigation for killing Afghan civilians and keeping their body parts as souvenirs.
Instances exist that local translators participated in murder to gain favorable status among the US forces.
Anyway, they are guilty irrespective of what excuse they use. The guiltiest among the translators are those that came from the US and made hundreds of thousands of dollars, eager to become wealthy. These US based Afghans had no other excuse except to enrich themselves and translation appeared to be the milking cow for these people.
These Afghan-Americans were either uneducated with jobs in restaurants and other service industry or young people with no prospects for the future because they did not want to attend college and had no plans for self-improvement. Translation appeared to be the best option for them. Unfortunately, the majority of these translators were Afghan minorities speaking Dari and knew very little or no Pashto at all and many of them, due to their ignorance, had prejudices towards Pashtuns. That is why these non-native speakers were instrumental for falsely accusing many regular Pashtun villagers as Taliban and facilitated the imprisonment of regular people in the hundreds.
Lastly, there are very few Afghan-Americans taking pride in their disservice toward their native land. There is one individual whose writings I have followed on your website and who takes pride to have assisted the US commander who murdered thousands of people in Afghan villages in Shah-e-Kot valley. The person I am referring to is Khalil Nouri. The US operation in Shah-e-Kot in which he served was named Operation Anaconda.
In this operation, the US forces were defeated; however, as usual they resorted to mass killing of civilians. Khalil Nouri served as translator with Lieutenant General Franklin Hegenbeck. This general wiped out Afghan villages of Sirkankel and Marzak in Shah-e-kot. As a result thousands of civilians had perished including my son, my pregnant daughter, grandson, and three other relatives.
Now the question is what kind of human would take pride in serving a mass murderer of his people? Khalil Nouri claims to be a Pashtun but the credentials he is most proud of is his service as a translator to General Frankling Hegenbeck, who ordered the annihilation of Afghan villages, where I lost 6 family members, all civilians. After my continuous efforts to ask fellow Afghans my age and older, especially among the Mohammadzai clan in Kabul and Kandahar, I stumbled on a very intriguing information that would explain why would Khalil Nouri take pride in being a translator/traitor for General Frankling Hegenbeck.
The short answer is the patriarch of his family whose father descended from him happened to be a hermaphrodite. Khalil Nouri’s family patriarch was Yahya Khan. Since Afghan culture is an ultraconservative culture, a father would never want to have his son’s genetic condition revealed. Therefore when Yahya Khan grew to the age of marriage, he was married to a female; however, a family servant, a sikh of Indian descent, whose nickname Sik-e-pai kata, the Sikh with big feet was assigned to sleep with Yahya Khan’s wife so that Yahya Khan would have children and the family line would continue without exposing his condition. Consequently, Yahya Khan’s wife gave birth to a baby boy he named Yousef Khan.
A true Pashtun would never take pride in serving a mass murderer like US General Franklin Hegenbeck while being accessory to the mass murder of his own people. Only an illegitimate blood, or what we call in Pashto ‘da Haramoonee weena’, Khalil Nouri has proved to be that blood through his genealogy by becoming a traitor and taking pride to have served under General Franklin Hegenbeck, the murderer of people in Shah-e-kot. As an elder here in Afghanistan, we live by code of Pashtunwali.
According to this code, people like Khalil Nouri are viewed nothing but traitors. I consider it my right to expose him because I lost family members while and traitors like him boast about their crimes.
Despite of my loss, I have been gracious not to further expose the family dirt of Khalil Nouri; however, if I see any negative reaction from him, I will expose his fathers’ and mother’s deep non-Pashtun roots and brother’s complicity in drug dealings with US Congress people.
You be the judge.
WAR is a BUSINESS. WAR does NOT profit the people. WAR is an abuser, a murderer, and WAR makes HUGE PROFITS for those who would continue to overpower and enslave all humanity. The lives and families of those affected by these warmongers means absolutely NOTHING to these criminals. The Bush (Clinton, Cheney) crime cartel and others linked with them, including many in the Congress, have an interest in the poppy fields of Afhanistan. American military was and still is used to GUARD THE POPPY FIELDS, thus participating in criminal behavior, guarding the very drugs that are sold on the streets of America and worldwide. Besides destroying the lives and families of those who succoumb to these drugs, the proceeds of these sales increase the offshore hidden bank accounts of the very NAZI criminals who continue to enslave and live off the American people today. This man and his family have suffered terribly at the hands of the cabal and the American military. No financial means can provide comfort for the tremendous loss to a grieving family, no doubt MANY who grieve from the atrocities committed against them by those who, sadly, represent our nation. Now that we have read this man's story, I pray we will all work together to rid our nation of these criminal cockroach scumbags and send them to hell where they belong. Peace will only come when the American people rise up together, crossing over self-imposed racial boundaries, and take charge of our nation and their own lives, agreeing to stand together to collectively defeat the very tyranny that has trapped and enslaved us for centuries. May it quickly come to pass.
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