The Key to the
whole picture in all respects.
Walter Burien says:
The controllers do not play fair, and again as said previously they have the best talent that money can buy and can orchestrate events to pull the rug out from all with the stroke of a pen and a few executive orders signed and enforced.
Greed and opportunity has driven the Government gangs in concert with the industrial / financial cartels in concert for over a thousand years. The population was always viewed as a “Productivity unit” to be drained and managed. Never was a good thing for the population and never will be.
The key here that unlocks the vault, puts all on the same page for the first time in history, and is a win-win for one and all is to restructure government as a fiduciary trust manager where the wealth (both domestic and international) currently amassed by collective government is redirected and consolidated into a fiduciary trust structure having the “first line” objective to meet the budgetary requirements of all local governments from the investment return derived therefrom. One revenue source (investment return) replaces another revenue source(taxation). Taxation phased out and eliminated.
Here you have a prospering self perpetuating economy for the next 10,000 years and beyond.
The population maintains their productivity value building their wealth.
The Industrial / Financial cartels have virtually an unlimited source of capital reinvestment from these ever growing massive fiduciary trusts which I have entitled TRFs(Tax Retirement Funds), designed to do what they say: Retire Taxation.
Government administrations in a now very prosperous and with that expanding economy has truck-loads of cash rolling in from the returns generated annually from the TRF funds to easily meet their operating budgets.
Again, a win-win for all involved with for the first time in history, all on the same page.
The current course we find ourselves on with the continued expansion of the take out of simple greed and
opportunity applied from government through ever increasing taxation has created a runaway 200-car freight train going at 400 MPH down the track, heading for a 1-mile thick concrete wall. The collision is inevitable and will not be a pretty sight where all loose, government, the industrial / financial cartels, and the population
The TRF funding principle for government with taxation (all: Property, sales, personal, corporate) phased out and subsequently eliminated creates the start of the Millennium, a thousand years of prosperity for one-and-all, with all being on the same page for the first time in history.
Doing this is not an option, but a mandatory requirement to avoid that train collision if we all wish to survive. I say this not as an issue but as “the issue” that is the war we have found ourselves in at home that is permeating in a very negative fashion every aspect of our lives at this time.
I am a true believer in the David and Goliath story from the past. The Goliath in this circumstance we find ourselves in today generates trillions of dollars annually and has the best talent at its disposal, with an established network of no equal ever seen on this planet to date.
There is only one way to make this happen. The greed and opportunity principle must be implanted in the players of government and the industrial / financial cartels to make it happen for the superlative benefit of the planet (and themselves). How and whom can get the DC gangs brains churning away with a spark of excitement to make this happen?
Well, my focus at this time is to make it to DC for a two week extended trip to address the US Senate during open session for 1-hour and if it can be arranged to do the same for the House. If the necessary sponsorship comes in to get the job done, I will have one of the top ten accounting firms do a complete review of a local city, town, or county in the DC area and complete a TRF prospectus report outlining in detail consolidation, policy restructure, cross over times to meet the objective of the elimination of all taxation in that venue, and have that verified and certified prospectus report for printing and then distribution to the Senate, House, and associated committees. A blueprint that is applicable for every City, County and State in the Nation.
When the sponsorship and funding comes in and is met to do the job, scheduling to get the job done will commence. That can be accomplished by a call to me from one individual or a swarm of many to put this battle plan into motion.
I stand by waiting to fight this battle for one and all. Knowing myself, if this battle is played out, I think the war may just be won shortly thereafter. I can catch their undivided attention and motivate most of the DC gang to push forward with not just an opportunity, but a life defining opportunity for them of many lifetimes that stems back to the first human that stood upright on the planet.
Well, want to make it happen? Then do.
Truly Yours,
CAFR1 DONATION CLICK-ON TO ASSIST -![](file:///C:\Users\JOHNMA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image003.jpg)
I just left a comment to a
Detroit article at -
My comment posted expresses the Key to the whole picture in all respects. It is copied below and please share with your contacts and re-post for as many as possible to see in the shortest period of time.
My comment posted expresses the Key to the whole picture in all respects. It is copied below and please share with your contacts and re-post for as many as possible to see in the shortest period of time.
I hope what is written and
the bottom line stated moves and motivates many to move forward on and make the
stated objective happen.
Sent FYI from,
Walter Burien -
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
What I have always
found interesting is: Most large
cities, counties, and states are bringing in more money than Midas ever dreamed
about in his wildest dream, and for decades the general population was
masterfully entertained off into distraction by the gang to not look.
The population is
masterfully spoon fed one story line after another having nothing to do with
the total gross income, standing investment wealth, or exponential growth in
the take over 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years (the basics for each and every one of
us in our own personal lives) and as it pertains to your local governments a
well orchestrated and maintained, total vacuum / void is intentionally
maintained of the basics we keep up front and personal in our own lives since
we are kids up until we die.
I must say it brings a
smile to myself now after 14-years of my best efforts for disclosure though
over 600 radio shows done, several YouTubes, thousands of email posts sent, and
reaching over 55-million people that are now breaking breaking the ice for true
cognitive thinking.
People are now looking and
learning in numbers getting those life altering revelations that: The world is
not flat, we are not the center of the universe, and the world of government
collective take over of the wealth both domestic and international is much
different then we all were led to believe DUE TO THE MONEY, OWNERSHIP AND
Always remember ENRON
promoted their profits and hid their debt. Government does the exact opposite,
they promote their debt and hide (mask) their profits.
When the distractions are
moved to the side and the basics are looked at (breaking through that void and
vacuum maintained for 70-years) their scheme crumbles under true light shown.
With that noted, that is why the “Silence is Golden” rule has been strictly
enforced over the last 70-years. It was essential that they had the full
cooperation of the syndicated media, controlled education, and the two primary
political parties to pull off the Biggest Game in Town. Those heads of those
groups were included in on the loop for the last 70-years and the goal of
taking it all over by investment and securing the productivity value of an
entire nation was accomplished.
When the basics are
comprehended, then every issue then comes into clear light: Trade policy,
domestic policy, NAFTA, GATT, the Bailouts, Rigged elections, wars, interest
rate levels, promoted debt, masterfully presented distractions, the Terrorist
buzz words (you can not continue to take all that everyone owns and not expect
retaliation when and if the jig is up based on mass comprehension)
Government has
accomplished taking it all or in the position to take it all that remains. Each
and every day the population becomes a greater liability. The key focus of
government over the last decade as can be seen through those promoted shows of
Judge Judy, Cops, Jail, and 20 others of the like all have one theme that is
subliminally saturating the population over and over again. That being: Shut
up, follow instructions, and do what you are told.
On a last note, we all have
seen the non-stop coverage of the different instances of fanatics who went off
the edge and killed. New Town, etc. Today the focus was on the Colorado Theater
were 18 were killed and 70 wounded. While watching the News Helicopter filming
the theater from
above, I visualized a drone attack of which would have leveled the building and killed all if not most inside. Now ask yourself how many drone attacks our government are conducting each day and how many thousands are killed by them each week. If those events were given the same coverage and the follow-ups of each fatalities life, the men, woman, and children was then shown as was done for each incident in the US, the news media would not have the air time to do so by a factor of 500. Catch that reality check and a chill will go through you of the definition of true evil and how masterfully we are all entertained to be in a selective presentation state of being totally controlled in a disillusion state based on the well honed backed up by billion dollar budgets, the best talent that money can buy, for population control efforts carefully presented by the controllers..
above, I visualized a drone attack of which would have leveled the building and killed all if not most inside. Now ask yourself how many drone attacks our government are conducting each day and how many thousands are killed by them each week. If those events were given the same coverage and the follow-ups of each fatalities life, the men, woman, and children was then shown as was done for each incident in the US, the news media would not have the air time to do so by a factor of 500. Catch that reality check and a chill will go through you of the definition of true evil and how masterfully we are all entertained to be in a selective presentation state of being totally controlled in a disillusion state based on the well honed backed up by billion dollar budgets, the best talent that money can buy, for population control efforts carefully presented by the controllers..
The time is late, and the
population better stop spinning their wheels being directed into chasing
windmills. Those Jews, Pols, and other back in 1938 – 43 got on those train
cars believing they were being relocated to be in nice settlement communities
to be with their own kind, done so in their behalf. Also, 99% of the German
population thought the same was being done. Power corrupts and absolute power
corrupts absolutely. Once you have played the population to take all that they
own, after doing so, the same (the majority) just becomes a liability to be
dealt with and eliminated if needed.
Please for your sake and the
sake of your children and friends, realize you are in a real war on the
home-front. A war perpetuated and allowed by selective presentation and
carefully orchestrated masterful entertainment designed to make you an easy mark
for wealth transfer and if needed elimination. Read the writing on the wall as
to the position government is taking to “deal” with the population either dead
or alive. Connect the dots there, comprehend it, and realize the serious nature
of the circumstance building and expanding around us each and every day.
Again, it is a war, and 98% of the population
continues to be masterfully entertained to be in an intentionally orchestrated
delusional La-La land state for easy control and elimination if the circumstances
call for it. Know and learn the score, and force yourself to get a well focused
perception for immediate corrective action done so with true applied force.The controllers do not play fair, and again as said previously they have the best talent that money can buy and can orchestrate events to pull the rug out from all with the stroke of a pen and a few executive orders signed and enforced.
Greed and opportunity has driven the Government gangs in concert with the industrial / financial cartels in concert for over a thousand years. The population was always viewed as a “Productivity unit” to be drained and managed. Never was a good thing for the population and never will be.
The key here that unlocks the vault, puts all on the same page for the first time in history, and is a win-win for one and all is to restructure government as a fiduciary trust manager where the wealth (both domestic and international) currently amassed by collective government is redirected and consolidated into a fiduciary trust structure having the “first line” objective to meet the budgetary requirements of all local governments from the investment return derived therefrom. One revenue source (investment return) replaces another revenue source(taxation). Taxation phased out and eliminated.
Here you have a prospering self perpetuating economy for the next 10,000 years and beyond.
The population maintains their productivity value building their wealth.
The Industrial / Financial cartels have virtually an unlimited source of capital reinvestment from these ever growing massive fiduciary trusts which I have entitled TRFs(Tax Retirement Funds), designed to do what they say: Retire Taxation.
Government administrations in a now very prosperous and with that expanding economy has truck-loads of cash rolling in from the returns generated annually from the TRF funds to easily meet their operating budgets.
Again, a win-win for all involved with for the first time in history, all on the same page.
The current course we find ourselves on with the continued expansion of the take out of simple greed and
opportunity applied from government through ever increasing taxation has created a runaway 200-car freight train going at 400 MPH down the track, heading for a 1-mile thick concrete wall. The collision is inevitable and will not be a pretty sight where all loose, government, the industrial / financial cartels, and the population
The TRF funding principle for government with taxation (all: Property, sales, personal, corporate) phased out and subsequently eliminated creates the start of the Millennium, a thousand years of prosperity for one-and-all, with all being on the same page for the first time in history.
Doing this is not an option, but a mandatory requirement to avoid that train collision if we all wish to survive. I say this not as an issue but as “the issue” that is the war we have found ourselves in at home that is permeating in a very negative fashion every aspect of our lives at this time.
I am a true believer in the David and Goliath story from the past. The Goliath in this circumstance we find ourselves in today generates trillions of dollars annually and has the best talent at its disposal, with an established network of no equal ever seen on this planet to date.
There is only one way to make this happen. The greed and opportunity principle must be implanted in the players of government and the industrial / financial cartels to make it happen for the superlative benefit of the planet (and themselves). How and whom can get the DC gangs brains churning away with a spark of excitement to make this happen?
Well, my focus at this time is to make it to DC for a two week extended trip to address the US Senate during open session for 1-hour and if it can be arranged to do the same for the House. If the necessary sponsorship comes in to get the job done, I will have one of the top ten accounting firms do a complete review of a local city, town, or county in the DC area and complete a TRF prospectus report outlining in detail consolidation, policy restructure, cross over times to meet the objective of the elimination of all taxation in that venue, and have that verified and certified prospectus report for printing and then distribution to the Senate, House, and associated committees. A blueprint that is applicable for every City, County and State in the Nation.
When the sponsorship and funding comes in and is met to do the job, scheduling to get the job done will commence. That can be accomplished by a call to me from one individual or a swarm of many to put this battle plan into motion.
I stand by waiting to fight this battle for one and all. Knowing myself, if this battle is played out, I think the war may just be won shortly thereafter. I can catch their undivided attention and motivate most of the DC gang to push forward with not just an opportunity, but a life defining opportunity for them of many lifetimes that stems back to the first human that stood upright on the planet.
Well, want to make it happen? Then do.
Truly Yours,
Walter Burien –