Monday, July 1, 2013

Dinar Intel - 7-1-13


Listen up, people sometimes create things under greed, because they dislike people prospering, because they haven't  been reconize and want a piece of the spotlight, or maybe there 15 minutes of fame, so they lie and invent things.

I hope that at this point in time you've already separated the grain from the cafth.

First the highest rates only at WF, that there are no 800# with instructions bs because there are, that all banks will be having the same rate bs not true (AND THIS WAS CONFIRMED WITH THE REAL SOURCE).

They will eventually but that's another story in a different scenario way down in another time frame.

There are some greedy folks making up last minute promises with some lists stating that they if you hand over your dinars will guarantee you the highest rates bs so watch yourselves from them.

The last rate seen on a screen xx.xx dinar, x.xx dong before they went blank which is good, they are high.
So now both banks and us are awaiting instructions, banks are still in a 24/7 watch you know, and dinar brokers have started to shutdown operations for this rv.

Iraqui people are in joy celebrations all around there land, important shifts have occur in there government, borders are now close, excitement is in the air.

Citibanks opens there today. The fourth of July is around the corner,

All Presidents are away from home , ( they all must be  so all PPs can be handed out). So all scenarios are set and looking good.

So there we stand peeps in a nutshell just waiting on prosperity to kick into overdrive.  Please remember I do not control the timing behind this international release of currencies so leave you anxieties at the door please.

We are at the door folks, lets believe that they will let us in shortly.  Bbl blu


Anonymous said...

u listen up clowns it is a felony to offer more than the street rate in the usa!THIS WAS CONFIRMED WITH THE REAL SOURCE ya rite? i call bs on you no proof of real source just you running your mouth!FACT i will turn you in and the crooked wells Fargo if they offer even 1/100 of a cent more! got it? quit your lying fool and conspiring to commit a felony!anyone calling the fbi number is conspiring to commit a felony and the fbi will be grateful you called. so when they show up take you to jail and take your dinar for conspiring to commit a felony you have no one to blame but your own GREED

Anonymous said...

RE: 7:59 P.M.
Why so angry? If there is no victim there is no crime. The F.B.I. is a criminal org. There is a profit ratio for the exchangers. The banks work about one dollar. If they want to give you more and take less profit that's up to them. Take a chill pill!