Sunday, January 27, 2013

Arizona Bills Require Public School Students To Recite Loyalty Oath to Constitution

Arizona Bills Require Public School Students To Recite Loyalty Oath to Constitution
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 26-Jan-2013 14:41:44
Public high school students in Arizona will have to “recite an oath supporting the U.S. Constitution” to receive a graduation diploma, if a new bill introduced in the new session of the state legislature is passed and signed into law. The measure, House Bill 2467, was offered by Rep. Bob Thorpe (R), a freshman tea party members who also backs a bill preventing state enforcement of federally enacted gun safety laws. Here is the text of HB 2467:
As written, the bill does not exempt atheist students or those of different faiths from the requirement, though Thorpe has pledged to amend the measure. “In that we had a tight deadline for dropping our bills, I was not able to update the language,” he wrote in an e-mail to the Arizona Republic. “Even though I want to encourage all of our students to understand and respect our Constitution and constitutional form of government, I do not want to create a requirement that students or parents may feel uncomfortable with.”
A separate measure introduced by Thorpe’s colleague would also “require all students in first through 12th grades” “to say the pledge of allegiance each day.” Currently, “schools must set aside time for the pledge each day, but students may choose whether to participate.”
Constitutional experts warn that both proposals are unconstitutional. As American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona Public Policy Director Anjali Abraham explained, “You can’t require students to attend school … and then require them to either pledge allegiance to the flag or swear this loyalty oath in order to graduate. It’s a violation of the First Amendment.”


Unknown said...

That's a complete violation of the 5th Amendment.

Anonymous said...

Passing a unconstitutional rule to counter a unconstitutional rule is still uncon. Teaching the truth, teaching morals,ethics and individual responsibility would cause a desire to love our country. The schools should be and are forbidden to be under control of D.C. If you want to do something to help, get your sheriffs to arrest any corp. agent that tries to interfere with any thing intrastate. Remember We got to where We are by allowing the slime balls in D.C. to pick and choose which parts of the const. they wanted which eventually destroyed it.

Anonymous said...

It is a great idea to create a way to bring our fine young People closer to the constitution and instill them with fine attributes. To force one of the people to recite the oath to uphold the constitution is wrong for it is a contract between the private People and the Public servants. It is for the public servant to affirm the constitution so help his/her God. Can you say unconstitutional! Our children need to know who they are and where their rights come from. Their Creator!!

Christine S. Baker said...

There are different kinds of people, may be some like this or some not. According to me this is good idea.
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