Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gog and Magog? Another Odd One.....

 Gog and Magog? Another Odd One.....

A complete 180 degree turn in 30 years, both for the location of strong Christian faith and the media who report on Christianity. 

I don't know:  Antichrist or Defender of the Faith, as looks likely?  After all, Martin Luther, like the genius Wagner, was an execrable human being ("peasants should be herded like cattle and slaughtered like dogs."), in addition to his effect on Christianity. Matthew was an IRS agent.  All emphasis mine.
  Guess where this is written?  Answer at bottom. 
If you ever wonder why the weasel west media always calls Putin a dictator or demonizes him, just look at what has been happening recently. By watching the US news last week one would think all of America has turned gay with the Supreme Court ruling on married same-sex couples.  The New York Times called it a, "major victories for the gay rights movement".  Some even compare it to racial equality.  If Putin was the dictator the West claims, the new law that defends Christianity would have been in effect immediately after the pussy riot blasphemy which happened last year. Recently President Putin signed a 'gay propaganda' ban and law criminalizing insult of religious feelings.
Oddly enough the West is the only place where some Christian leaders are gay. Their Christian churches omit certain biblical teachings against homosexuality. Yes, Russia's Christianity and anyone who defends it rain on the gay parade and their upside down world. In the past they demonized Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and ridiculed Christians in America as crazed right-wingers. They danced when President Reagan, Jerry Falwell and Charlton Heston died. There is no longer a real powerful conservative in the West the liberals fear. 

In the East there is someone that causes the western liberal's maniacal laughter to stop.  Vladimir Putin.  He has real world power, which causes the liberal media to fearfully ignore or warp his image. Like a good Christian King he leads a nation to Christ. Deep down in their evil souls they shriek like devils because they know Christ is true God and true power that they cannot defeat. They thought the Bolshevik revolution destroyed Holy Mother Russia.  Christ cannot be defeated and his servant Putin has welcomed Christ and His church.
Pravda-US.  Never thought I'd see that.
I don't recall seeing this in many US News outlets.

For the rest of the article, see

1 comment:

Legacy16 said...

John, for the truth about "Gog and Magog" I suggest your readers check out Stephen E. Jones' excellent book "The Struggle for the Birthright" -