Sunday, July 14, 2013

* * * IMPORTANT: Australia Plans Cyprus-Style “Bail-In" * * *

These banksters and crooked politicians have decided that any of your and my money in any of our savings and business bank accounts is the property of the crooked banks and to cover the NWO dark cabal's bankster mafia's gambling debts, without our permission or knowledge, they can steal and loot our savings as they did in the Cyprus "Bail In"

"Bail In"  =  FELONY GRAND THEFT of We, the People's personal money in our bank accounts

Australia Plans Cyprus-Style “Bail-In” Of Banks In 2013-14 Budget

Unsurprisingly, the evidence was fairly well buried. Naturally, the government does not want you to know what they are doing.   Continue reading

as International Intelligence Expert Tom Heneghan has repeatedly reported and warned on April 14th, June 16th and July 10th, excerpt

Warning to the American People: Get your money out of these crooked banks NOW before it is too late!

The crooked, corporate fascist, bank controlled, extortion-friendly U.S. media, which specializes in promoting fraudulent presidents, wars based on a lie, late term abortions, and sodomy is not reporting to the American People that the Dodd-Frank legislation, which is due to go into affect the end of the year, allows crooked banks to classify U.S. savings deposits and mutual funds assets, along with retirement and pension funds aka IRAs as assets, not liabilities.

This allows these crooked Nazi banks to raid the U.S. savings deposits of average Americans (in Cyprus-type fashion) when the crooked bank casinos get a margin call and run out of casino chips.

Reference: The illegal LOOTING of MFGlobal and PFG customer segregated accounts by the crooked Chicago-based bank holding company Jefferies Inc.

FDIC & Bank of England Create Resolution Authority

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why it's extremely important the Glass-Steagall Act needs to be re-enacted Asap.