Monday, 1 July 2013
Me First.....I want My
It confused us as to
why Obama would want to go to Tanzania and then tour only selected Gold,
Diamond and asset rich African countries. Then, why the Crime Families would
all fly in behind together? Entire families? Why? Then the sudden appearance
of sleazy WMD Liar bag man Tony Blair, joint War Crimes criminal,
arrives and is found right in the middle of it as the Fixer, that says it

They are all cashing
Stolen Dinars for Gold, Diamonds and concessions,to hide vast Dinar thefts
out of sight, converting huge Billions to hard assets, easy to move, nothing
shows. What a massive Laundering Coup! And O got his pre Retirement
Lick! That's why you are all being delayed. A massive Pig Feast first.
Now it all makes sense. The countries then cash the Dinars, no questions, and
they stay hidden. What a scam! The Swine herd at work. A huge heist , no
taxes and all Offshore. The Dinars and PP wait for these parties to cash out.
Shysters of the Century, but in America, they own Justice. and
Obama will Pardon all of them. But how can an Illegal pardon anyone? Always,
an Achilles heel.
So will Obama be in Africa for July 4th?
His obligations there are more important than the USA?
Maybe the funds he and the others received are the stolen Trillions!
Can Criminal Charges be filed against him for kidnapping Air-Force One pilots and the Secret Service if they were not really on US official business?
moochelle's wearing black in the desert heat, tony blair also wearing a jacket. the above news article is pure disinfo/propaganda, fear porn and the commie is back at the black house btw!O returned on the 2nd.
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