Sunday, July 21, 2013


     "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved..." - Matthew 24:22
     A few weeks ago I was invited to address several hundred scientists and engineers on a national conference call. They had fellow colleagues who were working with GMO foods and allied work and they were alarmed at what they were finding out. This sounded like the coming end of the human race on earth. Powerful sources were tampering with American food and trying to spread this out worldwide. With the genetic tactics involved, they could do almost anything human imagination could come up with. They could take the eye and intestine of a fly and add it to genetically modified food so this would become part of your food and even alter your genetic DNA to include fly parts or anything else in nature they wanted to pollute your body with. I had reported to me yesterday that some independent tests indicated almost all people who eat GMO food should have by the third generation from them grandchildren who are sterile and no longer capable of having children. 
     I have some friends who have become very alarmed over this GMO food issue and reported to me what they have been finding out about this. It is like a war strategy how they are using GMO plants and strategically placing them so by pollination all food in America will end up with genetically altered DNA and pass this on to other food plants within range of being pollinated by them in turn.
     I think a full scale Congressional investigation needs to be promptly set up to investigate this entire GMO issue before it is too late to save the human race from potential extinction on earth. Now when I say a full scale Congressional investigation needs to be promptly set up to seriously investigate the GMO food issue, this is a joke as we know that Congress takes years or decades to set up important investigations of potential national scandals or disasters and being so political, it is normally nearly impossible to get straight answers from their investigations and actions in timely fashion which solve the national crisis at hand. 
       Now the real answer in our colossally corrupt age we live in we must use now is pass the Omni Law fast as possible and the 10 national civil tribunes set up by it will investigate this GMO issue with integrity and as fast as possible, report the straight facts to the American people. Then they will recommend for national referendum the practical answer to solve the deadly agricultural crisis we have facing America today and carefully covered up by Washington corruption and news media censorship over this very deadly national issue. We live under enormous corruption in America which is why we need the Omni Law passed and now for national survival of America. Like a latter day Noah's Ark, we need to fast set up and establish the Camelot Project which will have the facilities and resources to try and salvage good food seeds to reproduce before none are left in America or the world. Stepping on big corrupt toes here, we need to know what hidden genes have been added to the GMO foods and let the nation know what weird things have been added to the genes of prior good seed stock of America. I have already heard some of the deadly answers and the American people will not laugh when they hear what they have been eating and thinking it safe food for America, etc. 
      We need fast reform of the securities market in America so powerful new industries can be financed for America. Reform by Congress is a joke as they don't even seem to know that inventors from whom America founded most of its great industries before is basically now outlawed from even being allowed to sell stock in the new industries that would restore massive new industry to America, create millions of new jobs in America, and create enormous national wealth for America. We need the Omni Law fast passed in America to accomplish this. We need the 10 civil tribunes created by the Omni Law to create a legal oversight committee over what is done to and with U.S. money to end the sellout of American money by Congress, White House, and federal agencies. Wash., D.C. has had you swindled of trillions of dollars again and again through federal policy which have paid off the national debt likely a number of times over and over again. And your taxes could go low or even disappear with disappearance of current federal and state debt. And with a booming national economy, cities like Detroit won't have to file for bankruptcy in the future. Pass the Omni Law and we have a future for America. Don't pass it and no one in Wash., D.C. is going to supply responsible and honest leadership for America and the American people except by passage first of the Omni Law the corrupt in Wash., D.C. don't want passed as national law in America. The corrupt are having a field day mass fleecing the American people through Wash., D.C. and they don't want 10 honest national sheriffs which the civil tribunes are created with federal authority through the Omni Law to stop the rackets going merrily on without stop in Wash., D.C. Got testimony from one source that used to have many dealings with Wash., D.C. He said that lying was a daily practice with most members of Congress and personnel with federal agencies. He commented that honesty in government was far less likely than the public would think of Wash., D.C. 
      Also let me give a little cleanup on some details as I am also pushing for the restoration of integrity to much of Christian scholarship in America which apparently doesn't like for too much honesty to be present now in Christian scholarship. America is sick in economy and sound laws because America has lost too much of its integrity in Christian scholarship, etc. When America is spiritually healthy, America will also show this health through a booming economy, good laws, and a safe nation to live in and a joy to be part of the nation. 
      I am a scholar who is used to pushing issues until we get to the truth. I don't let corrupt schools of scholars to try and bend scholarly studies to where the truth will not be found. And I think the American people deserve the truth in all fields that influence their life including religion itself. 
      When we pursue the truth, sometimes all of us can learn from it as we verify what is true or false and educate ourselves until we know the practical, sound answers that show us what the truth is in important fields. The New Testament tells us not to use the traditions of man to nullify the commandments of God. With this argument by sources claiming that the Bible is their standard of authority, let us use the Bible to show the flaw to their position that no traditions of early Christianity are to be allowed in Christianity today unless already listed in the New Testament. The New Testament also records that the Apostles told the churches to also uphold the traditions left to the churches by the Apostles of Jesus Christ. So is the New Testament contradicting itself? No, but you have to read the intent behind the Bible verses on this. The traditions of man is explained in depth in the Bible and showing Old Testament examples how the traditions of men back then were used to try and nullify the Commandments of God for mankind. It is written in the New Testament that the Apostles also left traditions for the Christian churches to uphold which were not written in the New Testamet itself. And Apostolic authority said to uphold these traditions in the churches. So what is going on here? The Apostles acting with authority of Jesus Christ and not man left some teachings to
explain Christianity further that were not all listed in the formal writings of the New Testament. The great Bible translator St. Jerome around 400 A.D. explained this that traditions left us by the Apostles we should honor and uphold in the churches. Traditions created by and given to us after the Apostles were gone were created by man (understood pagan man or misinformed or unwise Christians) and so we were not bound to uphold them as binding traditions on the churches nor recognize their moral authority for us. The Apostles had the authority to give us oral traditions binding on the churches for teaching purposes, etc. but their traditions come from different authority than inventive man coming up with clever ideas he thought should become binding traditions on the churches and Christians later on. Find out the intent behind any teaching of the Bible and you will end up with the correctly explanation for any teaching of the Old Testament or New Testament. Does the Old Testament contradict itself when we read "Thou shall not kill!" And then God orders His people to go and defend themselves from a deadly enemy who wants to destroy them. God always respected the right of self-defense for mankind which was morally acceptable before God. So going back to intent. God is saying "Do Not Murder" as the technical intent of this commandment of the 10 Commandments. Otherwise we would be outlawed from national self-defense or personal self-defense by the 10 Commandments of God. 
      First Christianity did think it wrong to make idols to pagan gods. But they did not think it wrong to make artistic images of religious heroes whether through statue or painting as they understood the intent of the 10 Commandments not to make any graven images you intended to worship (intended message). Eusebius in his book "Ecclesiastical History (the first official history book written of Christianity) mentions that a brazen statue was made of Jesus Christ while alive paid for by the woman He had cured of an incurable ailment of loss of blood and Christians 300 years later could still  see what Jesus looked like when alive on earth. And Eusebius also mentioned that paintings was made of two of the Apostles of Jesus Christ which were Peter and Paul and also Jesus Christ so later Christians then knew what they actually looked like in life 300 years earlier. This is mentioned in Book Seven, Chapter 18. Separately, the Christian catacombs from maybe the basic time of the Apostle Peter onwards had religious murals painted in them with many of them showing scenes from the New Testament and also some had some statues of religious figures such as angels, etc. carved out of stone and left in the walls of the catacombs. If first Christians saw nothing wrong in religious statues and paintings honoring Jesus and His followers, then neither do I see anything wrong with this for Christianity. Also, apparently the Jews in Rome saw nothing wrong with having artistic scenes from the Old Testament and some of their catacomb tombs in Rome also had painted artist murals of religious scenes from the Old Testament to make more colorful their tombs under the streets of Imperial Rome first century A.D. and afterwards. 
      I never let the "politically correct" scholars ever control my scholarship nor what I find out by research work in reliable records. I thought it interesting and traced it out as far as I could the position of early Christians on what happens to the Christians once they die. My first clue as to a hidden story here was I found copies of the first liturgies used in Christian services from right after the Apostles to maybe third century A.D. or fourth century A.D. and they had prayers at services intended to help out the state of Christians in the hereafter after having died. I think a couple of the prayers they used were claimed originally written by one or more of the Apostles of Jesus Christ.
     I "smell" stories in obscure historical records and have scored many bulleyes in historical research work such as when I cracked the top economic secret of Nazi Germany how they financed so fast the massive rearming of Germany as a nation. Some economists said I had an interesting theory but couldn't be right. Theh I got the testimony of the exile German captain who had run Hitler's personal bodyguard at his mountain retreat and once in an idle moment Hitler boasted to him of the great economic secret of Nazi Germany which they had codenamed "The Inverted Inflation" and why they called it that. I had read Hitler like a blueprint and when the testimony of this exile German captain was duly documented, economists now treated me as a super talent in economics and I got to study with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe because I had independently cracked successfully the top economic secret of Nazi Germany. Even the German captain didn't know this part of the Nazi economic secret. I later traced it down to where Nazi intelligence found out the plan to boom the American economy by Bernard Baruch of America after being the industrial war czar of America under President Woodrow Wilson. No one in America listened to Bernard Baruch, but Nazi intelligence did when later they studied him to see his angles for mobilizing the war industry of a nation. Hitler and advisers liked the idea and codenamed it "The Inverted Inflation." I found a note in military intelligence files which created the link showing this was originally Bernard Baruch's idea, but Nazi could never give propaganda credit to an American Jew to show them how to fast skyrocket the German economy like they did. Even now "The Inverted Inflation" in America might well grow the American economy maybe 5 times faster than it is now. When I have showed smart people how it worked, they smile and they catch on to what was done! It was very clever and Soviet intelligence once reported on this and said if the Western governments ever caught on to Hitler's trick, then their economies would be too strong and Communism could never take over their nations after that. Go one step beyond "The Inverted Inflation" and end up with Jesus Money as Jesus taught in the New Testament. Then even Hitler would have been stunned to see that Jesus whom Hitler despised had a much better monetary system than even Hitler and his advisers came up with using the Bernard Baruch idea as the starting point of the monetary system used in Nazi Germany. It made their economy the fastest growing in the world during the World Depression and beginning of World War II.
      Back to my discovery of prayers for the dead used in pretty much even first Christianity and well recorded for several centuries afterward. I wanted to know who came up with the name of a Purgatory if there was a place of purification for poorly practicing Christians who now died without repentance or atonement for bad sins of theirs before dying. St. Augustine was the source for the word Purgatory which denoted a place of purification for those needed it after being poor Christians in this life. Read his "Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Charity, 18:69 (421 A.D.) This purification he refers to as "through purgatorial fire." That reference led to the scholar given name of "Purgatory."
     However, the one who strongly held to a purification for those who died rotten Christians in their life styles was the considered champion of Apostolic Christianity who was Bishop Chrysostom of Constantinople and died in 407 A.D. He was named a doctor of the Church being famous for his many studies into first Christianity which were considered classics in the Roman Empire back then and he was known as the golden orator of Christianity in the Roman Empire. I leave up to a later church council of learned Christian scholars both Protestant and Catholic to rule if this teaching should be included of a purification of dead Christians who took the name of Christian but then lived in love of a sinful life instead of a good moral Christian life go straight to their reward in the hereafter or first had to be purified of the evil in their souls.
     Mourn for those who have died in wealth, and did not from their wealth think of any solace for their soulo, who had power to wash away their sins and would not. Let us weep for these in private and in public, but with propriety, with gravity, not so as to make exhibitions of ourselves; let us weep for these, not one day, or two, but all our life. Such tears spring not from senseless passion, but from true affection. The other sort are of senseless passion. For this cause they are quickly quenched, whereas if they spring from the fear of God, they always abide with us. Let us weep for these: let us assist them according to our power; let us think of some assistance for them, small though it be, yet still let us assist them. How and in what way? By praying and entreating others to make prayers for them, by continually giving to the poor on their behalf." 
      Chrysostom here is talking of departed souls that he says need the intercession of the living Christians to help them in the hereafter.
      One Christian writer just sent to me that Christian clergy and the Church was given no authority to ever loose or bind sins of those in their local churches. One simple example since he says the Bible is his only source of authority I will give here. It is clearly written in the New Testament that when a local Christian or married couple acts scandulous in the local church, they may be confronted with two or more witnesses to accuse them of the scandal to Christianity they are committing. If they repent, fine. If they refuse to repent, they may according to Matthew 18:15-19 be charged before the whole local chuch, and if they refuse to repent then, they may be excommunicated from the church and no longer considered a brother or sister to their fellow Christians. They have been turned over to Satan and are now on their own separate from the church. The churches do not really practice excommunication in this day and time having dropped many of the practices of first Apostolic Christianity, but this excommunication is based on the authority of the Christian Church to banish someone from their fellowship and worship servics who refuses to live the life of a Christian and has become a scandal to local Christianity there. This authority is granted by Jesus Christ to the local churches to loose and bind sins when necessary, to the local bishops, and this authority to loose and bind sins was also granted to the Apostles of Jesus Christ and Jesus made a singular example of the Apostle Peter when granted this authority also. 
      I am sure that Jesus left a position of head of the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ, but understood steward under Jesus Christ. To found a world church with no leadership left to it defies all practical common sense. To say that whoever heads up with the titular or nominal position of religious steward can never do anything wrong is not accurate. But when right with the Lord, we Christians should back up when we can whoever is left with the lawful authority to act on behalf of the interests of Jesus Christ for this time period in history. If we get a false leader, then we under the Apostolic Constitution can remove the fake leader by general church council. But if he acts honorably with the authority delegated to him by Jesus Christ, we should respect him and his position in that case. Jesus did indicate by two Chief Steward prophecies for the Last Days that a special steward separate from the steward head of the Catholic Church which is Latin meaning the Universal Church founded by Jesus Christ would exist shortly before Jesus returns to earth. His function is separate from delegated head under Jesus for the Church on earth. Jesus indicates that he has temporal talents and will solve key problems for Christianity enabling Christianity to then effectively one last time evangelize the whole world about Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of mankind. Jesus indicated that He could return to earth while this Chief Steward was still alive or maybe soon after this Chief Steward of Jesus Christ is gone from the scene. Jesus by parable predicted twice this Chief Steward who is the anchor man to prepare the Christians for the return of Christ to earth and for the doubting world set up so they have no moral justification for ignorance when they reject Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior. Early Christianity considered Jesus to be their Lord meaning His teachings governed their daily life on earth. And Jesus was their Savior as they could get rewards for doing good in the right spirit, but only Jesus paid the price to get their salvation meaning life with God the Father for all eternity. They can't save themselves. Only Jesus can do that. But they can advance themselves with Jesus by their good works which show their love for Jesus and their fellow man on earth. Jesus looks to the heart of Christians. Those who acted out of love Jesus will be greatly rewarded for their life. Others giving Jesus little of their love, their life, or their loyalty, may still get saved but only by the skin of their teeth meaning they will get little reward for eternity as they wanted none from Jesus and cared little if any for His cause of Christianity on earth.
     Those wanting to see my proposed Omni Law, look at my website to read it. Those wanting to read my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" By Erasmus Of America (my pen name), it is listed on my website in either the PDF format version of 242 pages with the colored religious pictures from famous art classics for $25 or else the most expensive paper version both listed on the website. I have given a little flavor of the  type things in my book, but show pretty much key final teachings of early Apostolic Christianity, but left the prayer for the dead issue open to some debate. I got down to around 100 A.D. on that issue, but lacked a few earlier documents to close that issue as to final official stand for Apostolic Christianity. 
      My website is 
      My email My mailing address if needed for some orders mailed in is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 In that case, make the check, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for.
     Feel free to share this report with others as I am apparently the only source seriously wanting a total return to first Apostolic Christianity. Want to bet whether Jesus is on my side in this issue or not!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the one who saw in Revelation 2:26-28 that Jesus places top priority for Christians to push Apostolic Christianity in the final days which Jesus calls upholding His works on earth. Jesus plainly shows that He plans to give the top rewards for all eternity to those Christians who stand for His Apostolic Christianity rather than watered down or compromised or falsified or  capsule version abridged 10 second Christianityfor modern man on earth. Matthew 10:40 says, "He that receiveth you receiveth Me." That means if I am resurrecting total Apostolic Christianity correctly, then when you receive me as one to listen to, you are credited with receiving Jesus Himself in spirit. Also, as the Bible says, he or she that backs a prophet shares in a prophet's reward with Jesus Christ for all eternity. That means that the prophet's reward is a collective we, not I with Jesus and all counted champions of Apostlic Christianity with Jesus if the prophet shows an anointed message others have not or cannot deliver themselves. For reasons unknown to me, St. Padre Pio and several other holy men and one woman from different branches of Christianity all came to me and told me that Jesus wanted me to champion the resurrection of total Early Apostolic Christianity. One told me a secret no one knew about me. One predicted the major surprises and breakthroughs for the rest of my life until now. And one told me a secret event that would enable me to keep America out of a pending nuclear World War III when America was scheduled to be annihilated by the Soviet Union in 1990 or else 1991. I had been told in advance that the F.B.I. would be sent by the "dragon government" hidden in the mist in Wash., D.C. in a few weeks, but I was permitted by the Lord to help them. The F.B.I. met with me and to my surprise, admitted they said their F.B.I. files on me said I was one of the top military intelligence experts in America and they needed my help to keep America out of World War III with the Soviet Union. I had the answers the F.B.I. needed and saved America from pending Soviet Union attack when they had planned to annihilate America then. I won't say how, but I already had the nuclear attack plans of the Soviet Union then for the planned annihilation of America.)


Anonymous said...

" I think a full scale Congressional investigation needs to be promptly set up to investigate this entire GMO issue before it is too late to save the human race "

Yea, really?

That is really what you think?


Congress,yea, the saviors of the whole human race.

Pull my finger. Sorry but I had to stop reading this drivel right there.

Abby said...

Sorry, but each person has to do their own repenting while in this life. Nobody else can do it for them, and certainly not after they are dead.
A ''rotten christian'' is not a christian at all, for ''all sin separates man from God''. And ''today is the day of repentence''. This means you never know when your last day on this earth will be.
The bible is quite clear.

Anonymous said...

Yup, you're so right. Congress isn't going to do dick because they're totally compromised through bribery and blackmail. They're also scared shitless of the scumbags at Monsanto. A quiet revolution is the only thing that will save us, but unfortunately too many people are too stupid for their own good and would never go along with it. They think everything is fine while they gobble up $.99 gmo 'chicken' nuggets and other abominations because they think that's all they can afford to eat. We need to pray constantly that God will get us out of this horrible mess because He is the only one who can save us now!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tell Erasmus that the End Game has changed. I guess he didn't get the email. There will be no catastrophic events during these changes. Humanity, the Human kind, has won. We are One. and we have WON.

Anonymous said...

--"If first Christians saw nothing wrong in religious statues and paintings honoring Jesus and His followers, then neither do I see anything wrong with this for Christianity."--

There we go. Assuming traditions are acceptable and promoting them in contradiction to God's Word. That is how it's always done. The excuse, 'we're honoring God', has always been used to justify disobedience. What does God say?

"And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry..." -1 Samuel 15:22,23

The writings of Eusebius may be interesting; but, they do not overrule the law and the prophets. "First Christians" needed to go through a learning-curve, just like modern Christians. There were in-name-only Christians then, too. It is true, however, that not all artistic depictions were used in worship.

If Chrysostom truly believed the dead were alive somewhere, immediately after their death, he had apostatized from the teachings of the Apostles and Jesus Christ and the prophets of God. This can't be clearer. An honest and full investigation of the entire Bible will show this, beyond doubt. I have done it, and it is so. There are pages of references, straight from the Bible, to document the truth on the state of the dead and the afterlife. If the truth on this subject is rejected, the entire Christian concept, as described in the Bible, becomes a pile of refuse.

Yes, public sins and those who stubbornly hold to them, need to be removed from the church. This is a Biblical way to witness to the community that such sins are not acceptable; and from then on, to regard the unrepentant ones as "heathen". What is the Christian church commanded to do with the "heathen"? Win them to Christ, with God's love and truth.

"And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican." -Matthew 18:17

"But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen..." -Galatians 1:15,16

Is this the "excommunication" traditionally practiced by the RCC?

The comments on a "Chief Steward", and the interpretation given, are not Biblical. Too much has been read-into the parables where such an officer is metaphorically used. We are commanded NOT to add to God's Word. Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32, Revelation 22:18,19

Secrets and miracles can originate from God. They can also originate from Satan. Do not trust to supernatural phenomenon without discerning which power is generating it. God does not support falsehood with His miraculous power. Never has.

Erasmus of America said...

Dear Anonymous. A shame you didn't read the next line in the report which said the line you quoted "is a joke" meaning satire. Then Congress is roasted for being incapable of doing an honest, responsible, and timely investigation on a subject as deadly as the GMO Food issue. This report went on to say that only passage of the Omni Law will get an effective investigation of the GMO issue and prompt, responsible action to do what is necessary to solve the deadly threat hidden behind the GMO issue.
People who say they do not read past a certain line in a report should not criticize what they have not read by their own admission. Yours For God And Country, Erasmus of America