"The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato of Greece
Amos 8:11: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord."
Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou has rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, ..., that thou hast forgotten the law of God, I will also forget thy children."
This week I have been talking with one of the richest men in America. We have had some lengthy discussions. He is very smart and well connected where it counts. He was originally trained to be a scientist, but got involved with the world of finance afterwards. For the sake of the future of mankind, he thinks my father's Vatican endorsed food process needs to be made available to the people of America and the world so the human race has a future on the earth instead of potential world death. I had supplied him with copies of the Congressional Report of Congress years ago on my father's Vatican endorsed food process and other relevant official documents and reports on it. He also approved of my strong stand against GMO foods because of the implied threat to the survival of the human race if the GMO foods are left unopposed in America, etc. He did offer one statement in case I did not know it about GMO foods. He commented one of the main GMO foods has genes from the Aids Virus which were placed in it in order to lower the resistance of humans to diseases and encourage collapse of their health as well as lead to eventual sterilization as a method of population control in America and across the world. Due to reasons of policy of mine, I will not at this time state which main GMO food he said had the Aids Virus (in gene form) in it, but used so much with other mainline foods, statiscally around 100% of all Americans who eat GMO food today have been apparently exposed without their knowledge to genes from the Aids Virus so long as his source of information was accurate. He also indicated that this policy was secretly set up by strong secret approval of key sources in Wash., D.C.
As I do not think that Wash., D.C. should be co-conspirators with powerful outside sources who want to depopulate America and much of the world through genetically altered food by sources who are very sinister in character and motives, here is my statement which must be done or else we may see the entire human population eventually collapse due to the altered genetic composition of GMO foods which they are hiding what it really does to your body and health.
You have only one good answer to the crisis and danger we face over the GMO foods. Pass my Omni Law and pass it nationally as fast as you can. The moment it becomes national law, 10 now created legal trustees over the federal government will convene an honest national science commission, investigate and confirm the facts the American people need to hear, and by national referendum we will do whatever is necessary to preserve the national health and survival of the American people. The terror words to wildly corrupt Wash., D.C. is that suddenly there will be 10 honest leaders with authority to stop the corruption and treason in Wash., D.C. where it must be stopped. The reason why usual Congressional investigations, federal agency investigations, or special White House investigations are usual jokes when powerful, deadly issues are at stake is that Wash., D.C. may well be the most corrupt government in 6,000 years of human history and lying is a way of life in Wash., D.C., not telling the American people the real truth on key issues. On unimportant issues, they may tell you close to the truth. However, on powerful national issues, generally you can tell when they are lying to you is when they open their mouth to speak to you. I have received word from non-public sources that Wash., D.C. does not like my proposed Omni Law because it would make the national government to start being an honest national government and Wash., D.C. loves corruption, not honesty, in government. As I have said before to mock the corruption in Wash., D.C. Thomas Jefferson said, "The entire art of government consists in being honest." In shock, Wash., D.C. would reply, "Thomas Jefferson, you are crazy! The entire art of government consists in being dishonest!" I did get testimony from a veteran who used to be active with elements in Congress over veteran issues. He commented that lying was a way of life in Wash., D.C. and Wash., D.C. would start each day with its new round of lies for the public.
And who is the biggest protector of the sources behind the GMO food that Wash., D.C. is ramming down the throats of American agriculture and the American people? Obama at the White House is trying to make sure that they cannot be sued, investigated, or stopped in America and the world! I wonder how much he gets paid for services rendered?!! If you do not mind being inoculated with genes of the Aids Virus from GMO food fed to you as normally they don't offer you an alternative to eat now, then I wonder where your brains went to.
To stop this high treason going on in America, we need to pass the Omni Law and now. You can read a copy and copy it off of our website . The big boys hidden behind the scenes are pushing the GMO food as an angle to help establish a One World Government by depopulating much of the present population on earth. They do not want the Omni Law passed as they do not want honest leaders from any party or movement to arise to gain the upper hand and turn Wash., D.C. into an honest national government again serving the American people instead of secret interests nicely taking financial care of leaders from both parties in Congress covering for them now!
You show the Omni Law to your elected officials state or federal and tell them firmly that you want them to back passage of this law and now. If not, explain to you why! Show them this report along with the copy of the Omni Law and this will put enormous pressure on them to end up backing passage of the Omni Law now in America. And send us an email telling us what your elected officials said about whether to pass our Omni Law or not. If they do not commit to back it, we will compile a national list for those candidates Americans should never vote for again. Our email is .
Contact others to help you promote this report along with a copy of the Omni Law to all Americans you can reach. And as the corrupt big boys certainly are not going to financially back us, look at our website for ways to help finance our Omni Law drive and to give you an idea of the leverage possible, if 10 million Americans each contributed $10 each, that adds up to $100 million like lightning! I lived in Wash., D.C. for years and know the ropes how you win in political issues. We probably can win with just a few million dollars, but nothing wrong with enough to fast storm and win America. This GMO issue is so hot nationally, no politician dares to defend GMO food if the facts are clearly brought out and they will be forced to pass the Omni Law on this one issue alone. It would be political suicide not to! And only the Omni Law is going to force an honest investigation, fast and action to solve the deadly crisis America now faces over the GMO threat to America.
We also have products offered on our website as a way to help finance the Omni Law drive in America. Look at our website today, act today, and let's win America fast!
Also, I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be the only true economic science taught in the 20th Century. The conservatives don't know this about Albert Einstein, but he endorsed scientific free enterprise through honest, sound money to fast boom the economy and create the good jobs needed by the people of the nation. And I totally believe in free enterprise as the way to bless a nation economically and make life good for the people living in it. Businesses and the people work together as a national team to make the economy skyrocket in prosperity for business and all the people as all are winners in the nation and none have to be losers. And I don't believe in wildeye federal regulations to make free enterprise impossible to operate effectively and I do not believe in high taxes at all. Really I believe we can run government even without need of taxes, but that is too far ahead of the game to show you now.
And when you read of my Camelot Project on my website, among other things I want it to be a national seed depository where we can supply for the nation non-tampered with seeds so the farming system can be rebuilt with good, sound food crops, not these deadly GMO foods created by their highly tampered with seeds which some critics call "frankenstein food." And we have got to save the honey bees as they mass pollinate enough of our food for America where it is claimed to supply around one-third of all the food we eat in America now. The honey bees are being heavily killed off in America now by a policy heavily backed by OBAMA working for the GMO crowd, not the American people. As Will Rogers once commented, "We have the best government that money can buy!" And Obama is among those bought and paid for!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the son of one of the top food researchers in American history! And as my father used to say, "If you want good health, you have got to work with God, not against God!") Our website is Our email Our mailing address for those wanting to order by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for.
To stop this high treason going on in America, we need to pass the Omni Law and now. You can read a copy and copy it off of our website atwww.fastboomamericaneconomy.
You show the Omni Law to your elected officials state or federal and tell them firmly that you want them to back passage of this law and now. If not, explain to you why! Show them this report along with the copy of the Omni Law and this will put enormous pressure on them to end up backing passage of the Omni Law now in America. And send us an email telling us what your elected officials said about whether to pass our Omni Law or not. If they do not commit to back it, we will compile a national list for those candidates Americans should never vote for again. Our email is
Contact others to help you promote this report along with a copy of the Omni Law to all Americans you can reach. And as the corrupt big boys certainly are not going to financially back us, look at our website for ways to help finance our Omni Law drive and to give you an idea of the leverage possible, if 10 million Americans each contributed $10 each, that adds up to $100 million like lightning! I lived in Wash., D.C. for years and know the ropes how you win in political issues. We probably can win with just a few million dollars, but nothing wrong with enough to fast storm and win America. This GMO issue is so hot nationally, no politician dares to defend GMO food if the facts are clearly brought out and they will be forced to pass the Omni Law on this one issue alone. It would be political suicide not to! And only the Omni Law is going to force an honest investigation, fast and action to solve the deadly crisis America now faces over the GMO threat to America.
We also have products offered on our website as a way to help finance the Omni Law drive in America. Look at our website today, act today, and let's win America fast!
Also, I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be the only true economic science taught in the 20th Century. The conservatives don't know this about Albert Einstein, but he endorsed scientific free enterprise through honest, sound money to fast boom the economy and create the good jobs needed by the people of the nation. And I totally believe in free enterprise as the way to bless a nation economically and make life good for the people living in it. Businesses and the people work together as a national team to make the economy skyrocket in prosperity for business and all the people as all are winners in the nation and none have to be losers. And I don't believe in wildeye federal regulations to make free enterprise impossible to operate effectively and I do not believe in high taxes at all. Really I believe we can run government even without need of taxes, but that is too far ahead of the game to show you now.
And when you read of my Camelot Project on my website, among other things I want it to be a national seed depository where we can supply for the nation non-tampered with seeds so the farming system can be rebuilt with good, sound food crops, not these deadly GMO foods created by their highly tampered with seeds which some critics call "frankenstein food." And we have got to save the honey bees as they mass pollinate enough of our food for America where it is claimed to supply around one-third of all the food we eat in America now. The honey bees are being heavily killed off in America now by a policy heavily backed by OBAMA working for the GMO crowd, not the American people. As Will Rogers once commented, "We have the best government that money can buy!" And Obama is among those bought and paid for!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the son of one of the top food researchers in American history! And as my father used to say, "If you want good health, you have got to work with God, not against God!") Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.
Are you a bad guy in disguise? You appear to be educated, sincere, scientific, and love your fellow human beings but you wouldn't tell a mother of two small children what GMO food is harming them???? What are you afraid of? THEY are going to come and get you? With everything you have said on this blog and yours they would have done it by now. I am a Catholic, and up until 5 years ago I would have believed without question anything the Vatican would endorse. But now after all the scandals (what priests have done to innocent boys, and brothals the priest frequent in Rome) I cannot believe you have confidence in a Vatican endorsed food process. Could you please explain how you could trust ANYTHING the Vatican could endorse? I think I will keep trying to eat organic, growing organic, and purifying my water.
Bad guy I would say pure evil!!! Besides
whole Vatican issue which is also evil, you
will not state what GMO foods! I will never
stop believing in GOOD but you can not
be any man of our Lord!
Erasmus answers:
Pope Pius XII as reported by the Catholic Digest years ago endorsed my father's great food discovery as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ. Pope Pius XII was a very honorable Pope. Sometimes it is wisdom not to force issues too far. Since you want to know, by cross-pollination maybe all the GMO foods are potentially infected already with the genes of the aids virus due to pollination between plants. The Omni Law has got to be passed as soon as possible. Only IT can stop this GMO policy in America. Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America
Guess what sugar? You can look up "corn/aids virus inside" on Google and read what it says there. I know that you are aware that "high fructose corn syrup" has corn in it and can be found in such foods as drinks, sodas, salad dressings, ketchup, barbeque sauce, many processed foods, and corn is in cornflakes, corn tortillas, corn oil, canned and frozen corn, corn starch, animal feeds, (probably in the meat from animals that eat this animal feed), even in ethanol gasoline.(I know you don't eat that!) I read that the Obama healthcare bill is going to make it mandatory that everyone be tested for the aids virus. It's presumed that they will then force people to take an "anti-aids" (fraudulent) vaccine and they will have a computer chip in the vaccine, which will travel to your brain and they will then be able to control you with EMF's (electro-magnetic frequencies). Only those people who really care about their children and their grandchildren and their futures would forcefully be active in pushing for passing this Omni Law where honest leaders would then have the authority to finally stop this assault on humans and animals. Why don't people actively participate in helping the American people instead of falsely accusing someone of being evil?
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