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Holistic Blends Inc. |
Hi John
I don’t think I’ll be shocking you out of your chair today when I say that I think most of us are pretty aware of all that our brains do for us, and that it’s a good idea to take care of yours.
That’s a no-brainer. (Pardon the pun.)
However, the grey matter in your cranium is not your only brain.
Because you have another one about 30 inches south of the first one.
It’s called your gut microbiome.
Yes indeed, these little inhabitants of your intestinal tract are so sophisticated and powerful that they have earned the distinction of being called your second brain.
Let’s take a look at why that is so, and talk about all that your second brain does for you (including a new study that shows its power is growing), and how to help keep yours in tip-top shape.
There’s strength in numbers
Although your body’s population of bacteria can’t be seen with the naked eye, they outnumber ALL of your other cells by about 10 to 1!
The vast majority of them live in your intestinal tract and make up your gut microbiome, plus they also live in your skin (both the inner and outer layers) in your mouth, in your saliva and more.
Even though these guys are tiny, they serve some very significant roles in your level of health and even influence how you think!
Here are some examples:
Nutrient absorption and production
Having a healthy balance of intestinal flora helps to enhance your absorption of nutrients from your food, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements.
Plus these impressive inhabitants also help produce vitamins for you as well--including Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D and K.
Immune health
70% of your immune system resides in your friendly gut flora, so keeping it healthy encourages a strong, more capable immune system.
Not only does your immune system help prevent infections and viruses from taking hold of you, but it also helps protect you against diseases like cancer.
And having a sharp, well-functioning immune system can decrease your risk of suffering from allergies, food and environmental sensitivities, asthma, eczema and autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, lupus and Graves’ (hyperactive thyroid) disease.
Ulcer remedy and prevention
Certain beneficial bacterial strains have been shown to be helpful in fighting and preventing ulcers.
Studies have established that the Lactobacillus strains L. acidophilus, L. salivarius and L. casei can slow and even help destroy H. pylori (the bacteria that causes most ulcers).
Healthier cholesterol levels
Beneficial gut bacteria can help encourage healthier cholesterol levels by creating acids that counter cholesterol production.
In addition, your friendly flora help to keep your bowel movements smooth and regular, which helps your body eliminate old, worn-out cholesterol from the intestinal tract (instead of risking reabsorption of the cholesterol into your bloodstream).
From one brain to another
Bacteria have also been identified as major players in the regulation of your mood and memory.
Scientists have long studied what is called the brain-gut axis. The brain and the gut are definitely connected and the health of one in turn affects the health of the other.
Research has shown that problems in your gut can directly impact your mental health, eventually leading to issues like anxiety and depression.
But the flip side can also be true—better, healthier bacteria can help encourage better mental health!
According to an article published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, the authors suggested that even severe and chronic mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), might be eliminated through the use of probiotics!
And the latest—your gut may even influence your food choices!
In an article published recently in the journal BioEssays, researchers from UC San Francisco, Arizona State University and University of New Mexico concluded that gut microbes may influence our eating behavior and dietary choices.
Specifically, these guys can make us lean toward the particular foods and nutrients they like, instead of just accepting whatever comes their way.
Each species of bacteria has their own dietary preference--some prefer fat, and others sugar, for example.
Depending on which species has the “upper hand” at any particular time, the microbes can influence your decisions by releasing signaling molecules into your gut. And because your gut is linked to your immune system, endocrine system and nervous system, those signals can eventually influence your physical actions and behaviors—including your food choices!
So the next time you get a craving for sweets, it just might be your second brain calling out with the sweet tooth and not your first!
Part of the reason this happens is because of the action of your vagus nerve--which connects 100 million nerve cells from your digestive tract to the base of your brain (also known as the brain-gut axis)—so your “gut brain” communicates with your cranium, in other words.
You ultimately call the shots
The good news here is that, even though your gut microbes can “tell you what they want” and attempt to sway your choices, you still ultimately call the shots—with your first brain.
Because you can take measures to alter your gut microbiome to encourage a greater population of helpful bacteria to proliferate—those that thrive on a healthy diet and effectively fight dangerous microbes inside of you.
It just involves two easy steps:
- Eating meals made of real foods that
are more easily digested (so you nourish the beneficial microbes
and encourage a healthy intestinal environment for them) and
- Supplementing with probiotics to boost your
friendly intestinal flora
1) Eat your way to a better flora balance
The Great Taste No Pain health system will teach you exactly what to do.

The Great Taste No Pain manuals will guide you in putting together delicious meals made from nutritious real foods (not processed, chemical-laden packaged garbage), that are easy to prepare and much easier for your body to digest.
It's just a matter of a few easy principles to remember and I'll explain everything to you.
The nutritious real foods you’ll be encouraged to eat in Great Taste No Pain will help nourish your helpful inhabitants so they can stay stronger and better able to overcome any harmful bacteria that come your way.
Note: If you're gluten sensitive, then Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead:
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
You’ll get the same smart food pairing advice as in Great Taste No Pain, plus guides for living a gluten free lifestyle.
And both systems include a recipe book filled with scrumptious, easy to prepare dishes!
2) Boost your population of friendly flora
A good diet can go a long way in encouraging a healthy flora balance, but for many people, it’s not enough.
Other factors like environmental toxins, medications, stress, smoking and lack of sleep can also make your gut flora topsy-turvy and give the harmful microbes the upper hand.
So it's wise to make sure you have all bases covered and give your gut a helping hand with a quality probiotic supplement.

- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp
Super Shield contains potent, effective strains of 13 friendly bacteria that are robust and ready to take their place in your system. They'll help fend off the bad guys, encourage smooth digestion, beef up your immune system and help make that gut wall nice and strong.
Yes, you do have two brains—not just one—so engage the power of both to create better health.
As they say, two “heads” are better than one!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PPS: We're on Facebook! Like us here:
- https://www.facebook.com/HolisticBlends
PPPS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.
PPPPS: Karen’s digestive tract hasn’t been this healthy in decades!
I have been diagnosed with IBS, then IBD for over 40 years. I started your Great Taste No Pain plan a few weeks ago. After two weeks on this way of eating religiously, I'm amazed that I'm in no pain!
I was taking 7 medications, but am down to only two (thyroid meds). I no longer take Asacol and my digestive track hasn't been this healthy in decades.
I feel blessed and keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but it doesn't.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you from this grateful heart, for sharing your story:)
Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive? Why not? Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.
Orders: 1-888-724-4366
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- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
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