Update Jan 8th: The Contrast will be Divine
Good morning my friends!!!!! I have a lot lot lot of things to talk about today, so I think I will plunge right in :>)
The first thing I want to talk about is something that is upsetting many people, and I've been inundated with emails and skype messages about this.
Drake and Casper.
When I wrote the article "You have a Right to know" I was very clear :
"What I'm going to write here is the truth as it's been told to me. As I have said several times over and over again, I do not consider anything "solid intel" unless I can get multiple confirmations from several very different sources- sources that I trust because I have already vetting their information thoroughly."
I stand by this statement 100%. I am not going to try to convince someone else that their sources are not true. I stand behind every single thing I wrote in this article with full KNOWING that it is Truth according to all of MY sources. If someone elses sources disagree with the Intel that I am giving, then they have a choice: They can believe their sources, or they can believe my sources, or they can go out and seek further information and draw their own conclusions. This is the choice of every person who reads anything, they have Free Will to discern for themselves what to believe. I have said this over and over again here on RTS- I am telling the information that I have, that I have vetted out and cross examined and verified between multiple sources from many many different areas. I am bringing you the information that I have. What YOU do with that information is completely and totally up to YOU.
I am working on patience, but it's not my strong suit, and there are days when frustration overcomes calm. But I'm working on it.
(deep breath)
As I have said in response to several comments over the past few days, emails and skype messages: Drake knows exactly where to find me. He has not made a single effort to engage me in conversation of any kind on the information contained in the "You have a Right to know" article (or any other article). Heather, Randal and Caleb's contact information is right on The People's Trust website. Neither Drake, nor Casper has made any effort to contact them- by phone or email. My email address is posted right at the top of the RTS page and I've posted out my skype contact info several times (d.breakingthesilence in case they missed it before). Neither Drake, nor Casper,(nor Jean) have asked me a SINGLE question about ANYTHING.
That is their choice.
oh and Casper, Heather has no idea what you are talking about with a cancelled meeting with attorneys.... none what so ever.
Yes, Boehner is the new Interim President. This position is not about Boehner as a person, but about the position he holds as Speaker of the House. It has been explained to me that this directly relates to NESARA law.
Look in the media- since early December he has constantly been in the news- Constantly- andhis speech to open the 113th Congress gives some broad hints at the change that is coming. Personally I don't like Boehner, and when I was initially told he had been sworn in as the Interim President my first reaction was: "WTF?!?", but I have been told that he has been put on a very short leash.
Once NESARA is announced, within a very short time frame, new constitutionally sound elections will take place and the People will choose their new president.
Right now there is a final kicking and screaming match going on by the Powers That Were- they are Terrified and absolutely Freaking Out. There is a final push to create fear and panic in the civilian population that mirrors their own dread. They have lost, and now they are faced with the final decision to make- only they can make that last choice.
We are on the cusp of change. We are about to witness full disclosure of EVERYTHING.
This is what I have been told. This is what I believe.
I am memorizing every moment of the NOW, because the NOW is about to be so amazingly different that I want to savour the contrast. I want to remember the contradiction between what was and what is.
It will be AWESOME!
On a personal note: I am feeling MUCH better today! Yesterday was a day of turmoil for me- besides a cold and a broken tooth, I realized that my SELF was sick through conflicting emotions and not being true to my self and my deepest understanding of Me and what I am doing here. I had a fitful night, but woke up knowing KNOWING what the issue was and understanding. I will work through that later today.
To thine own self be true.... Right? :>)
I know that many people are having problems accessing The People's Trust Website and the documents. Kauilapele has pulled all the documents into one easy to download zip file- KP you ROCK darlin!!!
Finally, I want to repost this comment by one of RTS's readers:
And finally finally, we will have the press release ready to go out very soon!!!!! I will post it here the very moment it is ready!
I took the liberty of downloading all of the documents from theTOPPT website (http://www.peoplestrust1776.org), and placing them in one zip folder.
The first thing I want to talk about is something that is upsetting many people, and I've been inundated with emails and skype messages about this.
Drake and Casper.
When I wrote the article "You have a Right to know" I was very clear :
"What I'm going to write here is the truth as it's been told to me. As I have said several times over and over again, I do not consider anything "solid intel" unless I can get multiple confirmations from several very different sources- sources that I trust because I have already vetting their information thoroughly."
I stand by this statement 100%. I am not going to try to convince someone else that their sources are not true. I stand behind every single thing I wrote in this article with full KNOWING that it is Truth according to all of MY sources. If someone elses sources disagree with the Intel that I am giving, then they have a choice: They can believe their sources, or they can believe my sources, or they can go out and seek further information and draw their own conclusions. This is the choice of every person who reads anything, they have Free Will to discern for themselves what to believe. I have said this over and over again here on RTS- I am telling the information that I have, that I have vetted out and cross examined and verified between multiple sources from many many different areas. I am bringing you the information that I have. What YOU do with that information is completely and totally up to YOU.
I am working on patience, but it's not my strong suit, and there are days when frustration overcomes calm. But I'm working on it.
(deep breath)
As I have said in response to several comments over the past few days, emails and skype messages: Drake knows exactly where to find me. He has not made a single effort to engage me in conversation of any kind on the information contained in the "You have a Right to know" article (or any other article). Heather, Randal and Caleb's contact information is right on The People's Trust website. Neither Drake, nor Casper has made any effort to contact them- by phone or email. My email address is posted right at the top of the RTS page and I've posted out my skype contact info several times (d.breakingthesilence in case they missed it before). Neither Drake, nor Casper,(nor Jean) have asked me a SINGLE question about ANYTHING.
That is their choice.
oh and Casper, Heather has no idea what you are talking about with a cancelled meeting with attorneys.... none what so ever.
Yes, Boehner is the new Interim President. This position is not about Boehner as a person, but about the position he holds as Speaker of the House. It has been explained to me that this directly relates to NESARA law.
Look in the media- since early December he has constantly been in the news- Constantly- andhis speech to open the 113th Congress gives some broad hints at the change that is coming. Personally I don't like Boehner, and when I was initially told he had been sworn in as the Interim President my first reaction was: "WTF?!?", but I have been told that he has been put on a very short leash.
Once NESARA is announced, within a very short time frame, new constitutionally sound elections will take place and the People will choose their new president.
Right now there is a final kicking and screaming match going on by the Powers That Were- they are Terrified and absolutely Freaking Out. There is a final push to create fear and panic in the civilian population that mirrors their own dread. They have lost, and now they are faced with the final decision to make- only they can make that last choice.
We are on the cusp of change. We are about to witness full disclosure of EVERYTHING.
This is what I have been told. This is what I believe.
I am memorizing every moment of the NOW, because the NOW is about to be so amazingly different that I want to savour the contrast. I want to remember the contradiction between what was and what is.
It will be AWESOME!
On a personal note: I am feeling MUCH better today! Yesterday was a day of turmoil for me- besides a cold and a broken tooth, I realized that my SELF was sick through conflicting emotions and not being true to my self and my deepest understanding of Me and what I am doing here. I had a fitful night, but woke up knowing KNOWING what the issue was and understanding. I will work through that later today.
To thine own self be true.... Right? :>)
I know that many people are having problems accessing The People's Trust Website and the documents. Kauilapele has pulled all the documents into one easy to download zip file- KP you ROCK darlin!!!
Finally, I want to repost this comment by one of RTS's readers:
iwentcrazy7 January 2013 14:30
Has ANYONE bothered to go to Pierce County Recorded Documents and LOOK at Heather's foreclosure case? The first thing I did when faced with TOPPT was to validate she existed by going to the Pierce County Auditors site and look up recorded records under the name Tucci=Jarraf.(I live in Washington so when I saw the test case mentioned in Gig Harbor...I knew to go to Pierce County, and now you know because I have shared with you, information.)
Amazing what I found. 12 entries all with PDF files of motions filed...
...But still people are waiting for Heather, AK, D or ANYONE to do the boots on the ground work for them.
Free...the protocols Heather used are in the recorded records of Pierce County Auditor.
And finally finally, we will have the press release ready to go out very soon!!!!! I will post it here the very moment it is ready!

Here is a link to that folder, should you wish to download them all from a single link. The folder size is 74 MB.
A note about the file names:
- For convenience in searching, I have prefixed each document with first, the date, and second, the document number (if available).
- The date is written as YYMMDD (year-month-day), so that if the documents are sorted by name, all will line up chronologically.
- The document number is as it is listed in the document.
- Note that many of the TIF files are 2 pages.
For those wanting to track things as they move along, hopefully this will make it a bit easier.
There is definitely something going on. Just this morning I heard a talking head on the radio. He says the FBI is now working with local law enforcement agencies to identify a new domestic terrorist group which they have labeled "sovereigns" or more easily called the sovereignty movement.
He didn't mix his words at all by stating that "sovereigns" are considered terrorists. He went on to cite the behavior of "these folks" as dangerous and that they don't believe they have to obey any laws, etc.
This rang true to me as an outright attack by the cabal to try and counter what's being done to them by TOPPT. There is also going to be a special news bulletin re this so-called "sovereign" problem on one of the MSM news stations on their nightly news tonight....either ABC, CBS, or NBC.
It's obvious they're running scared and using the media to do their dirty work as usual.
If this is true and Bohner is the interim president then all of these attacks from gestapo queen Finestein should go away right? My problem is it is hard to buy this new intel when we keep seeing Obozo all over the boob tube nominating his new cabinet.
What is up with that? Something better happen quickly because if they come after the 2nd Amendment there will be a civil war in this country and Obozo has said he will have his gun solutions done by end of Jan. If the good guys are in charge they better get a move on and make this info public!
Remember, there are many who are with you than against you and who can "see" the truth.....keep up the great work!!
I have tried to e-mail Heather, yet it bounces back as a dead server. My simple question to Heather is, how did and who gave you access to the interbank screens and under what authority? Non of the proffered legal documents show any authorities to do so and hence like many Elder Chinese and other personalities claiming inheritor no one accept the true inheritor is on the Interbank screens and it is NOT the one she claims, nor any claimed on the Internet. I would like to see documentation of the Interbank screen access and rights of access on the foreclosure documents where it shows provincial legal title to said assets.
Can't believe you post these outright lies. Obama will be sworn in as POTUS and will repeal the 22nd ammendment so he can serve another 4 years after this term. Anyone who believes "Bonehead" Boehner is an interim president is a fool. The One Peoples Trust is a sham and disinfo site.
Yeah, let's beat them at their own game!!
Thank you Heather I was one of the nay sayers now I will sut up LOL.
OMG, why always the squabbling. Patience is a virtue. The truth will eventually be known either way. Lies cannot stand on two feet for long; and truth cannot be disputed. Just be patient. I'm holding out for happy ending, new beginning. Will I be disappointed if it isn't...naw...been dancing this dance for a bit and know it by heart. LOL
Boehner cannot be interim president of the CORPORATION aka THE UNITED STATES - THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, aka DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (only) and its territories, possessions, protectorates, etc. He can be interim president of the republic sovereign american union ´´several´´ states, aka these - the United States of America. The Congress serves in dual capacity in both jurisdictions, even though anyone studying the record of the House since the end of the Civil War would never know it. The House was usurped under the Reconstruction Acts of 1865 - 1868. Reconstruction never terminated and remains in effect, even though ´´reconstruction´´ eventually led to the creation of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (a corporate municipality), a new ´´federal´´ Constitution (of) the UNITED STATES, and all less incorporated ´´agencies and instrumentalities´´ of the Congress and Executive offices. Once the Fed Res Bank System was brought on line, fiat ´´money´´ to replace lawful money under new ´´law form´´ of admiralty - commercial - maritime law, the new sovereign ´´nation - state´´ called THE UNITED STATES was bankrupt and insolvent by the end of the late 1920´s. FDR came into office and prosecuted - executed the necessary mandate of ´federal bankruptcy´ in international Law of Nations. Everything since then, has been the CORPORATION operating under ´´reorganization´´ in international bankruptcy. Every ´´office´´ of the alleged (de facto) ´´government´´ has been bi-furcated into separate - distinct sub-corporations. Some are not even owned by the de facto government, ie. Social Security Administration (owned by the British Monarchy). All of this is supposed to cease with the termination of the third international bankruptcy of the American Republic, despite its most recent form of having been - become incorporated in 1871 by virtue of the First Organic Act. This Act itself was the product of a militarized House and Senate under standing rules and provisions of the Lieber Code (martial law) invoked by then President Lincoln in 1863 (me thinks). Once Lincoln was eliminated, the stage was set to substitute the original 13th Amendment post Civil War under perpetual occupation and perpetual reconstruction - reformation - reorganization, amongst many other structural changes in what was to become the new UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....not a People´s Republic whatsoever, but a quasi private - public CORPORATION ooperated for the sole benefit of the Creditor(s)-in-bankruptcy over the Debtor-in-bankruptcy (the United States of America - THE UNITED STATES - THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA).
Boehner must have his hands tied and his jaws must be aching if he is now the official spokes person in fact for the Republic which hypothetically is being ´´reinstated´´ with full international standing, rights, and monetary system, assuming that all previous bankruptcy ´´businesss´´ has been forever and finally ´´settled´´. Boehner may not like it, but he may also not have ANY choice but to do the right thing and facilitate full reinstatement.
Obama is only the fictional presidential appointee of the CORPORATE UNITED STATES - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA limited in scope and venue to the ten square mile of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, not the lands and peoples of the ´´orginal jurisdiction´´ of the landed several ´´states´´ (republics all). How the CORPORATION plays out in the future with re: the reinstated Republic remains to be seen, but is is possible the Organic Acts that created the District, aka, THE UNITED STATES, could be rescinded or revoked, thus causing the dissolution of the ´´sovereign´´ de facto city - state.
We wait.
beautiful response, S... thank you!
rite on !!!
Thank You Heather and your group for all you have done and continue to do...We/most of us are behind you all the way. It is easy for people to put you and the others down. They want to see everything spelled out...don't realize that there is a lot that needs to be hidden so the plan is not foiled. It's like poker...You don't show your hand or you lose. It's sooo easy for them to sit back like armchair quarterbacks and complain about the system but won't get off their asses and offer to help. They sure will be there with their hands out when you guys pull this off. The naysayers want a hand full of giveme with a mouthful of much oblige...maybe! God Bless You All
Heather where is the FCO (Full Corporate Offer)of these funds? From my understanding the vehicles WOULD HAVE TO BE now trading on a High yield trading platform, most likely a Private Placement Platform in Europe or such! So, There has to be funds that are collateralize to AU,silver,diamonds,ect. Where is your SKR for Authenticity of precious metals? If this is real DEAL...then Where is you attestation letter (under perjury of Law) showing all these?? Not to mention the Page 9 (Authorization of Authentication)of Corp title of the TRUST, showing proof of ownership. Then I would believe you. Show Proof that your the Seller REP of the trust, or something!
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