Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We're Up Against Ayn Rand's "Drooling Beast"

Can Illinois Ban Almost All Guns?!

“We're up against the "drooling beast" here, people, and either it will win, or we will win!”

Posted by Jane Galt on January 2, 2013 at 1:43pm

I thought they had already lost this kind of thing in the Supreme Court!
These TYRANTS should be run out of the legislature by the voters of their state!
Torches and pitchforks come to mind, when I hear this!
If they can get away with this, we have no more Constitution or nation!

And the Illinois organizations that are trying to use reason in this discussion, are trying to reason against drooling beast tyrants!

"Listen, what's the most horrible experience you can imagine? To me - it's being left, unarmed, in a sealed cell with a drooling beast of prey or a maniac who's had some disease that's eaten his brain out. You'd have nothing then but your voice - your voice and your thought. You'd scream to that creature why it should not touch you, you'd have the most eloquent words, the unanswerable words, you'd become the vessel of the absolute truth. And you'd see living eyes watching you and you'd know that the thing can't hear you, that it can't be reached, not reached, not in any way, yet it's breathing and moving there before you with a purpose of its own. That's horror. Well, that's what's hanging over the world, prowling somewhere through mankind, that same thing, something closed, mindless, utterly wanton, but something with an aim and a cunning of its own." -- Steven Mallory, The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand
The "drooling beast" she spoke about is out-of-control forced-collectivism, or what we know as Socialism. Pure mob rule democracy with no constitutional limitations!
If this thing passes and they actually do this, then Illinois should be quarantined and avoided by anyone who still believes in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, that they still and actually mean what they say! Anyone like that should leave the state and let it fall into ruin, like the other places that have been rotted by Socialism. For example, Chicago and Detroit!
The "militia" clause has already been settled by the Supreme Court, leaving only:
If these people seriously believe that the founders only intended that to mean weapons of that time - the late 1700's - then they should be stripped of their computers and internet access, being those things weren't part of freedom of speech and the press back in the late 1700's! Their "free speech" should be limited to standing on street corners, and their "freedom of the press" should be limited to Franklin-style mechanical printing presses!
But again, this doesn't have anything to do with reason.
We're up against the "drooling beast" here, people, and either it will win, or we will!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If this bill passes all involved should be charged with treason and locked up. These people need to start being arrested for their acts. The law needs to hang them high. Ken