Sunday, July 28, 2013

Secretary Lew discussions timetable with the press today

Secretary Lew Discusses Efforts to Strengthen the Middle Class  []

This Sunday, Secretary Lew will appear on ABC’s This Week [
] with George Stephanopoulos, CNN’s State of the Union [ ] with Candy Crowley, Fox News Sunday [
] with David Gregory to discuss how we can grow the economy from the middle out, not the top down.

The appearances follow President Obama’s speech at Knox College  [],
where he began to lay out his ideas to help ensure every American has the opportunity to achieve a good job, a quality education, a home to call your own, a secure retirement, and affordable health care.

"Stephanie Ma is the Press Assistant at the U.S. Department of the Treasury."


Gino said...

IRS is voluntary there is no law that says we. Have to pay taxes

Gino said...

Irs commisionor said under oath taxes are voluntary

Gino said...

All these politicians are liars trying to keep the tax train going. When the know taxes are voluntary and there is no law that says we have to pay them

Gino said...

My comments will not be posted cause they don't want us to know the truth

Anonymous said...

meet the press Jack Lew was on and it sounded like BS talking about how this administration economic policies are bringing the economy back. Dick Gregory saying "no I dont think so" and then Jack Lew sayin "It is too" and shake and repeat 10 times. Then What about that IRS thingy and Jack Lew said "It was the stupid career official" Dick Gregory said "Oh thanks we are out of time" Then they said to each other "gosh it was great to see you" and the dam broke and the Bullshit filled the studio.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Jacob Jack Lew is is full name. Guess who he works for. You got it... He is another politician polished shining as a knight

Anonymous said...

Why is this important? Good Old Jack Lew is just another puppet, do you guys care to listen to this BS? why? so many people has made so much about the mass banking resignations (all those positions have been filled with new people) Hillary Clinton resignation (she was replaced by Skull and Bones member and Bush Cabal minion John Kerry) The resignation of Pope Maleficient (Replased by another one that just last week prohibited the outsting of Child Molesters in the church (Nice!)) EVERYBODY and their brother were saying Jack Lew is going to get things rolling is going to end the corruption is going to let the RV happen PLEASE! They were saying the Cabal is bankrupt, they are done, really? is been 7 months and they are still in charge, they are still going strong, then the OPPT said Bernake resigned effective September 1st, NO TRUE! In fact Bernake is not sure is going to go in January when his term is out and as he was doing his bi-annual report to the senate 2 weeks ago, some senators praise the Chairman on a job well done and openly said they don't want to see him gone, So much was made up witht the BASEL III complaince (The gurus call it Basil like the plant LOL!)it only means the banks are "required" to have more liquidity reserves to back up their loans and investments in case somenthing goes wrong. DO YOU REALLY, SERIOUSLY THINK THIS CROOKS ARE GOING TO COME UP WITH ANY GOOD LAWS TO BENEFIT THE PEOPLE?
we really need to wake up! I hope this greedy dinarians don't get their money one day only to find out Bernake pull a Cyprus the next.