Sent: 9/7/2014 9:35:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Travelodge Bans Bibles in England
Subj: Travelodge Bans Bibles in England
By Shirley EdwardsAugust 30, 2014
[These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.]
One of the biggest hotel chains in the UK has decided to remove bibles from all of their hotel rooms. It is reported that a decision to do this was made in 2007, and since then the removal of the bibles has been slowly implemented. They are not at liberty to supply bibles, but how much longer will it be before every other hotel chain follows suit? It is a disappointing decision they have made.
In an effort to not offend anyone with other beliefs, it is reported that Travelodge, who have 500 hotels throughout the country, have said the bibles were removed for ‘diversity’ reasons and that the country is increasing in its multicultural influences.
A bible can still be obtained from behind reception.
This is not the first time the removal of bibles has reached the press. Many attempts have been made to remove bibles in the past stating that they cause offence.
During the MRSA epidemic some hospitals in the UK wanted to ban the bible from bedside cabinets claiming that they could be the carrier of germs.
Gideon’s International has done a wonderful job in ‘freely’ supplying bibles into places where they are most needed, including hospitals and prisons. Stories abound of people who in depressed and suicidal states have found great comfort in the words of the bible, found close to hand, in the lonely recesses of a bedside cupboard. These bibles have never been inflicted on the public, as has the ‘politically correct movement’ who insist on their removal. Instead they have been faithfully placed where we can find them if needed.
The Bible consisting of 66 books does not speak of past times, but applies to life today, in this moment in time. It speaks of great horror, betrayal, murder and rape, but ultimately speaks gently of love, forgiveness and hope. Never more so than now, have we needed to hear its message.
In moments of dark despair, a spirit can speak through the words to our hearts, giving answers no other mind could ever offer or comprehend. Much like the infamous 3D pictures, where no form or understanding can initially be seen, in moments of quietness the scales can suddenly be removed from our eyes, and there all the time, the true message revealed.
The front page of the Gideon’s Bible reads:
The Bible deals with every experience in the life of man. It gives advice and help, instruction and warning, comfort and hope, correction and direction, predictions and promises. As you read this book may you receive help in time of need, guidance in life’s problems, knowledge of Jesus Christ, hope for the future, peace of mind, and an assurance of eternal life.
The removal of the bible has nothing to do with the spreading of germs, nor has it anything to do with diversity. If this is the case, then we would need serious rules in place to remove all other written material from bedside cabinets and coffee tables in hospital and hotel rooms. Some of the more liberal newspapers and magazines would be a better place to start. They wield more infection and contamination than any innocent bible ever could.
I sincerely hope that Gideon’s International continue in their publications and they are not condemned and removed from the places where people need them most. The lonely hotel room, the bed of sickness, the prison cell.
The request to have one from a receptionist at a Travelodge, may not be the same as a spontaneous moment when you happen across a scripture which speaks to your heart.
Gideon’s always state ‘This Book is Not to be Sold’ Lets not sell it out in the name of ‘diversity’ at the expense of even one person who may be helped by its inspiring words.
© 2014 Shirley Edwards - All Rights Reserve
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Shirley has an interest in all health issues, loves the British countryside, and enjoys writing. She is thankful for talk radio and loves listening.
Shirley has always been concerned about the loss of freedoms in her country, also the demise of America, a country she loves for the original reasons on which it was founded. She believes in the Pursuit of Genuine Happiness.
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