Dear John, Since federal operatives hijacked my original
report on Tribes on July 27, 2013 and rewrote part of it, I sent you moments
ago my legal response to this which is public notice that I will now sue Wash.,
D.C. for $50 trillion for damages for daring to try to forge my report into a
report written by either NSA or else CIA under NSA on July 27.
I show the legal
proof how they forged part of my report and also sent to you the correct
version of the report for July 27. I am calling for the immediate impeachment
of Obama from the White House for daring to hijack my report, rewrite part of
it for federal purposes, and thinking that he Obama and federal operatives can
get away with such criminal acts. Sunday, had my computer checked out and it
had federal computer viruses on it to give NSA secret control of my computer
while I wrote national reports, etc.
You will find my call for the immediate
impeachment of Obama very interesting and to sting NSA or CIA who did this,
would appreciate my correct report of July 27 posted to replace the forged
version forwarded to you by either NSA or else CIA under NSA.
This is a deadly
enough legal scandal to get Obama impeached from the White House now.
Best Regards and God bless!
Erasmus of America
He should have been removed from office a long time ago but not necessarily impeached since he was never lawfully or legally permitted to be president in the first place. If he is simply removed for being there illegally then any and all legislation he's had his criminal hands in creating will be null and void.
Caning sounds appropriate, doesn't it?
He should be charged with treason and murder...Clinton as well. That's just for starters.
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