Saturday, July 20, 2013


What a week we have had in Dinarland. From the big buildup of all the PTB of Iraq seemingly demanding an RV, to now rumors and reports of rumors regarding possible international announcements that may have recently been made. The timing of that Stage 2 Omega conference call with the PTB giving us the answers in real time only added to the excitement and the intensity of the drama seems to get bigger by the week but what does it all mean?
What it means is that we are now growing up as Dinarians and we are beginning to take this currency exchange seriously. It means we understand that "intel" has proven to probably have the wrong name and should honestly be called "unintel" because nothing as far as timing or even projections of timing or deadlines or drop dead dates has ever shown any intelligence whatsoever so we take it with a very large grain of salt. It means we now understand that, among other options, some good people have already done a great job inventing a working wheel and put together a group that will give us an email AS SOON AS THIS HAPPENS! As SOON as WF gets the signal from the BIS, UST, and WB that the IQD is now an international and tradable currency with a NEW asset backed rate, WE WILL ALL GET AN EMAIL! I cannot stress that enough. Just in knowing this mere fact should take all of the stress out of this and worrying about what guru might accidentally get it right because it actually happened on one of the 365 days of the year he called the RV.
This is the time to be spent putting our action plan together if you don't have it done already. Some things we will learn on the fly and adapt to specific parameters we won't know about until it happens, but we should have all of our options a, b, c, and so on to be flexible in our ultimate plans. If you really think logically and take all the emotion out of this, the fact that we will all get the email should tell us that we are either there or in the process of getting there preparation wise, and we're ready for this life changing event without a bunch of stress anymore. Who cares who calls the RV or what is happening in Iraq or here or there or anywhere because at this point nothing will change in any of our lives until we get the email.
All of our "intel" is doing what it always does and even on a more imminent level than usual that this is supposed to be happening as we speak and all positive RV indications are even more hyped and out there than usual but to this point none of it has put that email in any of our inboxes so all we can do is continue to hone our Post RV plans, stay abreast of any changes we may hear that will affect our options, be ready with Stage 2, and check our emails each day.

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