Sunday, July 7, 2013

RV Chat - Jester - Part 1 - 7-7-13

07/07/2013   Part 1 of 2

Jester] hi castle mods, peeps, lurkers, and critters...

[cheeny] Jester Please tell us that you are in a good mood and have something hopeful for us to hear.

[Jester] cheeny of course... so who wants to know what is REALLY happening?

[Jester] i am getting tired of all the dang bs i have been hearing today...

[Jester] people need to quit calling the indicators and what they are hearing from the banks and they would not be making up excuses later...

[nolaspice.] Jester are we almost there I don't wanna play dinar anymore!!

[Jester] nolaspice. i'd love to tell you we are... we will see shortly...

[cheeny] Jester Well for sure there is lots of news saying the good guys are not winning. That is one big fear factor.

[Jester] cheeny well it depends on how you look at it... they are all good guys but they have a difference of opinion right now...

[heartfelt] Jester it is Saturday you know!! I love the next few hours!
[Jester] heartfelt yes you should... revert to last weekend... it will happen tht way...

[Jester] so lets see who asks the right question...

tinman54] Jester is last weeks plausible scenario from last week back in play for this weekend? Right Question?

[Jester] tinman54 probably...

[Jester] ok... big picture... countries in trouble... remember wednesday night i said dignitaries in for the meetings?

 [Texastwc] Jester so thats your answer? Big in trouble?

Jester] Texastwc several.. 9 to be exact... and maybe 4 more in addition to that... not confirmed yet...

[Jester] turns out they were countries... brought in to get straightened out... remember tier 1... soveriegn trusts.... countries...

[ready4riches] Jester have they taken care of the bonds you mentioned?

[Jester] ready4riches old news...

[TNGirl] tier 1 is complete?

[Jester] TNGirl hmmm.... right question...

[TNGirl] Jester okay...then it's tier 2's turn?

 [Jester] they are processing some countries in trouble right now... the IMF is in charge of it...

[kazorlando] Jester Countries have been in trouble for a long time.....we hear about on the news, then it goes away. So what makes the current trouble any worse than the past trouble?

[firenice] Jester they had to put these countries in now

[shatterstar] so these prossible 13 countries/ sovereign trusts were brought to iron out the details so im thinking that we are probably the last tier so we are in cash out mode...

[Jester] shatterstar you were saying earlier the IMF was in charge.... they are... but of holding it for the countries... not the way you thought...

[Jester] China... UST... others... not happy about it... want things to move forward...

 [shatterstar] well that is good news. that coincides well with what is coming out of iraq

[Jester] what is going on now is IMF wants to help the countries in trouble...

 [Jester] the others want the reset to go forward and fix it later...

ModelWoman)Can you tell us the 9 countries?

[Jester] ModelWoman i could... let me think if i will..

[Lvn42day] Jester Any idea who will win this tussle?

[Jester] Lvn42day that is the question...

[Readynow] Jester who is winning?

[Jester] Readynow unkown at this time...

[HIGHERGROUND] Jester... hi .. so i take it that the "others" that want it now are winning.?!?

[Jester] HIGHERGROUND the IMF is not controlled by the US.... they are over it all...

[chillimac] Jester doesnt matter who they are, there in front of us , so we wait , monday, tuesday

[Jester] we been watching these countries for 3 days...

 [Jester] they have issues of course... fixing them first is easier for the imf... you reset a country in bankruptcy they are still in bankrupcy after...

 [zorro] Jester So why now, why wern't we looking at these countries 4 weeks ago, what changed now??

[Jester] zorro the reset has dragged out... they cannot make it... just like a lot of the people in here could not when it dragged out...

[flamingo] Jester -What you are telling us is really starting to add up......ty friend

[wheezer2] Jester what have you been watching them for???

[Jester] wheezer2 because that is what is happening... the reality of what you guys don't know from all the other bs out there...

 [shatterstar] i bet egypt is one of those countries

[Jester] shatterstar yes it is... dont be surprised that what happened has to happen to get them in the game...

alin] Shatterstar, Tony was alluding to Egypt

[Jester] ok fine... may come out sooner or later anyway..

[Jester] portugal, greece, egypt, brazil, netherlands, ireland, italy, spain, turkey

[FrenchTexan2] Jester IMO every country in the world is needing this. Is that not what the point of the big picture is? Humanity?

 [Jester] so there ya go... we are probably witnessing the demise of the euro....

 [alin] Jester, forgive me if I say, but Iraq was threatened to face penalties if no RV by the 8th. Will a country such as Togo come out to demand some funds also and delay this process further?

[Jester] alin hold that thought...

 [kazorlando] Jester Countries have been in trouble for a long time.....we hear about it on the news, then it goes away. So what makes the current trouble any worse than the past trouble?

[crossways] Jester Doesn't seem fair to Iraq...if it is true about a deadline after ch7...they have suffered long enough. Imo

[Jester] crossways if you consider a whole world you will not be selfish about one country that will be fine anyway...

[bebba] Jester so the 10 day window that is supposed to expire on the 8th... will not be enforced?

[Jester] bebba who made up that rule anyway? you see it in writing anywhere? some guru?

[zorro] Jester We knew the EU was done weeks ago right?

[Jester] zorro yes.. that handwriting has been on the wall for some time now...

[flamingo] Jester -So are these countries issues resolve now??

[Jester] flamingo it is in process... we are aware they are under the gun to get this done today...

 [Jester] we will see how it goes...

[HIGHERGROUND] Jester that is great news ty

[sk8pastort] Jester today, like the sound of that!

[mrmudd] Jester : I dont understand how big o is going to give up his office w/o a fight so the republic can come in. He is to power hungry.

Jester] mrmudd he has two choices... needs to decide which house he wants to live in...

[alin] mrmudd, he wont go quietly. too many perks

[IradMax] mrmudd might have something to do with the born citizen thingy

[mrmudd] Jester ; are you saying he could be president for the republic. I hope not

[Jester] mrmudd the white house is not one of the options...

 [Jester] i just couldn't stand by any more knowing the truth and watching you guys get fed all the other bs...

[Lvn42day] Jester Can these other countries be saved?

[Jester] Lvn42day they will be... all will be saved... that is the point of the whole deal...

[Jester] Lvn42day and we were in that same predicament... do not be fooled... the us is so close to bankrupt it is not even funny..


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