Tuesday, September 2, 2014
One thought on “Carter Ham – New Interim President”
thought on “Carter Ham – New Interim President”
Anonymous said...
Isn't it strange that we are the only people who know about this new interim president ?
In Washington, life goes on unchanged. -
September 2, 2014 at 9:14 AM
Dan said...
There will be delays to get the Republic back and for everyone to know about it, but for Obama to be able to still seem to be in power, as ISIS and Iraq RV issues are still going on as usual, it is somewhat interesting.
It took Noah 120 years to build the Ark with Hand Tools to save his family and the animals from the Great Flood, but is has been 143 years that is has taken for you to realize that we have a Corporation as our government, and you want it shut down in 24 hours!
Unless there is the Proper Channels to go thru to make those connections to get rid of the Corrupt THE UNITED STATES, INC., the City of London, and the Vatican, then We The People will NOT be able to take the Proper Actions! -
September 2, 2014 at 10:42 AM
And you can NOT have a present Military General that is on duty to reveal the upcoming Coup.
If Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court Failed to take actions against Obama, and many of them are BAR members, then you need to get a Military General that will take down the Present Corrupt Government!
The Interim President can only stay in office for 6 months until there is an Election for the People to vote, and that is why there were 8 presidents before Washington and no one mentions them.