[dilmus123] take this as a rumor but i heard there is a lot of rumors today
book2] Dinarblessed there are 2 things I have noted about dinarians. 1) they are hilariously funny and 2) they can't spell worth a flip
[bama] this should be our official theme song
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=rViNRTlsqlI&feature=youtu.be
[bama] it would make a nice parody for somone who is creative and talented. It would probably be a big hit on itunes as and RV song
[FLPatriot59] This was just posted on MiG but a member who NEVER posts anything like this and has been around for quite a while:
2:34 PM [******] My brother just called and said he was just called by his friend who is very very large investor. This investor said RV to show at 3:00PM today or just thereafter.
[xyz] Japan may press China at a global meeting next week for more information about a slowdown in the world's No. 2 economy and risks posed by its "shadow" banking system, Tokyo's top financial diplomat said on Thursday. http://www.reuters.com/ article/2013/07/11/us-japan- economy-g- idUSBRE96A0I220130711**
[Capt Ron] Is something cool supposed to happen at 3pm CST?
[goin4broke] Capt Ron just the RV
[Capt Ron] ah, ok.
[Capt Ron] Well, it has to happen sometime soon. Might as well be in 50 minutes from now.
[clubber3] Capt Ron one can only hope,for now
[oregonsooner] goin4broke I truly believe it will happen. Maybe is happening right now. Just don't know how anyone can call the exact time.
[Capt Ron] Certainly the almost unanimous view of the guru crowd (and others) is without precedent this week. I've never seen such an absence of naysayers.
[watercolor] Capt Ron yessssssssssssssssssss
[goin4broke] Capt Ron Hopium runs abundant this week. Rational thoughts are gone for now
****************************** *
[Dennis-Colorado] From TNT chat 10:45 am 7.11 Going to be a superfantastic day lgtennis , hello! hope u have some news today? I'm very excited and cant hide it The scoop is awesome u guys better be ready lgtennis Aloha! What's da scoop? :0) Lets just say this I look for tony to have a call sometime today lgtennis lgtennis how bout an Okie post too? pmcurtin oh yes big time UncleBuck that too yes lgtennis Is it done like for real and no way to stop it this time? BlackKarma no way to stop it Cool thx lgtennis yes, we luv u lg!!!! Thank you guys luv yas too Lets be patient and wait for it Great news on its way just be patient all
lgtennis] All great i am on the edge of my seat too
[lgtennis] TODAY
[dinarmaven] lgtennis you are teasing us!!!!
[lgtennis] No… i am so excited i can barely take it today
dinarmaven] lgtennis you know something. I mean we all expect it everyday. But your head is about to explode...... WHAT'S HAPPENING???????
[lgtennis] dinarmaven yes it is haha
[dinarmaven] lgtennis so llight my fuse baby
[newlegacy] lgtennis yes, spill it! What can it hurt in this little chat room
[rvdone] lgtennis, unburden yourself
[lgtennis] I expect tony anytime
[okrocks] rumors are this is about to pop... we wait and hope
[applepie] lgtennis could this finally be the end of this journey? Like no way it can be stopped now
[lgtennis] OH YES
[booyah] lgtennis lgtennis wow! have you heard that if we exchange VND to pay off reserves, we will forfeit the WF group rate?
[lgtennis] booyah no way
[Trishd ] Lgtennis will IQD and VND be in same basket?
[lgtennis] Trishd yes
[The Mad Hatter] I was just talking with The Mad Hatter in the adult room and he was very excited about this happening very soon!!!!!!
[The Mad Hatter] he couldn't give a lot of detail because he's under a nondisclosure agreement but he said we are there!!!!!
[lgtennis] The mad Hatter yes we are
[The Mad Hatter] lgtennis from what the Mad Hatter says he thinks that we could see this byMonday
[wadeo] If everything is done,done,done,done,done,done. Ect! Then why isn't it DONE! Good thought huh!
[okrocks] The Mad Hatter I am not discounting today yet
Sailaway] lgtennis you expect Tony any time now because of the news that you know of?
lgtennis] YESSailaway
[Sailaway] lgtennis yay Thank you
[lgtennis] I Dont agree with Monday
[lgtennis] You guys have ur champaign chilling
[texasgirl1] lgtennis - it has been in the refrigeragtor for 2 years - I hope it is still good
[lgtennis] Get ready to pop them
[tedd123] Ill be back, have to get some champagne
[Readynow] lgtennis mine has chilled so long I hope it is still good. lol
[mack] brandonbjn => important synopsis from our fearless leader as follows: "I think it [rv] will today to be honest . . . really . . . and thanks for being the first one to ask . . . all i can say is this . . . look at this currency they have . . . really undervalued . . . i heard today they are uploading the codes right now . . . again . . . what I’m hearing right now they are uploading codes . . . they being the ust . . . [truscot how long do you expect this code upload to take?] any moment it should be done" golf1
[golferiam] lgtennis I had a vision about 12 months ago that it would happen at3:31ET...didn't know the date, but the time was very clear and strong.
[lgtennis] golferiam golferiam OH WOW
1. Have I completed my priority things to do list the day of RV (1-10)
2. Do I have a list of everyone I will call and email the day of the IQD RV
3. Am I current with the IRS? Have I filed taxes for the last 5 years?
4. Do I have Liens or Judgements?
5. Do I have any creditors looking for me?
6. Do I have a Family and Personal Security Plan In Place?
7. Do I have a bank account in place? 8. Do I have a name for my LLC
9. Am I part to a Lawsuit?
10. How will I have dealers ship my IQD on Reserve Securely?
11. Where will I exchange a note locally?
12. Do I have relationship with banker so my wire will not be Frozen or Stopped?
13. Do I have an accountant?
14. Do I have an attorney?
15. How many people know I am coming into wealth?
16. Where will I set my TAG/Non Interest Account Up?
17. Will I purchase a vehicle or lease a vehicle with my LLC or IBC? Will my company lease the vehicle to me?
18. Will I purchase a home in my name or with my LLC or IBC? What name will be on the purchase contract?
19. Do I have A Financial Planner/Advisor?
20. Have I identified multiple banks to make deposits to?
21. Is my will in place and structured properly?
22. How will I transition funds to LLC?
23. Do I have a checking account thats active in my name? do I need a checking account?
24. Do I have hospital bills?
25. Do I owe child support or college loans?
26. Will I use a Multi Currency Account or a Multiple Currency Account?
27. Am I still listed on public records? How many have my IP Address, mailing address? Telephone Number? Email? Note: Find out at www.spokeo.com (type your info in and it will amaze you)
28. If we EXCHANGE in new NOTES how do I separate FRN's from TRN's in my accounts?
29. What is MY NEXT ACTION STEP TO PREPARE? Am I Ready With A Written Action Plan?
30. There are over 30 different TRUSTS? Which Trust Do I Need? THESE ARE THINGS YOU & YOUR FAMILY NEED TO THINK ABOUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
http://www.dinarrecaps.com/1/ post/2013/07/thursday- afternoon-dinar-chatter9.html
[dilmus123] take this as a rumor but i heard there is a lot of rumors today
book2] Dinarblessed there are 2 things I have noted about dinarians. 1) they are hilariously funny and 2) they can't spell worth a flip
[bama] this should be our official theme song
[bama] it would make a nice parody for somone who is creative and talented. It would probably be a big hit on itunes as and RV song
[FLPatriot59] This was just posted on MiG but a member who NEVER posts anything like this and has been around for quite a while:
2:34 PM [******] My brother just called and said he was just called by his friend who is very very large investor. This investor said RV to show at 3:00PM today or just thereafter.
[xyz] Japan may press China at a global meeting next week for more information about a slowdown in the world's No. 2 economy and risks posed by its "shadow" banking system, Tokyo's top financial diplomat said on Thursday. http://www.reuters.com/
[Capt Ron] Is something cool supposed to happen at 3pm CST?
[goin4broke] Capt Ron just the RV
[Capt Ron] ah, ok.
[Capt Ron] Well, it has to happen sometime soon. Might as well be in 50 minutes from now.
[clubber3] Capt Ron one can only hope,for now
[oregonsooner] goin4broke I truly believe it will happen. Maybe is happening right now. Just don't know how anyone can call the exact time.
[Capt Ron] Certainly the almost unanimous view of the guru crowd (and others) is without precedent this week. I've never seen such an absence of naysayers.
[watercolor] Capt Ron yessssssssssssssssssss
[goin4broke] Capt Ron Hopium runs abundant this week. Rational thoughts are gone for now
[Dennis-Colorado] From TNT chat 10:45 am 7.11 Going to be a superfantastic day lgtennis , hello! hope u have some news today? I'm very excited and cant hide it The scoop is awesome u guys better be ready lgtennis Aloha! What's da scoop? :0) Lets just say this I look for tony to have a call sometime today lgtennis lgtennis how bout an Okie post too? pmcurtin oh yes big time UncleBuck that too yes lgtennis Is it done like for real and no way to stop it this time? BlackKarma no way to stop it Cool thx lgtennis yes, we luv u lg!!!! Thank you guys luv yas too Lets be patient and wait for it Great news on its way just be patient all
lgtennis] All great i am on the edge of my seat too
[lgtennis] TODAY
[dinarmaven] lgtennis you are teasing us!!!!
[lgtennis] No… i am so excited i can barely take it today
dinarmaven] lgtennis you know something. I mean we all expect it everyday. But your head is about to explode...... WHAT'S HAPPENING???????
[lgtennis] dinarmaven yes it is haha
[dinarmaven] lgtennis so llight my fuse baby
[newlegacy] lgtennis yes, spill it! What can it hurt in this little chat room
[rvdone] lgtennis, unburden yourself
[lgtennis] I expect tony anytime
[okrocks] rumors are this is about to pop... we wait and hope
[applepie] lgtennis could this finally be the end of this journey? Like no way it can be stopped now
[lgtennis] OH YES
[booyah] lgtennis lgtennis wow! have you heard that if we exchange VND to pay off reserves, we will forfeit the WF group rate?
[lgtennis] booyah no way
[Trishd ] Lgtennis will IQD and VND be in same basket?
[lgtennis] Trishd yes
[The Mad Hatter] I was just talking with The Mad Hatter in the adult room and he was very excited about this happening very soon!!!!!!
[The Mad Hatter] he couldn't give a lot of detail because he's under a nondisclosure agreement but he said we are there!!!!!
[lgtennis] The mad Hatter yes we are
[The Mad Hatter] lgtennis from what the Mad Hatter says he thinks that we could see this byMonday
[wadeo] If everything is done,done,done,done,done,done. Ect! Then why isn't it DONE! Good thought huh!
[okrocks] The Mad Hatter I am not discounting today yet
Sailaway] lgtennis you expect Tony any time now because of the news that you know of?
lgtennis] YESSailaway
[Sailaway] lgtennis yay Thank you
[lgtennis] I Dont agree with Monday
[lgtennis] You guys have ur champaign chilling
[texasgirl1] lgtennis - it has been in the refrigeragtor for 2 years - I hope it is still good
[lgtennis] Get ready to pop them
[tedd123] Ill be back, have to get some champagne
[Readynow] lgtennis mine has chilled so long I hope it is still good. lol
[mack] brandonbjn => important synopsis from our fearless leader as follows: "I think it [rv] will today to be honest . . . really . . . and thanks for being the first one to ask . . . all i can say is this . . . look at this currency they have . . . really undervalued . . . i heard today they are uploading the codes right now . . . again . . . what I’m hearing right now they are uploading codes . . . they being the ust . . . [truscot how long do you expect this code upload to take?] any moment it should be done" golf1
[golferiam] lgtennis I had a vision about 12 months ago that it would happen at3:31ET...didn't know the date, but the time was very clear and strong.
[lgtennis] golferiam golferiam OH WOW
1. Have I completed my priority things to do list the day of RV (1-10)
2. Do I have a list of everyone I will call and email the day of the IQD RV
3. Am I current with the IRS? Have I filed taxes for the last 5 years?
4. Do I have Liens or Judgements?
5. Do I have any creditors looking for me?
6. Do I have a Family and Personal Security Plan In Place?
7. Do I have a bank account in place? 8. Do I have a name for my LLC
9. Am I part to a Lawsuit?
10. How will I have dealers ship my IQD on Reserve Securely?
11. Where will I exchange a note locally?
12. Do I have relationship with banker so my wire will not be Frozen or Stopped?
13. Do I have an accountant?
14. Do I have an attorney?
15. How many people know I am coming into wealth?
16. Where will I set my TAG/Non Interest Account Up?
17. Will I purchase a vehicle or lease a vehicle with my LLC or IBC? Will my company lease the vehicle to me?
18. Will I purchase a home in my name or with my LLC or IBC? What name will be on the purchase contract?
19. Do I have A Financial Planner/Advisor?
20. Have I identified multiple banks to make deposits to?
21. Is my will in place and structured properly?
22. How will I transition funds to LLC?
23. Do I have a checking account thats active in my name? do I need a checking account?
24. Do I have hospital bills?
25. Do I owe child support or college loans?
26. Will I use a Multi Currency Account or a Multiple Currency Account?
27. Am I still listed on public records? How many have my IP Address, mailing address? Telephone Number? Email? Note: Find out at www.spokeo.com (type your info in and it will amaze you)
28. If we EXCHANGE in new NOTES how do I separate FRN's from TRN's in my accounts?
29. What is MY NEXT ACTION STEP TO PREPARE? Am I Ready With A Written Action Plan?
30. There are over 30 different TRUSTS? Which Trust Do I Need? THESE ARE THINGS YOU & YOUR FAMILY NEED TO THINK ABOUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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