Post on Getteam forum:
Re: TERRYK CHAT 7/7/2013 8 PM EST
« Reply #1 on: Today at
08:55:33 AM »
Thanks for the giggles. More false hope with zero real
intel. Just circular info getting reworded.
It is not just around the corner. Ramadan is a huge issue. RV is --->weeks<--- away at best, and October at worst. If TerryK had real intel, not circle jerk info, TerryK would know this.
Maybe if TerryK spilled the beans with details of what level people are giving him/us info, then perhaps they would stop feeding him dis-info to pass along to us who are near our wits end. I am tired of being deceived & do NOT comprehend why TerryK keeps allowing himself to be subjected to that continuously.
People are literally getting thrown on the streets because they believe this two-more-days-now extravaganza of rotating excuses, which imo are dis-info feeds to TerryK. MORE suffering ensues, because people are not making REALISTIC plans for, "What if it doesn't come next week? How do I keep my family from being homeless?". OR WORSE. I KNOW MANY who committed suicide waiting for this. The "treat as rumor" & "I was told" disclaimers are ignored from those who are looking for FACTUAL rays of hope.
I expect that this will be promptly deleted. My hope is that it gets through, and is allowed to stay posted. My concern expressed here is for people who have not made CONTINGENCY PLANS, so they can stay afloat waiting until October, when all holidays and summer-fun is completed. Even then, there are no guarantees for even October. LOOK at their track-record! THEY keep blocking it, is the reality of the situation. IT is not an any second now situation whatsoever, no matter what is being stated.
It is not just around the corner. Ramadan is a huge issue. RV is --->weeks<--- away at best, and October at worst. If TerryK had real intel, not circle jerk info, TerryK would know this.
Maybe if TerryK spilled the beans with details of what level people are giving him/us info, then perhaps they would stop feeding him dis-info to pass along to us who are near our wits end. I am tired of being deceived & do NOT comprehend why TerryK keeps allowing himself to be subjected to that continuously.
People are literally getting thrown on the streets because they believe this two-more-days-now extravaganza of rotating excuses, which imo are dis-info feeds to TerryK. MORE suffering ensues, because people are not making REALISTIC plans for, "What if it doesn't come next week? How do I keep my family from being homeless?". OR WORSE. I KNOW MANY who committed suicide waiting for this. The "treat as rumor" & "I was told" disclaimers are ignored from those who are looking for FACTUAL rays of hope.
I expect that this will be promptly deleted. My hope is that it gets through, and is allowed to stay posted. My concern expressed here is for people who have not made CONTINGENCY PLANS, so they can stay afloat waiting until October, when all holidays and summer-fun is completed. Even then, there are no guarantees for even October. LOOK at their track-record! THEY keep blocking it, is the reality of the situation. IT is not an any second now situation whatsoever, no matter what is being stated.
darylluke, and you know this how???? What makes you more credible than those you criticize? The reality is it will happen when all is ready and you nor anyone else knows when that time will be. So do us all a favor and stop contributing to the B.S.!
Thanks Daryl for writing the truth and thanks John for posting for all of us to read.
People need to stop posting lies and hopium. A Chase banker told me 2 years ago that all of this is one big fat scam. An executive at BOA also told my son-in-law that this is a big time scam and the gullible people are looking for a "pie in the sky".
I purchased dinar and dong anyway - guess I can frame it and be reminded everyday of how stupid I was.
Question is who are you? Could it be that your setting us up for another round of broken promises. I have been using the possibility of R/V to give Me some hope in an otherwise hopeless situation. Even I can't go along any more. We are lost as mortals the only thing I have to look forward to is to be separated from this horrible situation at death. I will go to a place where most of you aren't. I look forward to that!
Darylluke from the Benjamin Fulford Cafe forum would not be a source I would trust. He claims to be some sort of healer, but while I attended the forum heard nothing but hateful comments towards others.
Well, we do know undisputedly that Iraq is released from chapter VII and the Arabic articles coming out state clearly that they need to raise the value of their currency right away. Possibly their Qui cards are loaded and/or contractors getting paid? It seems if it happened during their Ramadan, they would have even more to celebrate. That is at least something more than we had before.
John M. thoroughly confuses me. He posts all the "gurus" information, and then proceeds to bash them mercilessly. Talk about doubleminded! If he believes the vitriol from the headliner "anonymous" post, then why continue to even pay attention to the news from behind the scenes in the RV event? And yet I continue to wade through the stuff MacHuffie posts, even though it is all over the board.
And, the "ball" is in WHOSE court?? I'm telling you that it is time for more than "talk." I hope I never use the Holy Writ deceptively, but this NEEDS TO BE SAID:
Matthew 11:12
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Just remember, the "Money Changers" (bankers) and the "pharisees" (lawyers) have not changed a dime's worth of difference in 2000 years. 4 days after Yahshua overturned the money changer's/banker's tables they (the bankers), via the pharisees (lawyers), had Him hanging on the Cross.
As a thing is DONE, so it is UN-DONE. I'm not inciting a riot nor encouraging a violent action on anyone's part. I'm just giving you "tools" to make up your own mind. Real change begins on the ground where you stand. Whatcha gonna do??
I guess you could do what you've been doing (kissing the ring on the banker's and lawyer's finger - regardless of which finger they wear it on), or you could stop putting them on a pedestal and label them for the low-life, cheating, scum-bags they really are. Think about your own life experiences. How many divorces, foreclosures, tickets, and other problems WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED if the bankers and lawyers were not involved. How many broken families would not have been broken if the lawyer had not promised the spouse, "We'll take him for everything he's ever worked for - that'll whip him into shape."
Which was worst, the people that Stoned Steven, or the instigator and man that held the people's coats that Stoned Steven?
It's sad, Sad, SAD that most "churches" today have the front pews engraved with donor's names that are all lawyers and bankers. When I was a child, the lawyers and bankers had enough Open Shame they would not attend a "real" church. Find me a real church today, one that is not controlled by gubm't and "politically correctness."
I'm done. All you goo-roos can go piss up a rope. Most of you are a damn bunch of "Lap-Dogs" for Big-Brother, and you know it. Parting shot - define the word "Jester."
well millions of people are waiting on this.... not a day goes by without hunger increasing, just like the prices of food at the grocery store; less than caring care from the medical establishment, many died because they don't have insurance or money for medicines; any decent paying jobs have disappeared; leaving the majority of us with part time minimum wage jobs, no insurance to be offered, the corporations and bankers are buying up land galor, we are still fed GMO foods, drinking contaminated and poisoned water, being sprayed and poisoned, struggling each and every day to survive, the world is a very toxic and undesirable place to be in. and then there are those who knows what the future holds, but it is constantly and any day now ordeal that has been going on exceptionally strong since March of this year, each and every week we are the brink...... yet here we are..... still being toyed with, still being manipulated, in believing in the only thing left to believe in..... which also has treated everyone very very poorly. better words could have been used in describing the frustration felt by the believers and those who have no idea of the possibilities many have been led to believe. I would not call this a humanitarian project, seems humanity has been used as a pawn in the big battle, with little to no regard for human life and suffering . if this is about humanity in a better world...well it's time to prove it!! our patience has been tried and true.... it's beyond that... we now need to be in time for revolution by the American people. it seems that's what they wanted to do to begin with anyway. people are only humans, divine intersections..... fair to say time is up!! Action Talks!!!
.......years of planning and we are waiting..... still! help us help you..... or shall we help ourselves? it's time for the choice to be made!
I have also looked to the R/V to help give me some hope to get out of bad marriage and to have a
better life for myself. I been in this for over 3 years and now I have lost all hope. I truly know what your're saying is the truth. I have started praying for all those who like me we had such high hopes.
Anon 10:06 - you are so right. I too look forward to going to the place and the sooner the better.
I don't understand why all of us didn't see the ugly side of being mislead. As long as the bad cabal boys rule the world there will not be a reset, RV, PP deliveries, WGS or anything to relieve the almost poverty in America. Our own leader hates America and is well on his way to destroying our way of life.
The Iraqi leaders hate Americans. After all, we destroyed their country and they will never be the same. Blame that destruction on both criminal Bush guys. Don't you folks know that Iraq is not willing to let the American people benefit from their currency revaluation.......
Wake up America - no money - quit dreaming and go find a job.
I made a couple of observations that I would like to share. These observations have come over several years of following the dinar.
1) Those who have become aware of the Illusion and have chosen to step out of the Matrix are suffering immensely. Most have lost jobs, careers, health, relationships and any money they had, and are attempting to just survive another day.
2) Those still living within the Matrix remain ignorant and judgmental of those of us who have become "aware". They still live under the spell of the delusion. They are thriving within the designed programming and are content to remind us that we are crazy or have somehow lost it.
3) The intel we are getting day in and day out seems to come from within the matrix (with only a few who are actually invested in distributing correct information). The players are all within the matrix, the scenario is projected from the matrix yet we are expecting something different from the matrix.
4) The ones who designed and have successfully taken over the global population were smart enough to be prepared for this portion of the end game and I think it is highly possible that the information that comes in everyday is designed to keep us sedated, quiet, and expectant of a change that may never come. All the while we are like the boiling frogs. We Americans have become ultra tolerant of the oppression and enslavement and perhaps it would do us some good to start thinking and organizing like an Egyptian.
5) There is Power in Numbers, and there is success in Peaceful Resolution. If each and everyone of us who listen to the conference calls (probably well into 10,000 if you start adding them all together) and the million++++ that frequent these blogs started taking action by writing and refuting the illegal laws that are being passed, standing out in front of our local state houses and peacefully protesting, and took a stand for our constitution and the rights it implies for each and everyone of us, then we might see some changes come quickly.
Our complacency is what is killing us and our country and maybe it is time for the population to see several thousand people begin to protest together through organized strikes and peaceful demonstrations.
Just like Egypt, we may not have a voice but we have a presence of multi millions and we CAN make a difference.
I looked this guy up. N couldnt find a thing. So u dont matter because u dont know a thing!
It was supposed to go last year before Ramadan. if it doesn't happen this year b4 ramadan, maybe it will be next year or some year b4 ramadan.
but what do we know?
it was supposed to go last year b4 ramadan. it it doesn't go this year b4 ramadan, perhaps it will be next year or some year b4 ramadan.
but what do we know?
If we put our hope in material things/wealth we will be let down, but if instead we place our hope in that which can destroy our soul we not only gain eternal life but also all the blessings of Heaven as well.
The RV of the IQD is going to take place and when all is accomplished that needs to be it will be finished Place your faith in truth until it is ready and this faith will sustain you....if you search for truth you WILL find it.
Something that nobody thinks about is the building of an investor would you want to invest at the artificial rate or the RV rate? When all is accomplished and the investors are ready for a return on their investment the IQD will increase and with banks now entering IRAQ I'd say it is getting closer.
Must not have looked that hard. Go to the Benjamin Fulford Cafe forum.
It looks to me like the Hogs are fattening up for the slaughter. The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous.
If I may add the following observations:
From Gerald O'Donell's website:
April 14, 2013
Light absorbing our shadows...We stand on the brink...
Very Important Announcement
Dear friends:
I only have a very short message.
Life has again restricted itself to a game of survival of the fittest, the richest, the healthiest, the strongest, or the cleverest.
This has been the path of our evolution to date, and we cannot proceed much further in that primitive manner.
We are all accomplice in this cruelest of outcome. Life was never meant to be this difficult, but all about cherishing it and worshipping its presence and flow with gentle peace all around. We have desecrated it and disrespected its gift in so many ways for so long. We have tried to capture its freely gifted flow and hoard its presence, polluting and poisoning All in this action.
Shadows are increasingly aggressing us within and all around. They are here because we create them by our thoughts and actions. They are just us as we have become them. They have infiltrated our lives, being, biology, machines, and especially spirit. They are the only and sole cause of death and mayhem. They feed like parasites on us, our energy, and we have lost track of our mission which is to enlighten all.
They are threatening to destroy and kill life-as-it-is, if we do not awaken within ourselves.
Many dark clouds are profiling themselves across the planet, strengthened because we allowed our hopes to evaporate into them by remaining so passive for so long.
Shadows have manifested only because we have dimmed our awareness and allowed them to be. You do not fight shadows. You cannot. How could you, as they only exist as you block the Light?
Battling them is futile. When you think you have won your wars, they will morph virus-like and resurface, shape shifting into more and often stronger expressions and join forces to destroy, as the unaware shadow programs of ourselves that they are, the very source of their existence. Fear and aggression is their language and they excel at what they do.
You can only light them and they will disappear.
And this shall be:
Either with the Eternal Living Divine Light of awareness and Love we show to each other as different unique expressions of Oneness, as we espouse Its ways.
Or as the final death light of fission and fusion bringing us to One, but not to Oneness.
We have little time left to change, detoxify and purify. Do not evade Reality as It IS. Clean your and our house for it is One. Do not take this lightly. I beg of you.
Gerald O'Donnell
- See more at:
Iraq has 10 business days from the release of Chapter 7 (June 27th) to have an internationally recognized currency with a tradeable rate. That date, depending on how you count it, is either July 10 or July 11th. No need to get our panties in a bunch and certainly no need to listen to jokers like this guy, or Doc, or TD, or Med, or any of the other dis-info agents. I prefer to cast my lot with the positive gurus.
At the same time, at some point these gurus need to face the fact they are either being lied to or are being used to spread dis-information. If they reach that point, then they need to come clean with who their contacts are and what they have been told.
Interesting opinion here:
Couldn't find a thing huh TROLL!!
Here is my contribution to LIFE, and not division and destruction you seek:
Humbly as servant to my fellow man here as I walk this decaying Garden.
Given to us to care for. Walk upon her back in awe of the BEAUTY which remains!
LET US ALL together save THAT. Grow together from there in this merry journey.
My agenda is us together, to make change long needed together. ONE HUMANITY.
No, you just come off as an insecure child in your interaction with others. Grow up.
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