Monday, January 7, 2013

Finally a well dressed Wal-Mart shopper

 Finally a well dressed Wal-Mart shopper

Just a housewife out shopping in Alaska.
No permit required in Alaska for either open
(must be 18) or concealed (must be 21) carry


Anonymous said...

The right to keep & bare arms shall not be infringed. There is no age limit. Sounds radical but. But the crazies in control take what they can get. It's the boil the frog or the nose of the camel theory. The second Amendment must be followed absolutely or the crazies get a foot hold. I'm not advocating armed children I'm advocating children being taught morals,ethics and love of life, every ones life and being controlled by the parents.Guns don't kill, people without morals and ethics kill. So do ego maniacs with badges and battle ships. AN ARMED SOCIETY IS A POLITE SOCIETY.

Dan said...

This lady, along with everyone else, is to use their cell phone when they are confronted by a hoodlum, tell the hoodlum they need to call the Police, have the 911 operator ask you questions for 5 minutes, stay on the phone till HELP arrives, and then make sure you tell the hoodlum not to leave!

Anonymous said...

Yeah cause God knows "hoodlums" follow instructions and laws. What an idiotic comment. If you have a GUN the "hoodlum" won't pick on you in the first place dumbass. And if he does, well you know, he deserves that hole in his head.

Anonymous said...

dan---do you really believe thehoodlum will wait on all of that????, especially if they do not have a gun.

archangel said...

Here a nice story. A predatory raping, murderer breaks into you house to kill you, rob you, and rape you, your wife and children. Which act is more loving. To let the bastard do his thing while pleading with him to become a loving man all of a sudden and have mercy? Or....put a couple of 357's or shotgun loads into him and end it all right then and there, thereby giving you, your wife and beautiful children a new lease on life? Any whacko abberated Liberals want to choose the former? Then you have forfeted you right to live.

Anonymous said...

bunch of lunatics living out their cowboy fantasies. Live anywhere outside the US and you will see how dilusional the American people have become

Dan said...

NO, but this is the way government officials want us to act.
Even on the infowars show today the guest host spoke of a woman caller that did call 911 to report a stolen vehicle that had a rifle in it, but the operator told her to call back later, as if a stolen rifle was of NO interest to the cops!
Ask Feinstein is she would wear one like this, or is it government officials are Exempt from any laws?