Sunday, July 7, 2013

RV Update News - Tony - 7-7-13

Tony: Good Sunday afternoon to all of you. While we did get the information that there was to be a 2 day delay, I received additional news while I was on the call with you, but I needed to verify it first. 

The information that I received was that all bank personnel and security personnel were told to go home, as there would not be any additional overtime authorized.

The reason given to them was that there is an ongoing investigation in D.C. concerning some insider trading. 

Fortunately for us, about an hour after the call, those same individuals received a text telling them to report to work Monday morning and that all problems had been resolved.

I'll be able to give you more details Monday and a current update. 

Enjoy the rest of your day.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! those 9 Countries + 4 more reall fixed their problems in a hurry!!!

Anonymous said...

Tony needs to read this. (along with Drake, Willie, Midwest, Carol, Okie) all the gufools need to read this.

They have their MUPPET Gur-fools continuing to write their ‘BS intel reports,’ designed to keep us calm and sedated, while their unlawful/lawful money making platform trading programs are running full tilt.

Just now (as we are writing this) we see yet another Gur-fool posting that says 9+4 countries are in trouble and need to be fixed…. They are setting you up for yet another week of fun and mayhem… The Gur-fools are doing their job. Got to love these Gur-fool Traitors

Tony what a joke!!! HE has to give it up! Actually they all should give up... even phoenix is getting long in the tooth!

Anonymous said...

"The reason given to them was that there is an ongoing investigation in D.C. concerning some insider trading."

Who is doing the "investigating in D.C. (a foreign entity/country)? Isn't that like have the lead fox investigate the foxes that were in the hen house? Yeah, that's the ticket.

They should of had Al Capone investigate his gang.

Both would get the same result...nada

Anonymous said...

As to Anon 6:45 pm

You are either a disinfo agent, a fool or someone who doesn't understand trading programs! I am one that does understand it so don't even go there!!

They don't need the dinar to trade with.. a currency which is not live by any forex standard is not tradeable anyway.. go find a rock to hide under and stay there. You cant trade a non tradeable non international currency or even monetize it you stupid bozo!!

They only trade in USD or EURO and you cant monetize any other currency that isn't convertible.. that isn't live yet!!!... you could do a montization of bonifide bond, TBill but silly boy you cant trade a currency that isn't on live stream, grey screen, back screen nor is it forex exchange tradeable yet. SEC does not rule this arena so go back to your rock where you came from. You just think you know something about trading programs but you don't know squat!!

There are very strict rules on source of funds and where they came from and even for source of bonds to do trading platforms which are not done in the states either.. only in Zurich London and HK...The FEDS would not even trade this...absolutely ludicrous sensationalist BS you spout of something you nothing at all about. Strict rules do apply and they are done for humanitarian programs so stop spouting lies!! You bash Gurus all you want but make sure you know what the hell you are talking about because I will bash you all day long.
I think you are a spam bot.. I call you what you are because you KNOW nothing of what you speak about! Even people with common sense would understand this is all rubbish.

Who needs the dinar to trade with anyway? You got rocks in your head. They don't need something they cant utilize anyway.

3Dnight said...

Reviewing the history of the 3200x revaluation of the Kuwati Dinar will show how the insiders can take all of the profits quickly right in front of everyone.