I don't pretend to know when the next crash will happen. But I do know it will happen for two very important reasons. First, the behavior engaged in by the central bankers, politicians and CEO's are a guarantee of disaster. Second, TPTB or elite are manipulating the crash, an even greater guarantee of it happening. It might be next week, or next month. It may not happen for another year or even two. But it is inevitable. People need to understand that these Internationalists are determined to have one government and one currency for this planet and many of the elite consider the United States as the biggest hurdle to that goal. We are armed, and we have a Constitution. We also have an independent fighting spirit that's hard to beat.
But the elite have been working their plan since before some of us were born. I believe that nine tenths of their plan is already implemented. Taking America down is next. When other nations refuse to use the American dollar in trade as the world's reserve currency, the dollar is virtually dead. In March of this year, the Brics nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met and agreed to bypass the American dollar in their trade with each other. Late last year the Asian nations met and agreed to use China's money in their trading. I read that Russia and China were talking last year about using their own currencies in trade with each other, long before the BRICS meeting. What is the end game? The handwriting is on the wall. These countries see the Federal Reserve pumping 85 billion dollars a month into the economy and are no fools. They know these dollars are backed by nothing but thin air. In my opinion, the next move will be for these and other countries to use these fiat dollars to buy up anything of real value they can, flooding us with dollars of less and less real worth in return.
Their game plan is to first bring the world, including America, to their knees financially. This part of the plan is well along. At that point, people will be begging for relief from anyone who can help them. They will accept the take over of the elite with their New World Order and one world currency without a whimper. At least that is the hope of the elite.
Is anyone paying attention? Are people preparing as best they can for the global disaster? Of course not. They're too busy watching the mindless reality shows, trying to dress like the celebrities they see in the mainstream media and maxing out their credit cards.
This is the worst possible time to be in debt. I was taught that the only things that justified going into debt for were things like buying a home, (not a McMansion), a car (for work, not a second car to impress people with)or starting a business. Anything else you buy with cash. If you don't have the cash, you wait until you have it to purchase the desired item.
My dad always told me that debt was a slippery slope once started. But the attitude today is, "Why wait and save up for that vacation when you can just put it on a credit card and pay it off later? Immediate gratification has taken the place of the anticipation and joy of saving toward a goal.
Now, the average debt of American households I've read, is $8000.00. I'll bet the real figure is higher than that. So what does that mean for us? Austerity very soon is coming to our shores. If you want to know what that will look like, I would recommend a book called, "Weimar Germany" by Eric D. Weitz. If that doesn't scare you into fiscal responsibility, I don't know what would.
The German people made several mistakes during that time. Perhaps we can avoid them. First of all believing what their government told them, which was a pack of lies designed to calm fears and prevent total chaos. Another mistake was to turn in all of their gold, silver and jewels for 'the Fatherland'. By the time it took a wheelbarrow full of worthless German marks to buy a loaf of bread IF you could find a loaf to buy, the people no longer had anything of value to trade on the inevitable black market.
The smartest thing that people can do in this country before the financial ax falls is to buy whatever amount of gold and silver you can afford. When the ax does fall or soon after, your dollars will be worthless. Store extra food and water. Buy heritage seeds for feeding your own family and for barter. Buy a gun and ammunition to protect what you have. IF you can still find them. Mostly straw purchases now since our wonderful Homeland Security has priority on orders with manufacturers and they keep the orders rolling in to make sure we can't buy any. Gather together with neighbors to form a unit if necessary. Pay off your debt as soon as you can. Don't go into debt now if you aren't. There are survivalist sites on the Internet with good plans you can check out. But, whatever you do, do it soon.
I had already written this before I listened to Lindsey Williams video today. He certainly has a better source for information than I have but we do have similar thoughts. I have to agree with most of his advice. More people are waking up and we are all trying to get the attention of the remaining ostriches before it's too late. As to whether or not Mr. Williams is a plant. I don't know. He could be. Or he could be very sincere and just being used as a pawn. It's also possible that some of the elite or their family members have developed a conscience and are trying to get the warning out while there is still time. I just don't know. Each of us will have to use our discernment to decide what to believe and what action to take.
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