Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fake News Stories - being exposed

Just to you.   Irvin received a huge traffic spike the last couple of days due this article: Snowden Uncovers Shocking Truth Behind Chemtrails - HAARP Assassination Agenda - CFR Millions Spent Confuse PublicUnfortunately, the source for the first part of the story (Snowden uncovers shocking truth behind Chemtrails), in which Edward Snowden allegedly blows the whistle on chemtrails, is The Internet Chronicle - a fake news site like The Onion.  Here's another example of one of their fake news stories: Justin Bieber Dead at 19 | The Internet Chronicle
I almost posted the fake article on But, I did a little research first and saw a post on a forum about it being a fake story. It happens.  I once got burned posting video by The Onion about the CIA honoring Mark Zuckerberg for collecting information on citizens.  Fortunately, my business partner at the time caught it within an hour, so the post was quickly removed.  Now it turns out (thanks to Snowden's leak on the NSA) that there was actually some amount of truth to the story.
One thing Kimberly Gamble has stressed with me is the importance of having somebody double check the facts on stories that I post. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the funds to hire a "fact checker."   Speaking of Kimberly, she promised to have a video blog about stopping chemtrails by the end of this month.  I will post it on both websites as soon as it comes out. 
And, speaking of Snowden and the NSA, here's an incredibly important short video (including a transcript) that I implore you to watch and share with others: Oliver Stone on NSA Spying and What You Can Do About It (MUST SEE 2MIN Video)
If you want to see a really terrific video about chemtrails with another courageous whistleblower, check out this one: USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Chemtrails and Air Force Cover-Up.   Also, be sure to watch the video in CLN's top post for the week: What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts. Kudos to Dr. Perlingieri for sending me a link to that video. - most viewed posts last seven days - most viewed posts last seven days

Much love,
Ross and Rusty

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