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Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Several reports have surfaced indicating that a major “September surprise” may be coming the Clinton’s way. A former CIA operative has indicated that Bill and Hillary Clinton are cocaine traffickers, and they need to be exposed for this before it is too late.
The former Operative, Reed, revealed that former Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton created and ran a major cocaine trafficking network that distributed guns in exchange for drugs as part of a federal operation carried out by Col. Oliver North.
In the video below, provided by InfoWars, it clearly show that this is anything but a wild theory that lacks foundation. The interview was part of Police 2 The Takeover series that took place in 2000, and this clip will offer insight into something many have forgotten about for over a decade.
Gathering evidence on Bill Clinton to prove he operated as a cocaine trafficker while President of the United States would be extremely difficult given the documents are top secret and will never be shown to the public, but what about problems lingering after the fact?
As many know, Bill suffers from severe medical issues, too. To date, he refuses to release his full medical records, much like Hillary. Bill has only released a handful of short, evasive “summaries” since 1992, and there are growing demands to see them. Even Bob Dole is still waiting to see the records he called for in 1992, but Bill will not reveal them.
It has been heavily rumored that Bill Clinton has been treated for an illness called a “perforated septum.” This is a medical condition caused by the heavy and prolonged use of cocaine. Again, this is only a theory given he will not release his medical records, but the timing of everything is perplexing, isn’t it?
This medical condition occurs when: “the cartilage separating the two passages of the nose is eaten away from the frequent inhalation of cocaine. The divider, or septum, is literally burned away by the drub. Such a condition can only be treated through delicate surgery.”
Does This Look Like A Healthy Person? Or Someone Experiencing Withdrawals?
In fact, an alleged mistress of Bill Clinton, Sally Perdue, stated that she witnessed Clinton prepare a “line” of cocaine on her living room table. She indicated that Clinton was no amateur, “he had all of the equipment laid out, like a real pro.” Despite keeping this a secret for many years, the leaks are starting to build and patterns are being connected.
The National Enquirer reported in 2015 that Hillary covered up Bill’s addiction to cocaine and the fact that he had a secret stay at a Minnesota drug rehab center!
Roger Stone, who served in Richard Nixon’s White House, told The Enquirer that the former Commander-in-Chief, who now suffers from heart problems and Parkinson’s disease, has repeatedly received drug therapy.
The American people deserve to know the truth about a former President being addicted to drugs while operating as our Commander-in-Chief. We also deserve to see Hillary’s full medical records. What does she suffer from? What else is she possibly hiding? These are important to know going forward as this family is one more election away from running this country again.
If we want to protect the future of this country, we have to take down the House of Clinton down. This issue with Bill is directly tied into Hillary’s health, too. Does she suffer from something we do not know about? It could explain why her health is crippling her so badly she cannot campaign more than once a week or stand longer than 10 minutes without a stool.
It is the duty of every American who wishes to see a respectable, honest, law abiding person become our next President to spread the word to everyone. We need answers, and we cannot afford to lose this election to the Clinton Cartel. Spread this word so that we can get answers to these questions.
According to Cathy O'Brien's book, Trance-Formation of America, Bush Sr likes his cocaine, and little girls - single digit of age; Juior does coke and little boys; Dick Cheney ("the Dick")does crack and hookers (likes to gag them, sometimes killing them, with his 18"s. Not surprising Clintons are heavy into coke. Did you ever notice that all these people live in states bordering Mexico? Eassy drug access?
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Born in 1948 Died in 2015
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Answer -- The primary goal of Nesaranews is to help all people become better truth-seekers in a real-time boots-on-the-ground fashion. This is for the purpose of learning to think critically, discovering the truth from within—not just believing things blindly because it came from an "authority" or credible source. Instead of telling you what the truth is, we share information from many sources so that you can discern it for yourself. We focus on teaching you the tools to become your own authority on the truth, gaining self-mastery, sovereignty, and freedom in the process. We want each of you to become your own leaders and masters of personal discernment, and as such, all information should be vetted, analyzed and discerned at a personal level. We also encourage you to discuss your thoughts in the comments section of this site to engage in a group discernment process.
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1 comment:
According to Cathy O'Brien's book, Trance-Formation of America, Bush Sr likes his cocaine, and little girls - single digit of age; Juior does coke and little boys; Dick Cheney ("the Dick")does crack and hookers (likes to gag them, sometimes killing them, with his 18"s. Not surprising Clintons are heavy into coke.
Did you ever notice that all these people live in states bordering Mexico? Eassy drug access?
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