Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How Much More Screwed Up Can This Get

How Much More Screwed Up Can This Get

Subject: Who killed Nancy Lanza? On what date? What date did Adam Lanza die?   How certain are you about this?
Hanging out with conspiracy minded folks, I get to see a lot of the wackiness hidden from the people. Below are two records regarding the supposed shooter of the Sandy Hook School, Adam Lanza. But first, here is the Social Security record regarding his mother. He shot her on December 14, 2012, right?
nancy lanza death certificate
Yep, died on December 14, 2012, just as we are told. I agree with this.
But when we look at her son’s SSI record, what do we find?
adam lanza death certificate
Adam Lanza died a day before his mother died? How could a guy who died on December 13th, 2012 have killed his own mother the following day, and then gone on to shoot up a school? I have been reviewing the evidence regarding the whole matter, and am fairly well convinced that Adam Lanza never shot anybody, not ever. He was an unfortunate pawn in a scheme to have guns banned in America. So what monsters would do this terrible thing for a political advantage? Answer that for yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Drake. If this indeed is a real certified SSI record, why don't you send it to Alex Jones. I'm sure his investigative reporters will jump on it in a New York minute. This thing has been floating around on the internet for over a week and it's hard to believe its validity at this point. So, why don't you "Gitter Done!"