guy in my karate dojo pulled me aside after class recently and asked
to talk to me.
looked worried, and I was pretty certain it wasn't because he messed up on
his katas that day.
said that his doctor told him his triglycerides are high and he might have
to go on medication if they don't come down.
asked him what he was told about triglycerides and his understanding of
what was going on.
said, "Not much. All I know is my doctor told me that my level is
way over 300 and I could have a heart attack if they keep going up."
reassured him that there are things he can do (besides taking prescription
drugs) that could help...but first and foremost, he needed to know exactly
what triglycerides are.
is what I explained to him:
So...what are triglycerides
put, triglycerides are your body's main type of fat. They're the
primary form in which your body stores energy for future use and serve
several important functions. They also insulate and protect your
organs and store your body's reserve of essential fatty acids.
like cholesterol is not, triglycerides also are not the demons that people
think they are.
trouble with triglycerides is most people have WAY too many.
High triglycerides & the
"apple figure"
blood levels of triglycerides increase your risk of heart disease by
damaging your artery walls.
danger is similar to not changing the oil in your car. When neglected, both
human blood and engine oil get thick, which makes the heart (or engine)
work harder to pump the fluid. The fluid also picks up excess debris and
forms nasty deposits, which eventually cause a breakdown.
car engine will burn up. In humans, the result is a heart attack or a
it's especially risky for people with an "apple figure" (having
excess weight around their middle).
I talking about you?
so, pay close attention here.
men with diabetes AND the apple figure, the risk for heart disease goes up
two and a half times. For women with diabetes and this shape, it rises
EIGHT times.
why that happens:
cells located in the abdomen release fat into the blood more easily than
fat cells found elsewhere in your body. Release of fat in the middle begins
just 3 to 4 hours after you eat, compared to many more hours for other fat
quick, easy release shows up as higher triglyceride levels.
How triglycerides get too
high to begin with
a common cause of high triglycerides is diet (more on that below), there
are also MANY other causes and contributing factors including:
- Obesity
- Type 2
diabetes or insulin resistance
- Prolonged
stress and/or depression
- Heavy
caffeine use
- Cigarettes
- Alcohol
- Lack of
- Chronic
liver disease or kidney damage
- Pancreatitis--infection
of the pancreas
- Dialysis
- Underactive
thyroid (hypothyroidism)
- Cystic
- Lupus
- Gout
- Cushing's
- Estrogens
like "the pill" or hormone replacement therapy such as Premarin
- Corticosteroids
like Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, and Prednisone
- Beta-blockers
- used to treat high blood pressure and coronary artery disease
- Diuretics
- aka water pills
- Tamoxifen
- drug treatment for women with breast cancer
- Quinapril
(Accupril), an antihypertensive known as an ACE inhibitor
- Mirtazapine
- an antidepressant
- Cancer
far and away, the LEADING causes of elevated triglycerides are these three
1- Eating too many refined
carbohydrates such as white flour, processed grains, sweets, and other
sugar-containing foods...
2- Eating too many sticky,
saturated fats...
3- Having too few
antioxidants in your system.
How you can help
the best way to beat high triglycerides is using a two-part approach:
Part 1- Limit your intake of
refined carbs and saturated fats, while eating more foods that contain
natural antioxidants.
this sounds difficult or overwhelming, not to worry...
can help make it a breeze for you with Great Taste No Pain.
The Great Taste No Pain health system gives you step by step
guides and meal ideas that help you to automatically limit refined carbs
and bad fats, while eating foods that are inherently loaded with
don't worry about eating rabbit food or bland foods! The dishes in
the recipe book portion of the system are SO delicious, you'll swear they
can't possibly be good for you!
addition to helping lower your risk of heart disease, following the
Great Taste No Pain guides will also help shrink that apple figure, muffin
top or wide load.
see, by following Great Taste No Pain, you'll help improve your digestion
and nutrient absorption, and you'll be eating foods that are inherently
lower in calories.
all of that means that the excess pounds can come sliding off AND you won't
be starving all the time!
does THAT sound to you?
if you've got a gluten challenge, Great Taste No Gluten
is for you.
get all the smart meal planning guidance as in Great Taste No Pain, plus guides to
recognizing and avoiding gluten and a collection of mouth-watering gluten free
Part 2- Supplement with
omega-3 essential fatty acids.
essential fatty acids can safely lower blood triglyceride levels by up
to 65%!
have shown that people who maintain a rich supply of Omega-3 EFAs remain
free of cardiovascular disease and other degenerative conditions far longer
than those with lower Omega-3 levels.
translates into feeling GREAT well into your golden years.
and maintaining healthy triglyceride levels are a major important reason to
use VitalMega-3
fish oil blend.
recommended 2 gel caps a day give you 2,000 mg of pure medical grade fish
oil including 1,200 mg of triglyceride-lowering Omega-3 fatty acids.
unlike dangerous drugs from Big Pharma, Omega-3 from fish oil is natural,
safe and good for you in so many ways.
a matter of fact, many medical professionals and even Web MD recommend fish
oil for high triglycerides!
the unbeatable combination of Great Taste No Pain or
Great Taste No Gluten
and VitalMega-3
to work on your triglyceride levels and just wait until you see the
results. I'm sure your doctor is in for a BIG surprise when you do.
the fat around your middle will shrink automatically. Nice, huh?
only that, it just might save your life, too.
that's priceless, isn't it?
your health,
PS: We're now on Facebook!
Like us here:
- https://www.facebook.com/GreatTasteNoPain.HolisticBlendsInc
PPS: Graham's down 15 pounds
and off blood pressured meds!
Hi Sherry,
I'm in my 8th or 9th month of
your Great Taste No Pain
plan and continue to thrive in
my new life.
I'm 58 years old and am 15 pounds
lighter, no longer have GERD or indigestion, healthy cholesterol and no
more BP pills (average 120/80).
I've shared the knowledge with
many friends & family.
All the best,
Graham S.
Check out
THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.

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Want case studies? Here are a few THOUSAND
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Why not? Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/
and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.
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read past articles? Here they are.
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copyright 2013 Holistic Blends
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com
FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email
are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes
only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor
for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of
this email.**
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