Subject: Fly Like A Bird
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 15:42:12 -0500
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 15:42:12 -0500
Greetings and Salutations;
gears on the world change over are engaging. You will hear with your own ears,
very shortly. There was a 'come to jesus' meeting at the white house a couple
of weeks ago that laid down the gauntlet on us politicians. Nothing like being
told, 'we are about to move ahead and cast the us adrift to fend for itself'.
In other words, the world needs it's stuff and weren't putting up with the us
egos holding everything up. Every damn doc has been signed and left no reason
to hold back from flipping this world on it's head. Some have set themselves up
to be sent to undisclosed locations, oh well, not like they weren't warned. If
you're looking for the sense of that, just remember, some folks don't believe
fat meat's greasy. Which means 'reason' is beyond their capacity, like a mule
with blinders, side vision is not real strong with them, need a club to get
their attention.
There is
no military might that can stop an idea whose time has come. So mister cheney
can forget the military industrial complex stopping the people of the dragons
from exercising their power for using their jewels to make a balanced world.
Aren't the words, 'they who have the gold, rule?'. If you had no intent to pay
back what you borrowed, should've never borrowed from them. They never were stupid
about money and 'worth'...but left brain logic, doesn't work completely, with
people who use their right brains for more than drawing pictures. Actually the
folks in the himalayas teach a technique to assist in the process of merging
the right and left hemispheres of the brain and, their functions. Making it
possible for a human to be single brained. Draw back...'normal' people may
think you're weird because you can walk and chew gum at the same time.
lololol...and pat your belly.
As I said wait your turn, there have been alterations, thru
the years for one reason or another. Who cares the world is changing any way and with the
freedom being given to the former 'serfs', the panoramic view will shift very
quickly. You know what needs fixing out here..set about when you're given the
chance, your back is being watched. The matrix serves more than getting bankers
in pocket! So, off you go, and make a difference. No more freddy flintstone
time for the jetsons'. Play nice and leave the grumble monkeys behind, smile
at them when they's all Bs...dust your feet off and walk on. We are
Not going to hell in a hand basket, after all.
available until the knock on the door.
Love and
Kisses, Poofness
Fishing for consultation fees is back after no mention last week. Rent coming due. Don't expect anything to happen.
It's all Bs.
Thanks Poof. But boy could I ever use a consultation. Things aren't going well.
Poof The Riddler... Wasn't the Riddler the bad guy in BatMan?? The same riddles week after week year after year... What the truth?? Only Batman knows...
Ah huhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Oh how I enjoy your postings!!!! you say so much while saying so little!!
Be well.
every week poofy says its all good so far its STILL ALL BAD poofy probably a disinfo agent , peeps
I think you hit it right on the head Anon 10:35.
I haven't been awake or coming here that long, but I understand the strain life puts on us each day, and the disappointment you all feel, and I can't even begin to imagine the years some of you have been waiting. There is one thing that we all forget, and that is each of us have a higher power. A higher power that will help, give us strength and peace of mind while we wait, and all we have to do is have faith and ask.
To all the cry babies who post here: If ya gonna bitch to poof, why bother coming here to read his posts. Stop ya bitchin` and do something to help the cause! When it is time, You will surely know it!Want mama to get ya bottle for ya nap!Go cry on ya Big pillow! :)
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