Sunday, September 7, 2014

Senator Songstad and Governor Sundquist Plot to Kill Lee Wanta Caught on Tape!

Senator Songstad and Governor Sundquist Plot to Kill Lee Wanta Caught on Tape!


Anonymous said...

I can't seem to find anything to verify the existence of Senator Songstad. I find reference to him being a South Dakota Senator on one website. I then searched Wikipedia for Songstad and got NO matches I do think they have our past and present government official on their web sight. If anyone has proof there is or was a Senator named Songstad please share. I have read a lot about Leo Wanta and hope he is safe. I also hope he is successful in winning the battle he has been fighting for so long. But..............this whole senator thing will now bug me and I will continue like many others to seek the truth and hope we find it. Again if anyone has solid proof of him I would like to see it. :)

Anonymous said...

Who is Senator Songstad?? I am not sure he exists!
I can't find any info on him. Why did my last comment asking about him never get posted?
Are you part of the problem or the solution?? We need the truth.