Tuesday, July 16, 2013

HAARP facility shuts down and will be dismantled HAARP facility shuts down and will be dismantled

HAARP facility shuts down and will be dismantled HAARP facility shuts down and will be dismantled AlaskaDARPAKirtland Air Force BaseNew Mexico Please don't forget to: July 16, 2013 - The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May. “Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s website through the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility. HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said. The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.” The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days. Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects. Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.” To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateur and articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.” The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere. As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas. Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.” Sources and more information: • HAARP Facility Shuts Down The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) - a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists - has closed down. HAARP's program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in... • B/S ALERT HAARP Shuts Down WOW REALLY ! Home HAARP POWER B S ALERT HAARP Shuts Down WOW REALLY ! B S ALERT HAARP Shuts Down WOW REALLY ! DARPA allocates funds for the use of HAARP vol3ch15 Executive Summary In 2025, US aerospace forces can "own the weather" by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. • HAARP facility shuts down • Navy Admits Making Ionospheric Plasma Clouds Using HAARP Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/HAARP_facility_shuts_down_and_will_be_dismantled/91109#ixzz2ZDsDTiEN


Anonymous said...

Let's hope that the other 20 plus HAARP stations strategically positioned around the world will follow the same demise.

The next challenge is for ALL CHEMTRAILS to collapse due to lack of funding too!!!!

Anonymous said...

If I'm reading it correctly this isn't a "dismantling" it is a temporary shut down. It is going to resume in the fall.

No victory here folks... read it again and more carefully, or perhaps I need to:)

Anonymous said...

Great! Go ahead and bulldoze it, then bulldoze all the cell towers and just put little antennas on tall buildings, then go ahead and bulldoze the White house. (hopefully the current occupants will still be in it when the bulldozer does his work)

Anonymous said...

It is difficult at best to believe shutting down HAARP facilities is occurring - lack of finances or otherwise. In the Dallas, Texas area we see signs almost daily of HAARP activity in the skies overhead. If one researches the known patterns emitted in the clouds by the HAARP transmissions, it is easy enough to identify when the HAARP is working. Check out the website for Dutch Sinse http://www.youtube.com/user/dutchsinse
dated July 1st http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lQHMlunsKk&feature=c4-overview&list= UUHE 92 x768p8h-fMrqhsnE1Q Can anyone provide undeniable PROOF that, indeed, these death machines are shutting down?

Anonymous said...

I noticed Chemtrails have reduced markedly along the east coast since the July 4th holiday.

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping my HAARP machine. I'm going to use it on the entire Bush family and the Clintons.

Anonymous said...

I'll Believe it when I see live video from a credible source of it being bulldozed. DARPA is part of the shadow gov't....lies and deceit is all they know. I am very sensitive to the HAARP waves and they have been going full blast day and night on the northeast....they all need to be bulldozed and the so called cell towers taken down to that help in their transmitting. And not just chemtrails need to be irradicated, all chemically made cloud seeding. Here in the northeast, if there not made by planes, they are made at the bases and as the clouds start to evaporate from the heat of the sun, you can see the chemicals being dispersed into the lower atmosphere.....we are dealing with very, very psychologically sick people who will never willingly give up control........there are plenty of the same sick ones with millions if not billions to fund these projects......don't be fooled!!!!! HAARP is alive and well

Anonymous said...

More media BS, however I must admit for the last 10 days I have watched chemtrail planes attempting to lace the skies with chemtrails only to find for some reason very quickly they disappear. I watched a large passenger plane leaving zero contrails cross the path of a plane ejecting 4 thick streams of chemtrails at a similar altitude and cursed the chemtrail plane; to my delight the four large streams of chemtrails just disappeared. It has been a wonderful 10 days of blue skies in Vancouver, BC Canada.

I do not know what is happening, but perhaps we have help in the skies or perhaps the new atmospheric conditions with "No Haarp Help" is preventing the poisoning of our skies.

Anonymous said...

PLUS, there now are mobile units, on land AND sea... closing the first, and oldest station won't make a bit of difference in the effective use of this technology. Hopefully, they will be sequestered, too! LOL! along with the Chemtrail programs, yes!

Unknown said...

I think, judging by the freak weather 2014 that those haarps are still in operation worldwide.
i don't believe alaska haarp is idle, its a trick.