Americans have too much loved liars in politics and hated the speakers of
truth in politics. That is why America is so messed up today in 2013! And I
believe in statesmanship which is telling the people the truth that they need
to hear so they will be free and not slaves of the professional liars in
government and general society. This report is going to be explosive in what I
will soon say here.
Of course the usual slavery that occurs to people is when one warm human
body is sold at the local slave market for use at a plantation or for other
reasons. And with that said, a memorial stands in Virginia for the free Black
American citizen who started Black slavery in America. He brought in I think
around 225 Black slaves to his plantation in Virginia to America and the idea
spread from there. After Black slavery was established in America, the British
Throne was making money off of the Black slave trade and twice told Virginia
that they could not cancel the Black slave trade to Virginia as the British
Throne would not legally consent to this. That was before the American
Revolution occurred. When my mother was a young woman, she met an African
tribal chieftain brought to a world trade fair in America and he told her the
family story of his forefathers who had been chieftains in Africa for many
generations. His tribe defeated other African tribes and sent the defeated
African tribes and races to America and elsewhere by selling them to slave
traders who were Muslims, Yankees, etc. As he explained it to my mother who was
a very bright young woman, the defeated Africans were the "inferior"
races of Africa and they sent them away to distant lands as they did not want
the "inferior" races ever back in Africa. This one African tribe may
have had a better military system than the other tribes in their area of
Africa, but that did not make the other tribes "inferior" as races,
only unequal in military tactics.
The Aztecs, and other highly cultured races of Central and North America had
their share of slaves and some slaves got their hearts cut out as sacrifice to
local gods. The American Plain Indians had their share of slaves when they
conquered a rival Indian tribe. The Jews were slaves in Egypt. Later as the Old
Testament records, they also had their share of slaves in early Israel. The
Greeks had their slaves, the Romans their slaves, the Persians their share, the
Chinese their share, and slavery was common enough in most of the world before
the time of Christ. A slave was cheap labor. If you owned enough cheap labor,
you could become rich as happened in the Roman Empire and other cultures across
the world having slaves in their societies.
Some slaves were treated harshly. Some slaves were treated so well, they
were like members of the family, and though technically a slave, still had a
decent private life and could engage in many of the activities of a free man
but still servant slave to the family they belonged to and were attached to
with loyalty and even affection at many a time. In the Old South, some slaves
were treated poorly, but most were treated pretty decently for slaves. In a
newspaper column for 1860, it mentioned the Black slaves in part of Charleston
attended the same Christian church as the Whites, but they went to the side
balcony above the first level of the church where they were located at and
joined in worship with all the White Christians below them. It was a bit
comical where they mentioned that many of the Black men dressed in nicer
clothes than many of the poor Whites, the Black women dressed in very bright
dresses, and a lot of flirting occurred between young Black men and women
before the formal church service began on Sunday mornings. Some Blacks
must have been badly mistreated in the South, but mostly in the Christian
South, there was not likely much of this as I think the figure was over 200,000
Blacks served as volunteer soldiers in the Confederate Army and tales were well
known where Black slaves hid their White masters at the plantations from
"Those White trash" Yankee soldiers trying to steal the plantations
blind of all their food and possessions. And when the Union Army imposed
"Reconstruction" on the South, the Truman Report to the White House
reported around 600,000 Blacks in the South died of starvation in the first
year of occupation of the South by the Union Army. The Union declared the
Blacks legally "free," but destroyed the plantations which employed
the Blacks and with no means of support around 600,000 Southern Blacks died
under Union "liberation." Radicals in Congress caused this when they
said they wanted to punish the South for 100 years for having dared to revolt
against Washington rule. They had the Union Army confiscate the cotton
stockpiles gathered from 1861-5 and so the South would have no way of raising
money to rebuild the Southern economy. This is what killed off around 600,000
Black people of the South the first year or two of Union occupation of the
South. As the old saying goes, "The victor writes the history, not the
loser," so this part of "Civil War" history has been nicely
censored from later American history textbooks used in public schools of
Except for Black slaves still sold in some of the Muslim lands, Black slavery
no longer exists in the world as far as I know. But America did not do it right
when they freed the Black slaves. The freed Blacks were not given good
educations, were not given proper vocational training in good professional
jobs, the Southern economy was not made good by Union policy, so with a poor
Southern economy and insufficient jobs created in the South, times were tough
for both Whites and Blacks.
Being an American historian, I think the truth should be taught, not lies and
misrepresentations of American history where dishonest scholars do not want the
truth taught as American history to the American people.
There was no reason for the so-called "Civil War" if the reason for
the fight between the South and North was whether the South would still have
Black slaves later on or not. The "Industrial Revolution" was coming
on fast and if there had been no bloodshed between North and South starting in
1861-2, there was a good chance that slavery would have been abolished in the
South maybe by 20 years later as the "Industrial Revolution" pretty
much made human slavery obsolete in Western societies.
But slavery in more subtle and sophisticated ways still exists in America and
in other Western cultures. I think it is time to let bygone history be bygone
and get on with current reality. We still have serious slavery, but it is much
more clever than what was seen in first America.
In 1968 a very intelligent booklet on American history came out called
'THE GREEN MAGICIANS" by Thomas Porter. What he documented then is
basically just as relevant now as back in 1968. The sad commentary is that this
booklet was widely read across America, still nothing was done in America to
straighten out the planned for enslavement of all the American people that was
gathering steam back in 1968. Supposedly I had once been rated the top history
student out of American high schools one year and for that reason won a
postgraduate college scholarship in political science while still in high
school. I am not an amateur in history and in my proposed "Omni Law"
(Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America) is going to be your only smart political
way to unhinge and turn around your planned enslavement as federal slaves for
life which was well documented already back in 1968 when this booklet came out
for the first time in America.
Maybe by clever editing of key quotes from this 1968 booklet, I can give
you the flavor of what he was warning America about 45 years ago and with the
final hours ticking away until the end of America as a nation and race, you
have yet to stand up as a national race and nation to show the nightmare end of
America we are facing if we do not act pretty fast now. He begins with:
"An Open Letter To America. If one dollar is loaned for 18%
interest, collected annually and added to the principle for 100 years, it
amounts to fifteen million one hundred forty thousand and seven dollars.
Mr & Mrs. America perhaps this is why more millionaires are becoming
billionaires and more people are becoming slum dwellers, necessitating the need
for more law and order.
If you are in favor of the above trend, don't read any further."
"Prove for yourself if the above first sentence of this letter is
true and don't pass it off by saying, "Who loans money for 100
years?" Remember families and corporations live on and nowadays money is
loaned in the millions, billions and trillions - besides the legal rate in some
instances is 36% interest per year."
"What The Experts Say: From the testimony of Marriner Eccles,
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, before the House Banking and Currency
Committee, Sept. 20, 1941;
Congressman Patman: "Mr Eccles, how did you get the money to buy
these two billions of government securities?" Eccles: "We created
it." Patman: "Out of what?" Eccles: "Out of the right to
issue credit money." (Erasmus note: means created out of hot air with
nothing back it!)
Investment advisor Major L.B. Angus states in "Slump Ahead in
Bonds"; "The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing.
the process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was
ever invented."
William Patterson, founder of the Bank of England stated in 1694; "The
bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of
Notice the bank is charging interest on nothing more than the ink in their
books! Credit is the certainty of payment. Credit money is a record of
exchange; not a medium of exchange.
It is a policy of the banking industry to keep money scarce in order to loan it
out with favorable terms for themselves.
In other words, if all the money in circulation in this country were used
to pay off our debts we would have no money in circulation, and we would still
have almost eight-ninths of our present debts, because the money is withdrawn
from circulation or from the books when paid back!
The rise in debt cannot continue forever. The banking industry is now in
a position to foreclose on the entire nation. (Note from Erasmus: As the banks
loaned counterfeit money to the federal government as the specified type money
required to be lent to the government according to the U.S. Constitution was
not lent to the government, no legal debt exists under constitutional law. The
purchasing power of the nation having been confiscated by the banking interests
to themselves through counterfeit money, this is robbery of the purchasing
power created by the nation and transferred though illegally to the banking
interests and secret families behind them pulling the strings. Purchasing power
is what is represented by the money of the nation. Once the Omni Law is passed,
through the U.S. Constitution, the American people own the possessions of the
banking crooks in high places as they stole your purchasing power which is
ultimately your money to themselves by means of legal fraud done through and
totally approved of and backed by totally criminal, dishonest, Wash., D.C.
bought and paid for behind the scenes so honesty does not exist in the federal
government today. You pass the Omni Law and with recovery of the property
across the world legally belonging to you the American people, you are the new
rulers of the world, not the crooks who want to steal all wealth from the
nations and then kill off most of the human race once they can steal no more
from you. You get the recovered property and money which legally belongs to
you, you are no longer slaves controlled economically by the big banking
gangsters, but now you are free men and you have broken your chains of
enslavement by finally acting with brains instead of acting like fools before
the worst enemies you could ever enlist against you on this earth.)
All costs of industry, freight, sales, etc. are passed on to the consumer
in the price of the product. (Erasmus note: Add decades of interest, inflation,
unnecessary taxes, etc. added to the price you pay for your products, find a
way to deduct this built-in inflation and robbery of prior money from you and
suddenly your money is worth a fortune in comparison to now. There is now so
much real money backed by purchasing power released to you once the stolen wealth
by the big banking gangsters is returned to you through the nation and
government controlled by the Omni Law, jobs are great, businesses are great,
hard to find any poor left in the nation, federal and state government debt
suddenly eliminated which results in low or else non-existent taxes at this
point, and you are no longer a financial slave of the federal or state
government through their taxes, government created inflation in the nation, and
suddenly you know that you are rich in comparison to what you were before. You
are now a free man or woman financially in America instead of a financial serf
and slave to the robber barons who bought off and totally corrupted government
in order to make you their slave in America. Your industries are no longer
owned by the banking robber barons, your businesses are no longer owned by the
banking robber barons, your home and car is now really owned by you instead of
the banking robber barons, etc. You don't totally understand how totally you
have been stolen from and how much we potentially can recover for you once you
help us pass the Omni Law, but read the quotes following.)
The overall situation was well described by Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the
Bank of England (in the 20th Century), while speaking to about 150 professors
of the University of Texas while he was in Austin. He said:
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin...Bankers own the
earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money,
and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back
again.....Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine
will disappear (he was said to be the second richest man in Great Britain) and
they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and a happier world to
live in...But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of the bankers and pay
the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and
control credit."
Government is keeping the people under control by removing almost all
money above essential costs of living through taxation. With no money to start
businesses or conduct political or educational campaigns or fight legal
battles, the people are not dangerous. But the government is going much farther
than that by using the tax funds to establish a totalitarian government...
From the Bank of England to the New England banks in 1862:
"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power. This, I and my
European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and
carries with it the care of the laborer, while the European plan, led on by
England, is for capital to control labor by controlling the money. The great
debt that that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war must be used
as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds must
be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the Secretary of the
Treasury to make the recommendations to Congress. It will not do to allow the
greenback, as it is called, to circulate any length of time, as we cannot
control that."
Another of their circulars stated:
"To restore to circulation the Government issue of money will
provide the people with money and will therefore seriously affect your
individual profit as bankers and lenders."
Circulated among leading bankers only, in 1933,
"Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and
through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed
as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost
their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong
arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of
leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.
This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an
imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get
them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us
except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discreet action we can secure
for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished.
(As the London times warned the banking interests if America got an honest monetary system) :"If that mischievous financial policy...should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its own debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its own commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized countries of the world." The London Times then continued: "The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed..."
(As the London times warned the banking interests if America got an honest monetary system) :"If that mischievous financial policy...should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its own debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its own commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized countries of the world." The London Times then continued: "The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed..."
Everyone should have a basic understanding of free enterprise,
capitalism, and communism and the differences between them. Free enterprise is
the economic system based on individual freedom, natural incentive, competition
and balance. Capitalism is the economic system based on a monopoly of wealth
through the manipulation of money. Communism is an economic system of
governmental ownership and control of everything. Communism today is an
intellectual bait to attract the public into an totalitarian form of
Free enterprise is by far the most prosperous economic system ever tried
(in history!)
________________________ End of Quotes From "THE GREEN MAGICIANS"
Pass this report on to all you can to awake America now and rally it to
victory through the Omni Law. The Omni Law is posted on our national website at
Our email is
Our mailing address
is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 For product orders or financial
backing not done through the website, send check, etc. to NIFI and tell us what
payment is for.
We have products for sale which help finance our national drive for the Omni
Law. We have two programs to help finance the Omni Law and establish the
Vatican endorsed food process which Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the
most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could
potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the
world. And university tests indicated it will be the end of the human race on
earth if this food discovery of my father is not added to the human diet in
time. And medical lab tests across the world predict the soon collapse of the
human race like the extinct dinosaur if this great food discovery is not added
to the American and world diet in time. Separately, the raisers of bees in
America have raised the prediction that in 3 years with the predicted coming
collapse of bees in America at that time according to them, America will lose
one-third of its entire national food crop starting that year. In simple terms,
this means without passage of the Omni Law and fast as Obama is pushing the
federal policies killing off all the bees in America, from the third to fourth
year from now if all this happens, it is very potentially possible that up to
90% to 98% of all the people in America will be dead after collapse of American
agriculture and the American economy collapsed by national food famine. We need
to pass the Omni Law very fast to head off this predicted pending disaster for
America. We have an answer how to stop this from happening. Wash., D.C. has no
answer at all and apparently does not even care what happens to you the
American people in 3 to 4 years if this terrible prediction of the bee raisers
in America comes true then.
Our two programs to help finance the passage of the Omni Law in America
are The Omni Law Loan Program which is on our website and our NIFI 15% CLUB.
Terms for both already in national reports listed with Nesara News under
Erasmus of America (my pen name) and also in short form on our national
website. In capsule form, payments are measured in terms of $25 credits for
accounting purposes. In the Omni Law Loan Program, you get a pro-rata share
from 10% of the settlement figure that Wash., D.C. is going to have to pay us
as they mass violated the genocide treaty which they signed as the national law
of America and then for 30 years pro-rata based on $25 credit units you have of
10% of net profits before taxes (actually anticipate that we will be tax-free
as part of legal settlement with us) paid to you every year off of the world
food industry we intend to establish in America giving America potentially
millions of new jobs and super natural wealth for America once this is done.
Wash., D.C. and heavily under Obama tried all their dirty trick operations
trying to block this world food industry from being set up in America. Our 15%
NIFI Club is we have found a way we do good every month with a marketing fund
dealing with a same source the super rich make huge profits off of regularly.
So far this has worked for basically around 6 months so far. The 15% is a
monthly royalty of what we generate as a monthly return using your loaned money
joining our fund for the stated periods it will be used for. What we make over
15% is our monthly management service fee. This helps to finance the Omni Law
Drive and founding of the Vatican endorsed food process as a world food
industry in America. We get the first two months as free for us to help build
up our growing fund and at the end of the third month from when we post your
loan money, we start our 15% equivalent royalty fee with you. By legal
maneuvering, these two programs are not security offers, are used to finance
our national Omni Law Drive and establishment of our Camelot Project which is
planned to be our world headquarters for this giant food industry we intend to
establish in America. Read our Camelot offer on our website and see how you can
get an advanced option to get a beautiful large apartment setup or else
business locations for this planned Camelot while you can do this cheaply. When
we are close to start building this Camelot, these low prices will not exist
then but much higher! We plan to use an old Walt Disney tactic to fast build
our Camelot project. And Camelot once built may save up to 90% to 98% of
Americans being forced to die under the Obama policy as we will have a huge
setup of colonies of bees to save American agriculture from national collapse.
But Obama policy is poisoning off the bees in America in order to kill
all bee colonies in America if we don't stop this Nero type Obama agricultural
policy in time. And we will heavily push massive growth of wheat and corn as
food stables until we can save all American farm land from current Obama insane
agricultural policy of backing GMO crops, etc. In this report we can't list how
deadly are the current Obama agricultural policies which can end America
as a nation forever if we allow this would-be dictator of America to have his
way. Push, finance, and ram through the Omni Law as fast as possible. If the
predictions are correct on the pending collapse of American agriculture, we
don't have much time left. Wait to the last moment to try and head off this
pending national disaster, and maybe then it is too late to save America from
mass death.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one who can't
remain silent seeing the insane agricultural policies Obama is trying to set up
which will wipe out America as a nation and people if we allow him to have his
P.S. The following is a suggestion. If the majority of the American people are
indifferent whether national famine hits America in three years or so as
predicted by beekeepers nationally, let those who do not care to starve and die
with the rest join either our Omni Law Loan Program or else our 15% Club
Loan Program on our website and there will be space for you and your family at
our planned Camelot location if things get out of hand in America. We won't be
able to house and protect all of America in that case, but we should have the
facilities to take in and protect and feed those who had backed us when they
still could. We have three secret leads on locations of large amounts of gold.
If we soon have the funds, we may have the chance to open up one, two, or three
of the secret locations. One of the locations had an old 100 years old or
so engineering report on it forgotten at the county seat which predicted the
goldvein there ran for an estimated 50 miles long. My family originally owned
this location which got flooded out and could not be reopened, but I checked it
out years ago and now it can be reopened. If the engineering report was correct
on it, there is enough gold underground there to finance and build the entire
Camelot Project and set up the world food industry in America without any need
of outside finances after that. Friend of mine have for years discussed how to
reopen up this site once we are ready which hopefully is very soon now. A
second gold site in another state also can be used as I have the family claims
on it. A third gold site in another state is abandoned and a friend of mine
found out the hidden history to it. It had been a private American Indian
goldmine long ago and then the Indians moved away and abandoned it. When the
time is ripe, we will check it out also. The first two locations have both been
checked out once already. I had planned all along how I could finance this
world food industry when the time was ripe. Only the federal theft of $525,000
from me in 2004 stopped us from going to reopen one of the gold locations back
then. My friends and I were already to go to one of the two sites and see if we
could reopen it soon afterwards.
also have an engineering system that should very economically extract up to 57
lbs. of pure gold per cubic mile of ocean water. If no problem and the final
system does the job right, then Camelot might become the biggest depository of
gold in the world which means we would be independent of problems with American
money if the majority of the American people want corrupt government instead of
honest national government under the Omni Law we are pushing nationally. I
can't figure any reason why the American people would want corrupt government
with a lousy national economy at best instead of a booming national economy
through passage of the Omni Law, so hopefully soon most of America will wake up
and mass support the passage of the Omni Law into national law. This
will kick out of power most of the corruption currently controlling Wash.,
D.C. secretly behind the scenes. Show this report to all you can and
let's give America an economic renaissance under the Omni Law instead of a
funeral oration by Obama as America is buried by Obama if the American people
will let him finish destroying America from Wash., D.C.
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