Sunday, April 17, 2016

VanDyke trains Iraqi Christians to fight and win against ISIS

Crusades  2016?  This  American Has  Gathered  a  Band  Of  Christians  to  FIGHT  ISIS!

What’s the best way to fight ISIS? According to one American, it’s by getting a group of Christians together and sending them to Iraq.  (NO!  KEEP them HERE!  We need those who are trained and prepared to defend us on our OWN SOIL!) 

Matthew is the founder of Sons of Liberty International, a group that organizes former U.S. military members to train Christians in the Middle East fighting ISIS.

“Matthew, I’ll tell you, what you’re doing over there is going to mean the difference between life and death for a lot of Christians. Do you believe that is hyperbole?” Glenn asked.  

Matthew quickly agreed that the training they provide is paying off. “It’s absolutely true. Without us training them, they would receive no training. We’re really the only chance they have now to be trained before they’re deployed to combat. They are going to go. They’re going to fight. And they’re either going to fight with training or without it. And if we provide the training, I strongly believe they will be some of the best-trained forces in Iraq, and they already have the morale and willpower to actually stand and fight,” Matthew said.

Matthew strongly believes that 2016 is a pivotal year if Christians are to survive in Iraq.

“This year is it. If the Iraqi Christians don’t have the support they need to train, they need — Christianity will probably fade from Iraq after this [next] conflict,” Matthew said.

Christians are facing a genocide at the hands of ISIS, and so far, no one has had much luck stopping them.  

Will VanDyke’s group finally make a difference and turn the tide?


Anonymous said...

Posting this might help get this elderly Afghanistan man's message out...

Olive Oyl said...

Thank you for the suggestion. Letter has been published this afternoon. Regards ...