Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Anna Von Reitz - Most Beloved Francis


by Anna Von Reitz
Update September 26, 2016

Most Beloved Francis,

Last week we forwarded the summation of our Joint Claim of Divine Estate to the Suprema Tribunale.  This is, as you know, the summation of eight (8) years of Due Process, including our acknowledgement and acceptance of The Universal Postal Union Treaty of 2010, issued under The Seal of Saint Peter, all the derivative land claims, and finally, the Non-UCC Liens of the actual American states against the "states of states" and the re-conveyance and acceptance of the land assets back to the jurisdiction of the land. 

We have been in contact with the King of Spain and he is fully advised regarding our return to the land jurisdiction and our claim of protection under all our established treaties. 

We fully recognize our position as Fiduciaries acting in behalf of the Priority Creditors of the entire world.  We have requested a settlement of the accounts, first by a mutual offset credit exchange, and second by universal debt forgiveness---including the forgiveness of odious debts established by merely presumed beneficiaries of our estates.  

There can be no bankruptcies and no confiscations initiated by bankruptcy trustees related to debts that have been forgiven by the Priority Creditors. This includes confiscation of central banks by bankruptcy trustees. 

We have asked for all assets of the Federal Reserve banks, together with their bank charters, to be transferred over to the American States and Nations Bank for auditing, evaluation, and disposal under new management.

A simple plan providing for social and economic justice and providing for new economic drivers worldwide was also made part of our claim to ensure that all people will benefit from our peaceful and equitable resolution.

In the days since our Joint Claim was forwarded, tensions have grown and focused around the 120 day default of the FEDERAL RESERVE with rumors of "martial law" being declared in America and other places around the world.

The cause of the social unrest anticipated would self-evidently be the seizure of the Federal Reserve by Bankruptcy Trustees acting in behalf of Secondary Creditors.  However, as we have approved the mutual offset accounting and the forgiveness of any remaining debts, no such bankruptcy may be presumed to exist and no claims by Secondary Creditors take precedence over the claims of the Priority Creditors--- the actual American States and living people who are the lawful heirs and beneficiaries.

We note that the "United States"--- a British hegemony--- has been under martial law continuously since 1863 and that any such declaration of martial law would be fraudulent as well as redundant.  

We also note that the vast bulk of the American people have been deliberately and self-interestedly mischaracterized and misidentified as British Subjects, with the result that any such declaration of "martial law" could only logically apply to those relatively few people who actually are "United States Citizens" or "citizens of the United States" and not to those who have been mistreated under Breach of Trust by the British Monarch and the Lord Mayor of London.

We finally note that the perpetrators of these schemes against us and against our lawful government have long prepared to use commercial mercenaries disguised as legitimate government agencies as a means to impose the false claims of Secondary Creditors against our material assets.  Any such deployment of these agents acting under color of law --- FEMA, DHS, BATF, IRS, FBI, BLM and so on---would immediately be recognizable as criminal racketeering.

We pray for your prompt action and support of our worldwide initiative, including global debt forgiveness and the creation of the World Heritage Fund and World Investment Fund as a means to provide prompt and lasting relief to individual people on a one-on-one basis throughout the world.  We stand ready to further discuss the need for infrastructure, new technological development, pollution remediation and control, financial reform, and the host of other urgent issues facing the people and the planet. 

Most respectfully,

Anna Maria

See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

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